What is the worst thing you can do to cause a miscarriage

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A:Maternal infection with a large number of different organisms has been associated with an increased risk of miscarriage. ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-worst-thing-you-can-do-to-cause-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What is the worst thing you can do to cause a miscarriage
What Is The Worst Things To Take When Pregnant – (Causing Miscarr…?
If you are trying to conceive, it is best to avoid alcohol, tobacco, second hand smoke, narcotics and many over the counter medications. To err on the side of caution, treat your body as if you were pregnant and you will have better results…
What are some things that are bad to do while pregnant and will c…?
In most cases, there’s nothing you can do to prevent a miscarriage. Take the best care of your health you can and avoid stress!

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Can you help me to figure out what might of caused my miscarriage?
Q: I Just had a miscarriage at 12 weeks along. I know that most likely its nothing I did to cause it and they are pretty common.This was my first pregnancy. I do have somethings that I suspect could of done it. Do you think any of these things could of caused it?1. Before I got pregnant I got diagnosed with Hpv because of abnormal papsmear and I have to have a colposcopy done to see if I have Cancer. I also had some Irregular periods.2. Right before I miscarried I did fall going up some stairs at work, didnt land on my stomache though.3. I had a bad yeast infection during my pregnancy and used over the counter monistat to treat it.4. I also had a strept B infection in my urine and took amoxycillin to treat it.Does it sound like any of these things could of caused my miscarriage? Also at 8 weeks along I had an ultrasound that showed a very healthy heartbeat. Thank you for any input.
A: As a nurse, I will tell you this: a fetus is tougher and more resilient than you can possibly imagine. They are designed to survive, no matter what. The series of events you describe would be no more than a blip on the radar screen of a healthy, viable fetus. Most spontaneous miscarriages occur because something goes wrong in the development of the fetus, rendering it no longer viable, which causes the body to expel it (miscarriage). Nothing you did hurt your child. Nothing you could have done would have saved it. I am very sorry for your loss. Your heartache will someday become a memory, I promise.
Pregnacy and horror stories?
Q: why is it that when you are pregnant people instist on telling you horror stories about things that go wrong? i know this one girl that i swear sits at home thinking of the worst things possible to tell me. ex. she had a friend who is the same amount of weeks i am (and her friends always seem to be the same as me) and she had a bad miscarriage or another friend who thought she was pregnant but it was an empty sack. and it is not just her, alot of people tell you about miscarriages and bad things that can go wrong. is it so you lay awake at night worring? cause that is what i do. or is it they really have no common sense. what should i tell these people (instead of go f**k yourself!!! lol)ps just like on here, people have to give rude answers to something you are trying to ask.
A: I had a bad experience with my last pregnancy — I had twins, but delivered at 25 weeks due to serious complications and one was stillborn and the other died after 10 days. Sometimes I tell people the story not to scare them, but to help them get some perspective. Some people are INCREDIBLY focused on the sex of the baby or who to invite to the shower or what kind of curtains to put in the baby’s room, and I tell them what happened to me because I want to help them see that sometimes what SEEMS so important isn’t important at all. It wouldn’t matter at all what kind of curtains you had or who came to the shower if you knew your baby only had 10 days to live. That’s the only reason I tell the story — because I hope people will stop and think about what is truly important and count their blessings instead of focusing on things that don’t matter.
Miscarriage..since the pregnate area isn’t working on my yahoo… But answer please? =/?
Q: Well I just looked really fast online and it seems i had one more or less.About 24 days ago I had sex[it broke] then the next day used Plan B.Now that was about 24 days ago since I got on the pills the same dayNow 2 days ago I started on the green pillsI had no signs like I normally do and I was sick. Then today I had more spotting bleeding and had really bad cramps so I used a pad. When I looked it was different;There was the smell of me, blood and something else, for some odd reason it made me wanna puke. It was kinda felt rubbery but if you tried to stretch it it broke, it was also sticky.I am just mildly confused on what happened since I NEVER ever had anything like that come out.Did the Plan B not work and the birth control or something cause this.. or did I even have a miscarriage?Odd thing is… I was pretty sick before and now I better w/ no meds, it usely takes me longerShould I see a doctor? Kinda hard to but if NEEDED i can.Thank you for your answers once you do
A: i still think it is wierdi don’t know what to tell youbtw this is anthony loli just hope it gets better babyi think you should look more around online and see and we can talk to some people and what notwe will see how it goes
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