Why would it cause chest pain

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why would it cause chest pain”,you can compare them.

When there is insufficient blood pressure to deliver blood to the coronary arteries (the arteries that supply blood to the heart’s muscle), a person can develop chest pain (a symptom of angina) or even a heart attack. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-would-it-cause-chest-pain ]
More Answers to “Why would it cause chest pain
Can cold water cause chest pains
Swallowing very cold water or being immersed in very cold water can cause chest pain; to be safe get checked by a doctor. ChaCha!
What can cause chest pain?
Chest pain can be a symptom of a number of issues in the body. Chest pain can be a symptom of a heart attack or lung problems. Consult a physician if the pain continues.
Can stress cause chest pain?
Well recently stress has been related to chest pain. Several times chest pain is not heart related and it can be due to stress, depression and anxiety. Chest pain is among one of the many symptoms of stress.

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Q: I noticed an odd thing that has happened 3 times to me now after drinking specifically Leinenkugel’s Sunset Wheat beer. Shortly after drinking it, I will have an irritation in my esophagus that feels like a mix of pain and heartburn. The feeling the first time I drank this beer caused a couple of shooting pains into my throat, and the pain lasted all of the next day as well. I didn’t consider the beer at first, because I was at a friend’s house whose 1-year old was getting breathing treatments for a cold and thought it was an adverse reaction to that. But tonight I had one of these beers at home and started to get the pain again. I drink different kinds of beer on a semi-regular basis, and this is the only one that has ever done this. No other wheat beers I’ve tried have either. Could it be an allergy of some kind? Any thoughts?
A: Change to another beer and find out.
Why would a aching chest cause shortness of breath ?
Q: It took me awhile to learn why i’m having chest pain. My mom suggested that it’s probably because of my mattress, and she’s absolutely right.I can’t get a new mattress just yet.The whole mystery that i’m trying to figure out is …Why is this chest pain contributing to my shortness of breath ?I sigh alot, even if i’m sitting down watching t.v.( I take alot of deep breaths )
A: If it’s ur mattress then its because when your lying down on your back, or your stomach. it’s going to put pressure on you lungs and your chest is gonna hurt because its going to try to give out air like it normally would, it over works and it causes your chest to hurt.Hope it HelpsNathalie ♥
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Q: I have been haveing pain in the left side of my chest above my breast,I have had my heart checked out and nothing shows up! I had blood work done back in march and nothing! I went to a chiropractor for 3 months and the pain started to go away. Now I get the pain again and if I rub the spot it makes it hurt worse.I also have a hiadia hernia and my stomach has been realy bothering me and I feel so bloted. I was on previcid for this for 2 months and then it didn’t seem to be helping me. Does any one know why I would be haveing chest pain?
A: hey i had that happen and i just pulled a muscle really bad… i think from sleeping the wrong way or something
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