Why do they after you work out

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Bulging veins occur in the capillaries as a result of the rise in arterial blood pressure during exercise causes plasma MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-they-after-you-work-out ]
More Answers to “Why do they after you work out
Does Viagra still work after they expire
After any medication expires, no on can really predict how effective it will be. Some people have taken Viagra without negative effects beyond the expiration date.Viagra can also become toxic after the expiration date taken with other antib…
How does the morning after pill work?
The way the morning after pill works is it will stop an egg from being released and/or stop the sperm from fertilizing an egg. There is a small window if you want to go this route which is 5 days. You can find more information here: http:…
Does the morning after pill work?
Just wanted to clear something up: emergency contraception does not abort or “murder” a baby. If you are already pregnant, it will not do anything to the fetus. What it can do is prevent the egg from implanting – basically, it can…

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WHy do I feel exhausted after working out when everyone else seems to say they feel more energetic?
Q: I used to work out a lot, and have recently started again. Other fellow exercisers and things I have read here and there seem to indicate that working out gives you more energy. I usually feel exhausted after working out – and I am not talking about immediately afterwards, I am talking about about 1 hour afterwards. Both my body feels tired, and my eyesWhat am I doing wrong??
A: you dont eat enough. eat 1.5 to 2 hours before exercise.a lite snack like an apple, orange and piece of string cheese with skim milk.
Why do legs feel so stiff after work out?
Q: After I work out and I’m walking back to my apt, My legs feel out of this world hard! When I’m walking I feel like I’m not even walking on my own legs, they feel like a stack of hard stiff bricks. Does this mean that I am over doing the work out on my legs? The intense stiff feeling only last about a half hour. Also Is it possible to work out so hard that you start burning muscle?
A: working out kills the muscle cells and they regrow stronger. youre just feeling the time without many muscle cells.
blood sugar levels went high after work out? any insight why?
Q: My blood sugar level before i worked was 90 and after i worked out is was 163. Does any one know why it went so high after my workout. I did not eat anything before my workout because my sugar was good. I ran for about 10 minutes and am a little confused. It is like either way you try to control your sugar it never works. they say working out is good for you but runs your sugar really high.I am a type 1 diabetic
A: You body felt it needed more energy and so the liver released extra glocose.
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