Can smoking marijuana have life long effects

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Many other research and studies dedicated to Marijuana has shown early signs that it can also inhibit cancer cell growth in MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can smoking marijuana have life long effects
What are some life threatening effects of smoking marijuana??
“Increase likelyhood of accidents do to impairment. Also increased rick of lung cancer.” Marijuana side effects come from smoking or consuming the drug and marijuana side effects influence the mind and body of the user. Marijuan…
Does smoking marijuana have a positive or negative effect on your…?
Totally Positive on me…I have a bad sleeping disorder that any medications I have had prescribed by Doctors would still only allow me to sleep no more than 2 hours at a time..then wake up groggy all day..They have given me the strongest d…
How often do you have to smoke marijuana to make it life threaten…?
dude, when I used to smoke marijuana. it wasnt just in the weekends or maybe once… it was everyday… sometimes from the moment i woke up i would light another joint. but.. that’s from smoking alot, i could go by a quarter of weed in abou…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Are the effects of smoked marijuana use as described in this study accurate?
Q: As a senior in high school, I have always believed (after significant research) that other than perhaps damage to your lungs (which is quite minor compared to tobacco smoke, I think) that using Marijuana through smoking it is a relatively harmless activity, so long as it does not interfere with school, social activity and life in general. I even believed that it could have some medical uses! Recently, however, I came across several studies that worry me. In most cases, I would just dismiss this as the usual, special interest sponsored, misinformation and fear mongering. However, these few reports cite several sources and seem quite convincing to me. So I am here to ask this question:Can smoking marijuana really be as harmful as described in the studies below? If so, why and can you name a few cases in which people were affected by this?Thank you so much for your time and answers!Studies/Reports in question:
A: Hi, well im happy to see that you are taking an initiative to learn about marijuana, but these sources are completely biased and inaccurate. I only read the 1st source and i could tell from the table of contents that it was going to be exactly as i expected. I was a regular cannabis user, until about 2 months ago, i quit “cold turkey”. Now cold turkey with marijuana is nothing, i have done other drugs too, let me just say quitting marijuana is nothing, its almost a joke when people tell me it is addictive or it has withdrawals. I’ll give you some facts right off the bat, nobody has ever died from cannabis use, nobody has ever reported cancer from cannabis use, and it is a safe natural herb that does have medicinal qualities. I’ll try my best to debunk all 10 of the excuses that this drug policy came up with.1. Short term memory loss, yes, but when you quit smoking you will quickly get that back. I had no problem learning when i was smoking, i graduated high school with a 3.25 GPA. A lot of what they say in this 1st reason is mostly subjective.2. Nope, no dependence, i can certainly vouch for that. Aha the treatment admissions, yes certainly 60 percent of people in treatment are there for marijuana, including my friend who was caught with marijuana. What these people dont tell you is that when a person is caught with marijuana you get 2 choices, Jail or treatment. Now which would you pick? 3. As far as smoking marijuana goes i do think it could be harmful to your lungs, but not quite as harmful. Remember nobody has ever gotten cancer or even developed emphysema from smoking marijuana. Set this aside for now, you dont have to smoke marijuana. Dispensaries sell cookies, brownies, butter, LIP BALM, lolli pops, that do the same thing as smoking it. Plus, using a vaporizer is much safer than smoking because there is no harmful chemicals, just pure THC. 4. “‘Research shows that kids who use marijuana weekly are nearly four times more likely than nonusers to report they engage in violent behavior.” BULLSH-T, marijuana doesnt cause you to do violent things, people do violent things on their own. Show me the man who smokes too much pot and beats his wife.5. Ahh yes marinol. Patients report that using the natural herb works a lot better than the synthetic version. go here for more info.6. WOW, i didnt realize that this was a myth. Methelendioxymethamphetamine is no where near as common as marijuana, to be honest i couldnt get MDMA if i tried. The only thing i would end up with is some herione based ecstasy. And MDMA is not the same thing as ecstasy, it used to be in the 80s.7. LEGALIZE IT8. True, marijuana is much easier to get than alcohol. It seems like everybody is either smoking or selling. 9. I would argue against this, my parents are anti-drug and lets just say it didnt work. Parent “monitoring” no, i have seen the most extreme cases of this, still doesnt work. 10. True, but police are still enforcing worthless laws. In 2008 if i remember correctly, 8000000 people were arrested due to marijuana. It is an enormous wear and tear on our judicial system. Why bother writing some one a “traffic ticket” for possessing a small amount of green? Why not do something else like stop robberies and murders? And where i live a half ounce is a felony and you will go to jail for it. I could argue these points all day, but ill just leave it there.I remember seeing marijuana and driving somewhere in there check this out legalize it
Marijuana and its TRUE effects!?
