Can cigarettes kill a person

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Can cigarettes kill a person”,you can compare them.

Yes! Cigarettes can lead to lung cancer which can lead to death. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can cigarettes kill a person
Can a marijuana cigarette kill a person?
Directly, no. However, the effects it causes may cause death.
How many packs of cigarettes are there necessary to kill a person…?
Around 20 Some people smoke all their lives and their deaths are not tobacco related. It is by no means certain that smoking will kill an idividual. There is ample evidence that smoking is not healthy Marijuana cigarettes?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How come I killed a person and I got away with it?
Q: Yes sir!! I killed a person and no one can do anything about it. How did I do it? I bought 10,000 cartons of cigarettes over the last 30 years and they smoke each and everyone and caught lung cancer. My revenge is so sweet.Figure it out. 4 smokers in the house. I was trying to get them all.
A: yeah right, at that rate you bought on average 333 cartons of cigarettes a year, or approximately one carton a day, (actually .912) cartons a day. That’s 200 cigs a day or 8.333 cigs per hour, or one cig every 7.5 mins, everyday, assuming the person never slept or was in a place that they could not smoke for the entire 30 years. Your revenge is a fake.
Is it really proof our country is coming to communist Russia when I can’t smoke?
Q: WEED in the privacy of my own home? Marijuana is medicinal, been used for thousands of years, is a natural plant which is banned. If people can smoke cigarettes in the privacy of their home, causes far more damage to them and everyone else with tar heavy toxic chemicals, even exposing their small children to it as they gasp for air and eyes water, Why can’t a grown adult enjoy one joint in the privacy of his bedroom at night? What is this, communist Russia? Does the government have ANY right to tell someone they can’t ingest a drug which has never killed one person EVER? When people can get as many abortions as they want legally, can waste their money on cigarettes, kill themselves, drink till they poison themselves.But the most benign of all drugs is demonized and you are looked at as a criminal. The drug war causes FAR more damage than it prevents.READ THE REST OF THE QUESTION football fan: I am in perfect consistancy. Only spend it if you have it to spend. Did I not say in my question what people do with cigarettes and alcohol and their children? You’re the effin fool,why don’t you attempt to actually comprehend the question, that is, If you have that capability. And no, I DON”T think that if you are poverty stricken you should be spending over $3000 a year on cigarettes, does that make sense to you? Not if you’re an idiotic ivory tower liberal. Take responsibility for your actions. and drugs should be classified accordingly. Next time, READ THE QUESTION!!!!!!Paco: that’s a load of bullsht you are just shelling right back out after you’ve taken it in. EVERYONE KNOWS THE TRUE GATEWAY DRUG IS ALCOHOL.
A: Actually, that’s much more fascist than communist.
Cigarettes vs. Motorcycles?
Q: Everyone knows that cigarettes are dangerous and cause cancer. The recent lawsuits against tobacco companies are absurd, however. People do many dangerous things. Riding motorcycles leaves people killed or crippled every day. Bungee jumping, mountain climbing, auto racing, football–these are all dangerous activities. Should we sue people who make footballs when a high school student is killed during a football game, or should we sue Honda when a person is killed in a motorcycle accident.It’s silly, of course. People choose many activities that can cause death or injury. Deal with it.
A: Indeed.
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