Are cigars has harmful to you as cigarettes

Health related question in topics Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “Are cigars has harmful to you as cigarettes”,you can compare them.

It increases the risk of death from several cancers, including lung, oral cavity (lip, tongue, mouth, throat), & esophagus. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are cigars has harmful to you as cigarettes
Are cigars less harmful than cigarettes?
According to the stats the answer is yes. They are a pure cold burn, which means almost no smoke in the case of a “good” cigar. A friend of mine has written a book about cigars explaining exactly why he believes a cigar is less ha…
Is smoking cigars in any way less harmful than smoking cigarettes…?
smoking cigars are not necessarily good for you but they are significantly better for you than cigarettes. Cigarette smoke is inhaled through your lungs and the additives are absorbed into your bloodstream which causes damage to your liver,…
Which one is more harmful? Little cigars or normal cigarettes??
It is very easy. I recently visited a neighbour in hospital who had most of his tongue removed and a new one reconstructed from his arm muscle. All from smoking over a 20 year period. He now eats his food pureed in a blender. Are you sure…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is smoking a Pipe just as harmful as cigars and cigarettes.?
Q: Right. I know cigarettes are the worst for you and cigars are less hurtful but I was recently told that smoking a pipe is completely harmless so long as you don’t inhale. Ehhh…I don’t think that’s true. Can’t the smoke still screw with your mouth and teeth? I’m not really sure. All I do know is that smoking a pipe sounds is something I want to try out just so I can say “I smoked a pipe”. My dad used to do it (very, very, very rarely. Like once every three years). Ever since I saw my dad doing it I always wanted to grow up and have a pipe of my own some day. What are the risks (if you don’t inhale)? Is it addicting like cigarettes? Furthermore, is there a certain age you have to be to smoke a pipe? I was told there isn’t. You can start smoking a pipe whenever you want to, you just have to be 18 or 21 to buy the tobacco. (I’m 17 myself so I don’t know where that puts me)If you’re going to answer, please leave sources.
A: Pipe smoking is a great hobby, and I would recommend it. Pipe smoking is one of the safer forms of smoking, as pipe smokers don’t inhale. You do run the risk of mouth cancer. For me, pipe smoking is not addictive. I can go weeks without smoking a pipe, or smoke two pipes in one day for a week. I smoke a pipe because I want to, and enjoy the relaxation of fine pipe tobacco, not because I need to like a cigarette smoker. Some people think pipe smoking is only for older people, well this is simply not true. There are quite a few young pipe smokers out there. Many starting at the age of 18. If you live in the USA, the age to purchase a pipe, and pipe tobacco is 18. I myself started smoking a pipe at age 15. It was easy since my dad also smokes a pipe.Here are some links on how to smoke a pipe, and health effects of pipe smokers.
Are smoking cigarettes just as harmful as cigarettes?
Q: Hello All,I was told by a friend of mine that smoking a cigar is not as harmful to your lungs and/or throat because you don’t inhale the smoke from a cigar vs. a cigarette. For those of you who have smoked both, who is your input on this?I have never and will never be a smoker. I can’t even stand being in the same room as someone who’s smoking yet I think my friend is wrong. Thanks in advance,Brown Eyed Girl ;)Oops, typo on the main question. It should’ve read – “Are smoking cigars just as harmful as cigarettes?”
A: Well, your friend is only partially right. Cigarettes and cigars are both tobacco products, and therefore both can be harmful to different parts of your body. However, assuming you are smoking a cigar the way you are supposed to smoke one, the smoke will only enter your mouth and not your lungs. If this is the case, you probably won’t get lung cancer from cigars (but no guarantees). Just because you might not get lung cancer though, doesn’t mean it’s not still bad for you. It carries other risks such as cancers of the throat, gums, etc. as well as other risks associated with smoking tobacco products.
Any way to smoke something which doesn’t harm you?
Q: I personally enjoy blowing smoke rings, and something which keeps me busy while watching a movie or something. I decided to smoke cigarettes however I didn’t like taste and the fact that it harms me too much. I picked up pipe smoking, but the tongue burn quickly outweighed the pleasure. I smoked cigars, same as cigarettes, finally though I found what I was looking for, a hookah. But recently I’ve been reading that hookah is even worse than cigarettes, though I have never experienced any of the fatigue, coughing or phlem it says I should have. However smoking nicotine in whatever form just is not good for you. And that got me thinking, is there NOTHING that’s very little harmful to smoke? Don’t tell me, pot.. I am over that, and I know carbonmonoxide and lack of oxygen to the brain will always be associated with smoking, but what about something without tar, or metals, or nicotine, and preferrably not mind altering. Anyone have any experience?
A: Go back to smoking a pipe. If you are getting tounge bite your smoking to fast, or you didn’t pack the tobacco in the pipe tight enough (not to tight though)
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