When you have a miscarriage do you bleed for a long time

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A:Heavy bleeding that soaks a pad in a few hours or less is a sign of a miscarriage. A little bit of bleeding is OK, but call a Dr. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-you-have-a-miscarriage-do-you-bleed-for-a-long-time ]
More Answers to “When you have a miscarriage do you bleed for a long time
Is it normal to not pass a miscarriage for a long time?
It can take up to 2 weeks to pass.Its quite normal not to bleed or have pain although when it happens you may do. I miscarried at 8 weeks and had bleeding for 1 week before then ablot 10 minutes of pain while i passed the clots then bleedin…
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Joy, I don’t believe they would say to wait for your gynae’s appointment. I think they would examine you and give you an u/s. Then you will know one way or another what is happening. When you present to hospital you are then charted so it i…
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If she feel like she has lost her innocence about pregnancy and has high anxiety about the idea of getting pregnant again after a miscarriage.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

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Q: recently i went to the doctor because i am 4 weeks pregnant and i had some bleeding. it was light brownish at first then went to pink then to dark red and kinda clotty then it stopped a couple hours later. the bleeding was only a day and a half though. the doctor took a blood test and i wont know until tuesday what the results are. i am just kind of curious if that could be a miscarriage because i heard that when you miscarriage you bleed for a long time.. if you could please help and tell me what it is or what you might think it is, it would be sooo helpful.. thanks!
A: At around 4 wks of pregnancy, the embryo actually implants itself in your uterus. There could be light bleeding as a result of this implantation. It is usually light enough to not require a pad.Also it is quite normal within the first trimester of bleeding to experience some light bleeding which poses no risk to the baby. What you should look for that would be worrisome is bleeding that is equivalent to a period. If you start saturating one maxipad every hour for 4 hours or more then you should see your doctor. Usually the blood in a miscarriage is also bright red in color. Also keep in mind that when you are pregnant, your cervix increases its blood supply. So any type of vaginal penetration, whether it be intercourse or a pelvic exam could also lead to light vaginal bleeding.the doctor likely took a Beta HCG test which is a hormone test to determine the status of the fetus/embryo. Based on your description, I would not worry. But as a precaution, when you do have any amount of bleeding, it is good to avoid intercourse or any vaginal penetration until you see your doctor.
Just had a miscarriage at just over 5 weeks, when should bleeding stop(from experience??)?
Q: I know, its a ‘how long is a piece of string’ question. This is my 2nd miscarriage, this time, its only 5 weeks and no products of conception could be seen on my scan yesterday, just a lil blood. Only a blood test told the midwives I was in fact pregnant.I’m sure this will be reffered to now as a chemical pregnancy. I was bleeding rather heavy, with a lot of small clots and tissue.(sorry if thats TMI)Have you ever had a miscarriage this early? How long did you bleed for? And how was your cycles afterwards?
A: I had one at 6.5 weeks I bleed for about 5 days. i think
Am i supposed to bleed like this for this long during a miscarriage?
Q: PLEASE READ ALL!! Ok here’s the thing…..in Janurary i felt that i mite be pregnant and i had like all the symptoms and everything….and i was nauseated which i never am even when sick and when i have the fever so….eventually i took a pregnancy test and it said negative….btw i was about 6 weeks after my last period and so i thought everything was cool and then i had these realy sharp cramps…btw i dont usually have cramps during my period….the next day i started spotting and im like ok this is my period so im realy not pregnant like it said….then the next day it went away and then the next day it came back then im like whoa maybe im just spotting because i realy am pregnant and note, that i still have symptoms….cramps; ect….then the next couple of days the bleeding started getting heavier and brighter and my symptoms were gone and im like ok this is realy my period and im not pregnant but i still kinda had minor cramps and then my period never stopped and just kept going and going and never stopped and with it there were like bright red blood clots that would come out almost every time i used the toilet and now im thinking ok i might be having a miscarriage….even tho i have been bleeding for about 5, going 6 weeks now…..is this supposed to happen?…i dont have money for the clinic or doctor or anything like that! did i have a miss miscarriage?….is my body still trying to abort the baby but needs something to give it an extra push so it can come out?….what’s up with my body?….is this suppposed to happen?….i feel fine now…but every every now and then i feel my stomache have like a tiny cramp so idk…has anybody experienced this!?….THANK YOU SO MUCH IN ADVANCE! 😀
A: Hey hunny. I have never miscarried so I’m not an expert but my dr told me that if it is bright red blood than more than likely it is a miscarriage but if its brown blood it is not a miscarriage.
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