Can taking a shower everyday give you cancer

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According to a study by the Medical College of Wisconsin research team, there is a link between chlorinated water and an increased risk of cancer. Chlorine has been added to our water since the late 1800’s, and when we shower we inhale the chemical. [ Source: ]
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Can taking a shower everyday give you cancer
According to a study by the Medical College of Wisconsin research team, there is a link between chlorinated water and an increased risk of cancer. Chlorine has been added to our water since the late 1800’s, and when we shower we inhale the …

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A: i used to have bad odor like that when i was a teen…..but now that I am in my 20’s it seems to have gone away. When i was a teen i could smell the odor even outside my clothing. It lead me to spray alot of perfume down there, and that only made people notice even more. I think it mostly has to do with a high level of hormones. Have you tried using an FDS (feminine deodorant spray) extra strength? If that doesn’t work I would consider going to the doctor and explaining what’s going on and how bad it makes you feel. If it is hormones, there could be a serious imbalance…you really should get it checked out….Good Luck!
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A: Ok i know this sounds painfull but it really dont hurt that bad anyways you clean off a needle and you lance it and then you squeaz out all of the nasty ( i dont want to say the other word ) anyways and if you do it right it will be almost gone by the next day and it doent leave a scar!!it helped me because i like all teens get pimples 🙂
Can marijuana cause serious throat issues over 1.5 years?
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A: Yes or no, depending on your susceptibility.
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