What to do if there is a miscarriage

Health related question in topics a Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “What to do if there is a miscarriage”,you can compare them.

A:If you have miscarried, your doctor will do a pelvic exam and an ultrasound test to confirm the miscarriage. If the uterus is MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-to-do-if-there-is-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “What to do if there is a miscarriage
Can you be more specific on your question? If you had a miscarriage, you had a miscarriage. There’s nothing you can do.
Most MISCARRIAGES happen very early in pregnancy, so there isn’t much of a “baby” as there is a cluster of cells. For later-term miscarriages, usually a D&C is performed by a doctor to remove the tissue. Occasionally they run …
Once a miscarriage early in the pregnancy has started, there is rarely anything you can do to save the baby; in most cases, the fetus has already died and your body is just expelling it. Once the cramping has started, rest and make an appoi…

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Q: i had a d&c may 5th at 11 weeks pregnant. i bled for almost 2 weeks. i started my period june 6th. it hasnt gotten any heavier than a light period. today is day 10 and still bleeding!! i have been taking prenatals and red rasberry vitamines. could the red rasberry vitamines be the cause of this long period??? should i stop taking them and see what happens? on the bottle it actually says that it can help DECREASE menstral bleeding and it helps build up your uterus so that there is a lesser chance of miscarriage. does this mean i will start late next month? i just dont know how this all works. i dont know if i will ovulate this month or not bc i have bled for so long. anybody have any insight on this? we want to start ttc again next month and use clomid again since we know that works for us. i got pregnant on my 2nd round of clomid 100mg last time. if my period does this next month then i wont know when to baby dance or take my clomid….just confused :(we arent ttc this month. my doctor wanted us to wait for my 2nd cycle before we ttc again so thats what we are doing. i have already called my doctor about it and she said that this is not uncommon but that if i am still bleeding by the end of next week to call back.
A: There really isn’t one correct answer. I had a d and c after a miscarriage at 6 weeks. I bled for 7 weeks after that and had to take a month of birth control to stop the bleeding. It was a hormone thing b/c after the birth control i had a normal period. I would stop taking the raspberry vitamins just so you can rule them out. My periods are different after all that. You can either call your doc and mayby take a month of birth control or wait a week or so and see if it stops.
Is there an insurance that can cover my miscarriage without me being legal in the United States?
Q: I was pregnant last year and had a miscarriage when I was 2 months pregnant. I went to the hospital and was later billed for about $3,000. The nurse there had told me that because I was an immigrant there is no type of coverage I can get for the miscarriage only if would of I had the baby then I could be covered with emergency medicaid. Please let me know what I can do besides getting on a payment plan. Thank You.
A: Sorry for your loss. I’d say contact your local DHS office and ask them. I’m thinking no though. Sorry.
Are there others out there who feel depressed long after a miscarriage?
Q: It’s been over a year now, June 23, 2005 to be exact that I lost my Cayden to a miscarriage. I used to be so happy before the pregnancy, I could bounce back from pretty much anything. Recently, I’ve began to notice that I’m not that happy person anymore. I’m tired, grumpy, feel like crying a lot (which I never did before), and worst of all, I feel like my 11 year old daughter is being deprived of her once happy mother (this thought alone puts tears in my eyes). Very recently I spoke to a friend who said she was going through the same thing, after having a miscarriage two years ago. She went to her doctor who told her she was having symptoms of depression. She is now on meds, and says she is doing much better. What I am wondering is if anyone else has experienced this feeling after miscarriage, and if so, has taken meds for depression with similar results. Will I be able to find that happy woman once again, or will losing my son continue to have this tremendous affect on my life.
A: I am young 20 to be exact so you may not value my opinion as much as others, but i have been through so much. I Lost my son paul when I was 5 and a half months pregnant with him. That was back on may 20, 2003. It’s been over 3 years and the pain has not subsided. I still feel like crying every day and I still feel depressed, but I did go to my doctor 6 months after I lost him and he too tried to tell me I was depressed and needed meds. I refused to take them as it is completley normal to feel upset when losing a loved one, especially your own child. I am now married to the baby’s father and we have been dealing with the sadness together for 3 years. It will never go away but talking about it does help. It took me a long time to relize that everything happens for a reason, all you can really do is accept what happened as part of God’s plan and know that your child is in a better place. Never forget it because that would not be fair to your child. You feel so much pain because you loved that child and the only way to stop the pain would be to stop loving the child and I know you don’t want to do that. It does take time but eventually you will be able to be the Happy wonderful mom that you were, sit down with your daughter and tell her how you feel and that might give you peace as well. I know that some of the best people for me to talk to about my feelings were my younger brothers and sisters ( I have 12 so there was a lot of support)because they were so inoccent and knew exactly what to say to make me feel better. Your daughter may be the key to you coming to peace with this, that can be special time you share with her and will make her feel honored that you could talk to her about it. I hope this helps in some way!My Prayers are with you
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