What is the first measurement of blood pressure

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Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury. The first number, when the heart contracts, is the systolic blood pressure. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-first-measurement-of-blood-pressure ]
More Answers to “What is the first measurement of blood pressure
What is the first measurement of blood pressure
Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury. The first number, when the heart contracts, is the systolic blood pressure.
How to Take a Blood Pressure Measurement
・ 1 Move to a quiet area free from noise and distractions. ・ 2 Ask the individual being measured to be seated and sit up straight with both feet flat on the floor. ・ 3 Wrap the sphygmomanometer cuff around the upper part of the person’s non…
What is a blood pressure measurement?
A blood pressure measurement is expressed as two numbers, for example 132 / 74 (read as 132 over 74). In medical terms, these numbers are referred to as systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Systolic blood pressure—the top number—is the p…

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Blood pressure question?
Q: Hi allEverything that I read about taking my blood pressure measurement says to do everything possible to calm yourself and basically get the lowest reading possible. (Uncrossed legs, dont talk, go pee first, etc.).My question is, what if my bp is just at or slightly above the ‘normal’ level or in the pre-hypertension range most of the time when doing all of those things, but when I am up and about, walking, exercising, and basically doing normal things in everyday life, and it’s usually in the “High” range?It would at least seem to me that if my bp is normally (from daily activities) in a high range, that it would be dangerous?Just trying to understand this whole bp thing.thanks for any replies.My BP lately has beein averageing (while sitting at rest) in the ‘pre-hypertension’ range. about 131/75.
A: If you get mad, excited, or doing physical labor, then it is normal for your blood pressure to peak. What you need to check on is this: what is your blood pressure when you’re relaxed? So if you’ve got hypertension at a relaxed state, then you’ll most probably need to be put on medicines. I’m sure you already know to cut back on your sodium intake. Work closely with your doctor, and if you don’t understand anything, make sure you have him explain it to you. If need be, write down your questions at home, then ask him when you go to his office. I wish you the best of luck.
question about the ob/gyn?
Q: Okay, I was just thinking about this but when I was pregnant I got a referral from my pcp well when I started going, even at the first visit he never talked to me about what I shouldn’t eat, or what I should, he also never even spoke with me about what type of prenatal vitamins to take, I thought it was a little odd that he never mentioned anything about that. Was that normal of him? It’s weird because the only thing he ever did when I went in was blood pressure, weight, and later on measurement and then I would leave, it usually took no longer than 5 minutes. Is it normal for them to not tell you about what will happen unless you ask specifically?
A: Some questions you may have to ask specifically. I do find it odd he didn’t give you a prescription for prenatal vitamins. My OB was very thourough at my first appointment. She came in and talked to me for probably 10 minutes, then left while I got undressed then came back in and did my pap since I was past due and reg ob exam. Then she left while I got dressed then took me to another room where she did my first ultrasound and talked with me some more. By the time she was done, I didn’t even have any questions! I guess it just depends on the dr.
Feel like they rent doing enough to find out whats happening with my baby and that they are too relaxed? LONG?
Q: Im 37 weeks 2 days, my fundal height (tummy measurement) is only 34cm and my baby is only measuring between 34 and 35 weeks on ultrasound. Now i know ultrasound measurements can be off, but her measurements were well below average and the tech said they are only off by 15%, so if i added 15% she is still below average. Also some of you will say “due dates are only a guess”. True! However, if they pushed my due date back any more i wouldnt have even been pregnant when i tested. I tested a few days before my period and it came out positive, went for a scan and they put me back 9 days to 2weeks and 4days. So really only 4 days pregnant as they add 2 days. My due date was changed from the 9th november to the 18th. So no, my due date cant be pushed back anymore.They (specialist and ultrasound tech) cant find any reason for my baby being so small. My placenta *seems* to be working fine, the baby is getting sufficent blood from my placenta and there is enough fluid around the baby. There were no kinks/knots in the cord or anything. I spent about 4 hours in hospital today being monitored and her heartbeat, fetal movement and everything was fine. Had another ultrasound done by the hospital and yeah, she was small, tiny infact (thats what the trainee lady said who was watching “yes she is tiny”) she is only just above the 5% line, if she was on or below that i would be getting induced asap, but she is literally like 3 or 4% over the line.My midwife if quite concearned as my first (this is my second) was 8lb 10oz and this babies guessed weight was only 4lb 2oz. She also said she is stumped and worried because they cant find any medical reason for why she is so small. She said if it were up to her she would induce me this week, as she said that sometimes ultrasounds dont pick up everything and that she would probably do better outside the womb than being kept in it. However, the hospital wont induce me as they cant find anything ‘wrong’ with me or the baby. Blood pressure fine, eating averagely, but much better now i know she is not growing, exercising almost every day. The hospital has said to go back for another scan when i will be 39 weeks and if she is still measuring small (well its not like she is magically going to put on like 4lb in 2 weeks) then they will *probably* induce me just before my due date.Now me, im dont usually worry about anything. However this my my daughters life. Im stressing, i know i shouldnt be, but my midwife is concerned which makes me concerned. I feel like they should be trying to do more to rule out any possibility, no matter how small it is. Shouldnt they do a blood test or a urine sample or an internal exam or something? I just feel like the hospital is too relaxed! I voiced my concerns to the hospital specialist i saw today but all he said was “since there is enough fluid and she is active we will just leave her in there”.I can tell you, if something goes wrong in the next few weeks i will be taking the hospital to the cleaners! I dont feel like they were thorough enough! agh! Im probably just paranoid. stupid pregnancy crapThanks first answerer! I asked if they could induce me anyway since my midwife is still concerned and they said that only intervene when necessary. Yes i agree, that once you hit 37 weeks you should be able to demand to be induced. I mean you can request to deliver by c section? So whats the difference? Its not the weight that is worrying to my midwife, it is her head circumference and her abdominal circumference which are only about 2% above the 5% emergency line
A: The average for 37 weeks is 6.3lbs — and that is an average so some babies will be smaller, some larger.A full term baby can measure under 5lbs and be just fine. I would say if they checked the placenta and flow is good, your baby is moving well and the heartrate is fine — you might just be having a teeny baby. It happens.How about you cut the exercise to 30 minutes of moderate walking a day? That way more calories will go toward the baby instead of you burning them up exercising. Really 20-30 minutes a day of moderate intensity is enough especially at this stage.You say you are “eating much better now” that you know she isn’t growing, well if you weren’t eating well before that could be some reason for the growth restriction. But really some babies are just small… and do take comfort — ultrasound guesses are usually VERY far off. They told my best friend that her baby was “just under 7lbs”… her baby was 9lbs 14oz when she delivered 2 days later. So they can indeed be very very wrong with guesstimates.
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