Can a doctor tell if a person has smoked

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Doctors can tell if you smoke or if you around a lot of smoke. Second hand smoke is dangerous as smoking is and can cause cancer. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can a doctor tell if a person has smoked
How do doctor’s tell if a person is a smoker??
One way of knowing is through their smell. Smokers smell like a wet ashtray. Another thing is smokers have more wrinkles around their eyes and mouth. The teeth tend to be stained in places. And some even say that the lips become darker (tha…
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Dear Don, in short the answer is no. We have no idea how the disease develops so it is hard to say when it exactly it starts. We need to find out what causes the disease and whether or not it is hereditary before we can really figure out wh…
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A Rheumatoid specialist usually diagnoses Fibromyalgia disease. Was diagnosed myself with this 5 years ago, and was sent to a Rheumatoid Doctor for final determination. He performed touch point tests, bending, walking, things which meant no…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do doctor’s tell if a person is a smoker?
Q: Someone told me that doctors can tell who is a smoker, who has quit, who has never touched a cigarette, and who has recently smoked a cigarette within a minute of entering an exam room and not performing blood tests, breath tests, etc.Just curious but what are the tell-tale signs? Any doctors out there?
A: One way of knowing is through their smell. Smokers smell like a wet ashtray. Another thing is smokers have more wrinkles around their eyes and mouth. The teeth tend to be stained in places. And some even say that the lips become darker (that’s the reason I quit smoking, I quit before my lips become ugly puckers)They get tired more easily. Personally, I felt like I was out of breath all the time.(by the way, I’m not a doctor but a nurse)
can a blood test tell you this?
Q: when someone had a blood test can the doctor tell if that person has recently smoked pot?
A: It’s a specific test, but yes you can find pot in your blood for 30 days or so.
Can chest x-ray tell if a person is smoking?
Q: i have smoked less then 4 times last year and i stopped this year will it be detected? If so can I do something so the doctors can’t see that I am smoking?
A: If you have only smoked that little in the last year, I seriously doubt anything will be detectable by x-ray.
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