Will smoking cigarettes cause you to have a miscarriage

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A:It’s not as simple as “smoke a cigarette = miscarriage”. What scientists have found is that smokers tend to have more miscarriages than nonsmokers. It’s also harder for them to conceive and have a fully healthy baby. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-smoking-cigarettes-cause-you-to-have-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “Will smoking cigarettes cause you to have a miscarriage
Will smoking cigarettes cause you to have a miscarriage
It’s not as simple as “smoke a cigarette = miscarriage”. What scientists have found is that smokers tend to have more miscarriages than nonsmokers. It’s also harder for them to conceive and have a fully healthy baby. ChaCha!
Can smoking less than 7 cigarettes a day cause a miscarriage??
Smoking period can cause a miscarriage. All of the toxins in the cigarettes are terrible on a fetus. Quitting smoking is a very hard thing to do, but if you ‘re pregnant, do it for your baby.

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Q: We have been trying to get pregnant for 3 yrs. and nothing! I believe I had one miscarriage this yr cause I had all the symptoms but I still had a period but my mother had a period when she was pregnant with me so Im not sure if that will carry over. I like to be honest to get the best advice and I have been changing some things so maybe we will have good news soon! My husband has been smoking weed since a young child we just both have quit 3 months ago! We also smoke cigarettes now the moment if I thought I was pregnant all that would stop! could that be the reason. His cum sometimes falls out of me !! why is that???We are good people and would love to have kids.. I am 22 so we are still young.. WOuld like to hear what you think! I was on birth control @ 17 off @ 18.. The doctor recommended it to me! He also did an ultra sound on me and said I am very fertile but that was when I was 17. Thank you for your advice 🙂
A: tell your husband he needs to quit smoking. it could be lowering his sperm count! and make sure youre having sex around ovulation, which usually happens midway through your cycle. if you have a 28 day cycle, you should ovulate around the 14th day (beginning from the first day of your period), but you should have sex each day from the 10th day to the 16th day just to be sure!if that doesnt work for you, you should talk to your doctor and possibly have your husband’s fertility checked. there are several ways to icnrease sperm count… but start with him stopping smoking!good luck 🙂
Can someone please read this argument essay and tell me how to improve it?(10 points)?
Q: Smoking should be banned in England completely!Our country can be an unpleasant and dirty place to live. No matter where you go, you always come across someone smoking which is a dangerous, dirty and expensive habit ,which has no positive effects. I will discuss why I strongly believe smoking should be banned in England and why we should take action now.My three main arguments against smoking are that smokers are ruining their own health, that it is bad for non-smokers’ health and thirdly, our health services have to pay vast amounts on stop smoking sevieces.The first problem with smoking is that it is damaging smokers’ health and taking away their lives. Smoking has so many negative effects including lung and heart disease, circulation and respiratory problems and asthma. Each year England has 364,000 patients admitted to NHS hospitals due to smoking related illnesses. One of the main health problems with smoking is cancer and Cancer Research claims that 114,000 people are dying each year due to smoking related diseases. Pregnant woman who smoke are also running a big risk of damaging their babies’ health; the poisonous chemicals go into the baby’s blood and this can result in a miscarriage, low birth weight or the baby being premature.I get the impression that people who start smoking are not well educated or just do not care about their own health, which is a cause for concern. However I know a person who has an asthmatic daughter and is well educated, but despite having a daughter who is more prone to health problems, she still chooses to smoke around her, which I think is appalling.Secondly it just isn’t right that non-smokers are having to inhale other people’s smoke. Scientists have proven that passive smoking is extremely dangerous to non- smokers as the smoker only inhales 15% of the smoke and the people around them inhale all the rest. Passive smoking can cause serious health problems especially for those with allergies, heart or lung disease and for children and babies. An example of just how dangerous passive smoking can be, is the entertainer, Roy castle; he was a non – smoker but through working in bars and clubs for many years he inhaled a lot of smoke and was diagnosed with lung cancer which killed him. Just the other day I was on my way to college and outside my local train station, there was a group of smokers there. I had no choice but to inhale their dirty smoke. Ruining your own health is one thing but damaging non – smokers health is just unacceptable.And the final problem with smoking is that it is expensive. The National Health Service is already in a terrible financial situation and they are having to give away millions of pounds?, not even knowing it will have any effect. The NHS spends on average £1m each day, £7m each week and between £1.4bn to £1.7bn each year on stop smoking services. Furthermore, smokers on average are spending at least £1500 on cigarettes every year. Some smokers on low incomes sacrifice their daily