Will there be cramps in the abdomen or in the sides with a miscarriage

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A:With a miscarriage Vaginal spotting/bleeding is generally the 1st symptom, followed by abdominal pain a few hours to days later. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-there-be-cramps-in-the-abdomen-or-in-the-sides-with-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “Will there be cramps in the abdomen or in the sides with a miscarriage
Will there be cramps in the abdomen or in the sides with a miscar…?
With a miscarriage Vaginal spotting/bleeding is generally the 1st symptom, followed by abdominal pain a few hours to days later.

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Q: On March 13th I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks pregnant. I never went in for a check up to make sure everything was okay. From the amount of bleeding I had for about a total of 16 days I was sure my body had taken care of it by itself.On April 19th I started my first period after the miscarriage. It was completely normal.On April 27th I had a little bit of pain on the right side of my abdomen, I figured it was just ovulating since it was only on one side and didn’t last long.So like I said I started my period on April 19th. I had intercourse on these days without protection – 4/23 – 4/24 – 4/25 – 4/29 – 4/30 – 5/1 – 5/2 – 5/7 – 5/8 – 5/9 – 5/10 – 5/11 – 5/14 – 5/15 – 5/16 – 5/19 – 5/20About 3 weeks after my period I started having all my previous pregnancy symptoms. Sore breast that were increasing in size, cravings, constipation, headaches, ect. I started to think I was pregnant. In fact I was pretty sure that I was.Until…On May 16th I went to the bathroom and when I wiped there was some blood on the toilet paper.Usually when I start I have lots of bleeding for the first 3 days, it slows down on the 4th day, starts ending on the 5th day, and is gone by the 6th day.This time I just had barely spotting the first day.The 2nd day I had the same thing as the first day.The 3rd day seemed like the end of my period. Resulting in pretty much no bleeding at all.Now today on the fourth day I only had two occasions when I went to the bathroom that I had brown spotting. The rest of the time my period wasn’t existent.Also in the beginning of this “period” I had weird cramp like pains (not like my period cramps.) these ones made me feel nauseous. It could be possible that I just felt nauseous and had these cramps at the same time. They don’t necessarily have anything to do with each other. Obviously I could be pregnant but why would I have this kind of bleeding. I’ve only read about implantation bleeding being light pink or brown. On the first 2 days I had dark red spotting that has now turned to brown spotting. I’m so confused on why my period would be so light and unusual.Is it possible that I got pregnant late in my cycle and started to have my period but then it stopped due to the pregnancy? Any suggestions or answers you have will be helpfull. Thanks for your time 🙂
A: About 2 weeks ago i had a miscarriage. I had went to my doctor for a blood test to be sure the pregnancy hormone was out of my body. and for me it was. You should go back for a checkup asap to make sure that everything is cleared out. If there is still traces of the pregnancy you may have to get a “D&C” done. http://www.medicinenet.com/dilation_and_curettage/article.htm . Without this done, the miscarriage could harm you. My doctor also recommended to not try for a baby for about 3 months, to make sure that my periods would be on track and that I would be ovulating correctly.The Best of Luck!
Any help would be greatly appreciated?
Q: I know that this will probably be fairly long but please bare with me and any advice would be greatly appreciated. My husband and I found out a couple weeks back that we were pregnant with our first child after trying for almost one year and we conceived with Clomid. Based on my last menstrual period we thought that we were 6 weeks on March 19th. We were set to go for an ultrasound today (March 24th) But ended up in my OB-GYN office on Monday because of some cramping but no bleeding..the cramping was located more to the left side my of abdomen. I had my beta HCG done on Monday March 15th and they were 4900, then done again on Thursday March 18 and they were 13000, the doctor did them again on Tuesday March 23rd and they were just over 25000. On Monday he did an ultrasound in his office and said the the gestational sac was only measuring 5 week 3 days so earlier than we thought it would be and they he could not tell if there was anything in it or not. When we went back today he did another ultrasound and still could not really see anything and on the left side there was a circle measuring 2.5cm x 3 cm, he sent me right up to the hospital to have a transvaginal ultrasound done and thought that it was an ectopic pregnancy and I would have to have surgery tonight, or a miscarriage and would have to have a D & C first thing in the morning. We tried to prepart ourselves for this. When we arrived at the hospital and they did the ultrasound the radiologist doctor there told me that there was not an ectopic pregnancy that I had a corpus luteum cyst on my left ovary and that he could see an small embryo with a heartbeat in my uterus. I am soo confused right now and any input would be greatly appreciated.
A: Sounds like you need to wait and see what develops.
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