What r the signs of a miscarriage

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “What r the signs of a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:Cramping and vaginal bleeding are the most common symptoms noticed with miscarriage. However, they do not always mean miscarriage. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-r-the-signs-of-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What r the signs of a miscarriage
What r the signs of a miscarrige?
It depends on the week/month you are in and what causes the miscarriage. If it is a “natural” event, something the body is doing because the embryo is not developing well, it will hurt a little (sometimes more, sometimes less), yo…
What r the after signs of a miscarriage?
after a miscarriage or an abortion u body undergoes a lot of changes, first of all u start bleedin for more than a week some people can bleed for almost 4 or six weeks. u lose weight n ur face becomes as pale as a cadaver. some people suffe…
Is diarrhea a sign of a miscarriage?
Diarrhea often accompanies contractions. Anytime you have diarrhea when pregnant, you should let your ob/gyn know. That said, you need to relax and not be waiting for symptoms. After two miscarriages, my third (first successful) pregnancy w…

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Q: Iam 18weeks and 1 day i really dont feel my baby move maybe sometimes once and the next day nothin….this is my first pregnancy?
A: This is very common for 18 weeks along. I had the same fear this time around since this is my 2nd pregnancy and my little girl is quite quiet. I’m now 26 weeks and feel her a lot more. When I first started feeling her, I was around 15-16 weeks. Then I didn’t feel her for a few days and did again once a day for a few more days. Then none at all. The fetus is so small still at 18 weeks that you may not feel anything if the baby is turned toward your back, but when he or she turns around again you will. Don’t worry yet. Around 21-22 weeks, you should feel your baby everyday. I was scared at first too. This is what my doctor told me. Now my baby moves all the time like crazy!
what r the signs of a miscarriage?
Q: what happens and what do i to look for
A: I have had two miscarriages.The first one was at 8 weeks along. I started bleeding heavy right away. I bleed heavy for two days before I passed the baby. The baby was the size of a quarter and you couldn’t see the actual baby. It was in a redish black ball. I was lucky and I didn’t have any serious cramping. Only pains I would get if I was having a normal period. With my second miscarriage, I was only 6 weeks along and I started spotting. Real light spotting for the first 3-4 hours and then I started bleeding like a regular period. I didn’t have any cramps at all that time. If you miscarry and feel a lot of pain then you need to go to the doctor to make sure you pass all of the baby. If there is blood clots and peices in your uterus they might have to do a D&C to clean you out so you don’t get an infection. I was lucky (So to speak) when I miscarriage, because it was easy on my body. So if you start spotting and then bleed, while pregnant, then your having a miscarriage. Or if you bleed heavy from the get go, you are having a miscarriage.
Is this good at 11 weeks 2 days pregnant?
Q: I had a scan yesterday and they dated my baby at 11 weeks 2 days this was the report they saidGest sac onefetal pole yesfetal heart yesyolk sac yesfetal movement yessry if im acting stupid just so scared is these signs all good round this time and what r the chances of miscarriage nothx
A: Yes that means healthy baby!
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