Are they alcoholic

Health related question in topics Food Drink .We found some answers as below for this question “Are they alcoholic”,you can compare them.

No. Betel nuts contain the stimulant arecoline. Its daily use is associated with increased risk of mouth cancer. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are they alcoholic
More than 30% of Americans engage in risky drinking at some point in their lives… …Researchers have made up dozens of screening tests over the years. According to one developed for Johns Hopkins University Hospital years ago that stil…
HealthDay News) — No one is too young or too old to be immune from alcohol abuse. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been drinking or what you’ve been drinking — it’s what drinking does to you and your family. To help you decide whether …
i think that most yelpers enjoy an adult beverage. walt, for real, stop with the personal attacks. it’s really geting old.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it take for someone to realize they’re an alcoholic?
Q: I want to hear from folks who are or have been diagnosed with alcoholism and what it took to get them to that point and to realize they need help.I have a close friend who I believe is an alcoholic, but doesn’t see it. Need some insight.Thanks in advance for sharing your personal story.
A: it generally depends on the person though usually some significant “life event” can turn the tide … for me it was the fear of losing my son to my then wife … yes we ultimately divorced even though I got treatment as the damage was done but I am a better person for it …
Are there any support groups for children of alcoholic they live in Brownsville Texas zip 78520 ?
Q: My wife is the daughter of an alcoholic and her mom was the wife. Her mom is really bad is there any support group for them. They live in Brownsville texas 78520
A: Yes there is. Please try Al-Anon and ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics). I hope this helps.
Would you let an alcoholic watch your baby even if they were related and promised not to drink?
Q: My mother in law is married to a raging alcoholic. I’ve never seen him violent before when he’s drunk but I have seen him stumbling around drunk as ever. My mother in law wants to watch my baby and they promise they wont drink around her but I don’t think they will stay true to their word. I have told them no but they are very upset about it. Do you think I am right to feel this way???
A: tell them how you feel. they need to hear the truth, since a lot of family members tend to tip toe around this issue. if you let them babysit, you might not only be endangering your child, but you are enabling the alcoholic. tell them when they get help you will fully support them but for now you prefer they just visit with the baby while youre there.
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