What? does The prescription medication "toprol" do

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Toprol is used to treat angina (chest pain) and hypertension (high blood pressure). It is also used to treat or prevent heart attack. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what%3F-does-the-prescription-medication-%22toprol%22-do ]
More Answers to “What? does The prescription medication "toprol" do
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Restoril is used to treat insomnia symptoms, such as trouble falling or staying asleep.
How do I dispose of prescription medication?
Prescription medication should not be flushed or placed in your garbage container. Please take all prescriptions to the Material Recovery Facility. Visit http://www.wpwma.com/pdf/hhw_brochure.pdf for more information.
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Q: I think it means it’s a certain type of painkiller. My friend, sitting here, says it means it’s anti-acid reflux-type medication. There’s 5 bucks on the line, folks. Help us out.I couldn’t find a sepcific category for prescrip. medication. Hope this in the right place…
A: It’s just part of the drug name and it stands for ‘new’.
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Q: In listening to healthcare speakers I thought I remembered that the typical prescription medication will have on average of 8 side effects. Does anyone have the reference or study for that estimate? I’m not claiming that number is accurate and that is why I’m asking if anyone knows what that number is.I don’t know why but I asked this question on Answers Yahoo last week and my question got deleted. It seems like a very reasonable question to ask.Thanks.
A: I used to work in health care and in “assisted medication.” Generally speaking, most meds have 5-7 “common” side effects. Unusual side effects can be much higher, as many as 25 or more.
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