Are tumors bad

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A tumor is an abnormal growth of body tissue. Tumors can be cancerous (malignant) or non-cancerous (benign). So, yes, tumors are bad if they are malignant), which means it is cancerous, however many are benign. Take care & ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are tumors bad
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A: Ummm… have you actually been diagnosed? If it is malignant, then YEAH! it is very dangerous, and an oncologist will treat you. If not, you should still get any kind of growth removed. In your gallbladder, there’s not a lot of room… sooo, because it’s a functioning organ, you want to have it removed. A cyst will eventually come to a head, and explode… the infected pus and exudates will travel through your system and could infect you somewhere else… so you DEFINATELY want to take care of it immediately.
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A: Most are bad and some are treatable.It depends on the variation and if it was found early or late. There are a number of variables on how treatable they are.
are fatty tumors bad?
Q: I think my budgie has one…how can it effect her life? can she live with it or does she need an operation?
A: Hello.Fatty tumors are common in budgies but it will need to be checked out to determine how it will affect her life. It depends on where the tumor is located on her body and how long she’s had it as well. Fatty tumors are a result of fatty deposits. The most common cause is diet. A diet consisting primarily of seeds is often the culprit. Budgies require the same kind of a diet as a larger bird; lots of fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, greens, grains, sprouts, etc. as they would find in the wild. Another reason to have the bird checked out by an avian vet is to determine if indeed it is a fatty tumor. There are lots of different kinds of tumors and they can all look the same. There are tests that can be done to determine what type it is exactly, if and how it can be treated and how it will affect her life. The best thing for your pet is to have her checked out by a veterinarian. Here is an article on how to find a good, qualified avian vet. luck!
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