essentials such as food in order to buy cigarettes and that is very sad to know that some people have to go to those extremes to carry on smoking.Amy, you might want to say a line about why people smoke – to help them relax etc – although you conclude that the cost to their health, and their wallet, is too high??When cigarette adverts began in 1911, smoking had a positive image because people did not know how harmful it was. Famous people were shown in films smoking, which made smoking very popular. However, even today it can be ‘cool’ to smoke and even if the young people know about the bad effects of smoking, they think they are invincible and ignore the warnings.Many young people get into smoking as a result of peer pressure and this is a huge problem which needs to be tackled, especially as smoking is so addictive, and many people find it incredibly hard to quit.In July 2007 I was very pleased to find out about the smoking ban as more people gave up smoking and enclosed public places became more pleasant to be in. However it still wasn’t enough to make everyone quit which is why we should ban it in England completely. Before banning it completely though, we should ban smoking in all public places including the streets as then smokers would have no choice but to smoke in their own homes. This would be bound to make a huge number of smokers choose to quit, as most responsible adults do not want to smoke near their children. It is not right at all that children have to be around people smoking at home because as well as it damaging their health, having smokers around them all the time is bound to encourage them to smoke and is an on going problem. I think all Schools throughout England should have ’Stop Smoking’ services available as this would increase the number of young people choosing to quit dramatically. I also think that if stop smoking adverts were more emotional and showed the effects on children, smokers would take quitting smoking much more seriously. The adverts should show ill children as this is very emotional and could make smokers realize that they are responsible for any health risks in their family.I have come to the conclusion that smoking doesn’t have any positive effects and is just making health matters worse. If we don’t do anything about this now, more and more people will die from smoking and this will carry on forever which would be very disappointing. When cigarette adverts began in 1911, smoking had a positive image because people did not know how harmful it was. Famous people were shown in films smoking which made smoking very popular. However, even today it can be ‘cool’ to smoke and even if the young people know about the bad effects of smoking, they think they are invincible and ignore the warnings.So I urge people to come forward and start an anti-smoking campaign – Together we can ban smoking in England!its all messed up:( please help:(
A: I think you are so far doing a wonderful job and your paper is very informative but when making an arguement it is best to base off fact and not of your personal feelings. Saying that your impression is that it isnt right that a non smoker has to inhale a smokers smoke can easily be denounced. Why does a non smoker get to choose the “rights” of smoker. Are we not entitled to the same “rights”?’I like your ending i think its your ending so I urge people to come forward blah blah.. Do you really think banning smoking will solve your problems? I already know it will not. I don’t know about England’s laws but here in America drugs are illegal but they are still being used. Bad or good…healthy or clean… you can not stop a human from doing what it wants. A great way to improve your paper is to find someone to play the other role of the smoker and actually debate it and then include their thoughts into the paper so that way you denounce them before any one can debate your argument. Which will give your paper a more accurate stance and make it stronger.Hope this helps!!
Stress is no good for the baby?
Q: Sorry to say but i dont agree with thisMost people say it will cause a m/cIf a miscarriage is going to happenIts going to happen regardless of how you are feelingIt puts pressure on the woman to hold her stress/emotions inIf she does have stress and she m/c’s then she would feel responsibleI think most miscarriages are a natural occurance, yes some environment factors can come into play & putting certain things in your body such as cigarette smoke, alcohol, drugs, too much caffeine but i DONT think stress/worry will cause a miscarriageIve known many mothers to be who have stressed and had depression and it does not cause a m/c… i think it is one of the myths that need to be pointed out.I dont think its good for a mother to be, to hold in her emotions.What do you think??I dont think its right to tell a woman that her stress can cause her a miscarriage, it makes her feel blamed, if she then miscarriages, and it can make some women stress more and also hold their emotions in.I do wonder how a fetus can sense stress, very early in a pregnancy, when a woman is likely to miscarry, (0-12wks) when at this stage, they dont actually understand anything at all.I agree that stress can cause high blood pressure, but it wasnt the actual stress itself that causes a miscarriage.
A: I think the same way. I dont believe that stress or emotions cause a woman to MC. I also know many women who stress out a lot and never mc. I think due to a mc theres something in the air, or the powerlines. A MC can happen to a woman who eats right and workout. A MC just happens and no one really knows why. If they did women wont be mc all the time.
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