Q: Well i have done much research on this subject because I am all for this…Now here’s some general questions on this.. I trust you will answer them as best as you can =)1. What are the long term effects of smoking this herb – Lets say 3 times a week and small amount at a time – NOT using a vaporizer. Just straight smoking it – What should i be expecting in about 50 years? (I am 16 years old)2. Is it true to say that NO ONE has ever died from smoking Marijuana? – I have read this alot but how can they really tell that smoking this herb did not kill them? – How can they rule out all of the other variables and know that it was NOT Marijuana? 3. Can smoking this make me “Stupid” i know it has short term effects but as far as memory and comprehending things in later life (or even later weeks) really effect my processing in my brain?4. Do vaporizers really eliminate all or mostly all harmful things in weed?5. How does water pipes work? -I know that it cools the smoke and everything. I mean how does the smoke going through the water filter it?6. And last but for sure not least.. Does it cause cancer? Does it “zap” cancer cells cause them to be suppressed,Thanx guys i love you all =)
A: 1. Three times a week is fairly light use. Let’s assume you smoke every day for 50 years. You’d be fine. Many facts are skewed in regards to marijuana. The issues with memory are definitely blown out of proportion, mostly because during the period you are high and shortly thereafter you may notice some short-term memory problems. This is then skewed into “proof” that your memory will be permanently affected.2. Marijuana has never killed anyone directly. I am certain there are people whose driving was affected in an adverse manner and that may have caused an accident (this issue is often debated because while some people pay more attention to driving when they’ve been smoking others may find their mind wandering while driving high and may stop paying attention). When people say no one has died from smoking marijuana it means from consumption alone. It’s easy for doctors to determine the cause of a persons death. If deaths were caused by marijuana, trust me, we would be seeing thousands per year like we do other drugs.3. No. Marijuana doesn’t kill brain cells, permanently hinder memory functions, affect your ability to learn or retain knowledge and doesn’t lower your IQ. The “dumb stoner” is a stereotype doesn’t run parallel with the truth.4. The biggest physical risk of smoking weed comes with the inhalation of smoke and the by-products of burning plant material. Smoking just isn’t healthy no matter what you are smoking. The risks are negligible but your lungs are still being affected (the damage is reversible and if a person abstains from marijuana use for just a few months their lungs would pretty much be back to normal. Vaporizers are great because you take the burning plant out of the equation and it’s not as hot as smoke. It’s MUCH MUCH healthier, but it does produce a slightly different high for some people and it may not be the kind of high you like. It seems to give me more of a body high than I normally get, but I like it because they high feels more clear headed.5. Bongs and other water pipes filter out plant material, ash and some carcinogens. The fact that it is really that much healthier is heavily disputed because you are, in fact, still inhaling smoke and chemicals in that smoke are still harmful. Cooling of the smoke is beneficial because heat from smoke is one of the risks of smoking. I would suggest, to anyone that is concerned about inhaling smoke, to just use a vaporizer.6. There has not been one case of cancer linked to marijuana use. Not one. The fact that people actually say it can cause cancer is silly considering it’s never been witnessed.Read up about Rick Simpson (or watch his documentary ) and what his concentrated cannabis oil has done FOR cancer patients (including himself). They’ve seen it cure cancer. I’m sure naysayers will see it as a coincidence, but the fact that his doctors said, “There’s nothing more we can do for you.” and his cancer went away after he used it on himself should mean something.
How long until marijuana effects wear off?
Q: Smoked weed at about 9 am yesterday. I hadn’t slept at all the night before smoking.Anyways I smoked about a quarter of a gram by myself in about 15 minutes taking about 7 hits and I had the worst trip of my life.I’m not a big pot head but I’ve smoked occasionally and never felt anything like this.was the worst experience of my entire life for 3 hours straight.After that I wasn’t tripping anymore but I did have major depression, paranoia,etc. but less. I kept getting panic attacks and kept freaking out.I didn’t sleep that night because I was still freaked.I felt the same the rest of the day and felt as though you feel when you’re either tipsy or can’t focus on anything. I took some sleeping pills today, got 10 hours of sleep.Just woke up and it’s been close to 2 days since i smoked. I’m not freaking out now,but i feel “typsy and can’t focus at all. I’m worried tht this won’t go away.I’ve heard if you have schizophrenia it can “awaken”.or it might be laced w/ pcp.should I be worried?
A: Yes, you should be worried.Serve you right, moron. NEVER take anything which “might” have PCP in it.Moron.
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