What pills could cause a miscarriage

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A:No pill will cause a miscarriage.It’s often not clear why a miscarriage occurs,but in many cases it is believed that a fetus(more) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-pills-could-cause-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What pills could cause a miscarriage
The pills used in a induced miscarriage, aka abortion, are Mifepristone (also known as RU-486) and Misoprostol. They can only be used up to the 9th week.
the morning after pill is to prevent pregnancy! They wouldnt have a miscarriage cus of this pill its a form of emergency contraception. If they went to a clinic say planned parenthood and were given a pill while already pregnant to have an …
No pill will cause a miscarriage.It’s often not clear why a miscarriage occurs,but in many cases it is believed that a fetus(more)

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Q: I have a question… my friend who isn’t on birth control thought she was pregnant so she took 2 doses of 4 pills each over 2 days of OrthoNovum 1/50 thinking she could cause a miscarriage if she was pregnant. Is this possible? I have heard of women getting pregnant on the pill and having normal babies in 9 months but not of someone using the pill this way… what do you all think? If there’s a doctor/nurse in the house, awesome… I’d really like to know…
A: It won’t cause a miscarriage, but it will possibly cause damage to the baby. Stupid move on your friends part. Tell her to go to a doctor.
Can taking medications cause miscarriages?
Q: I’m not sure if I am pregnant or not but I wasn’t feeling good and so I decided to take tylenol and motrin and I wanted to know if that may cause a miscarriage? If you do know could you please provide me lots of details on what happens after getting a miscarriage from taking these pills? Thank you.
A: Causes of miscarriages are complex and they sometimes are caused by medications, but medications are not the only reason miscarriages occur. Motrin, which contains Ibuprofen should not be taken during the last 3 months of pregnancy. Tylenol is thought to be relatively safe during pregnancy. However, you should always consult your Obstetrician when taking any medications during pregnancy, even over-the-counter meds. And furthermore, some meds may be relatively safe at a certain point in the pregnancy but may be dangerous at other times during the pregnancy. This is so because the medication may have another effect (side-effect) when the fetus is at certain stages of development. Medication is classified by category (A,B,C,.. and X) X being by far the worst and X means that there is overwhelming evidence that this medication is detrimental to the fetus. There may be many reasons why you aborted and it may not be because of the meds, You will probably never know for sure, It may be that the fetus had some other problem and would have aborted anyway even if you didn’t take the meds, It is thought that pregnant women should avoid all medications unless they have a medical condition such that not taking meds for that condition will be worse on the fetus than treating the condition.The government frowns upon doing experiments (or research) on pregnant women to see what effect certain meds have upon a developping fetus. So all the evidence is anecdotal or at least not confirmed by proper studies. Doctors know from cases where pregnant women took certain meds without consulting their doctors or when the medications where necessary in saving the life of the mother that these meds have a detrimental effect upon the fetus. An example is benzodiazepines, These are known to be detrimental. Also all cancer meds are known to be teratogenic (causes miscarriages). Other meds are classified by what doctor believe are detrimental in some anecdotal cases. And again a particular med can have no effect at a certain time during the pregnancy but be bad at other times.
OrthoNovum 1/50 and Miscarriage?
Q: I have a question… my friend who isn’t on birth control thought she was pregnant so she took 2 doses of 4 pills each over 2 days of OrthoNovum 1/50 thinking she could cause a miscarriage if she was pregnant. Is this possible? I have heard of women getting pregnant on the pill and having normal babies in 9 months but not of someone using the pill this way… what do you all think? If there’s a doctor/nurse in the house, awesome… I’d really like to know…
A: DO NOT DO THIS! This can and does not only cause death, but some have strokes and end up in a wheelchair the rest of their lives. There is a pill specifically for this. You can get it from your doctor. Your doctor IS NOT allowed to tell your parents.
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