Can the Aspartame in Diet Coke cause Cancer

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Aspartame does not cause cancer according to the American Cancer Society. ChaCha for now! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can the Aspartame in Diet Coke cause Cancer
Can the Aspartame in Diet Coke cause Cancer
Aspartame does not cause cancer according to the American Cancer Society. ChaCha for now!

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diet coke caused cancer? it contains aspartame which gives you cancer? i had no idea….?
Q: i’m 14 and since the age of 10 i started drinking diet coke regularly-2 cans of it nearly everyday because i was on a diet as i was obese. Now that i’m 14 i’m currently healthy and maintain a healthy weight, although i still drink diet coke. Then, my aunt told me that it contains aspartame which is linked to cancer. As you can imagine i was so shocked. Stopped drinking it now. But one thing bothers me, why do they make it in the first place when it is dangerous to our health? Shouldn’t they get rid of it? I mean i’m sure lots of us out there are unaware and many of you, by reading this question will find out…. so why? Thanks i appreciate the answers.Star this question if you didn’t know.
A: it has been printed on the can forever.. however, does anyone know how much of it you have to ingest before there is a risk of cancer? radiation also causes cancer, we all know that, but did you know there is radiation everywhere you go? in the air, from the soil, from the sun? it brings us back to the old saying of everything in moderation…drinking a diet coke now and again wont kill you.
Coke vs. Diet Coke/Coke Zero…Which is worse: High Fructose Corn Syrup or Aspartame/Sucralose?
Q: I’ve heard many different theories on this and I want an answer.I drink mostly Diet sodas because obviously anything packed with High Fructose Corn Syrup (or Sugar) is bad for you because the sugar becomes stored as fat to be used as energy later. Therefore, I have removed any non-Diet sodas from my diet (i.e. Coke, Pepsi, etc.)HOWEVER, I have recently be hearing theories that Diet sodas are also bad for you because the Aspartame/Sucralose (artificial sweeteners) are un-natural toxins that your body can have trouble digesting, therefore screwing up your metabolism (in other words, your body thinks it’s drinking a sugar-loaded beverage, when in actuality, there is nothing there to metabolize). Furthermore, I’ve heard that these artificial sweeteners can cause different types of cancers.Obviously, the best choice would be to stop drinking sodas all together, but sometimes there isn’t a choice, and I’m forced to choose a soda.So what’s worse: Coke or Diet Coke?
A: You are right about the HFCS and about the artificial sweeteners. Why are you forced to drink soda???Drink water or natural juices. If you need carbonation, drink sparkling mineral water.
What’s so bad about diet soda?
Q: I’m not trying to defend it or anything, but what’s the harm in it? Looking at the nutrition facts, there’s zero of everything, except 55mg of sodium per can of diet coke and there’s aspartame.So that leads the question: What does sodium do to the body? I asked my personal gym trainer and she told me it just makes you feel bloated, so you feel the need to drink more water. But I heard from other people that it becomes harder to lose weight.Also, what does aspartame do to the body as well? I heard it causes brain cancer. Is there any truth to that? I don’t hear many reports of that in the news, but people constantly bring it up. Is the general consensus with artificial sugars like Splenda are harmful?I’m now scared to drink any sodas, especially diet. I mean I go to the gym every other day for like 2 hours, and drink on average like 3 cans of diet soda a week, while everything else is water mixed with a little diet snapple.
A: Besides causing brain cancer the worst thing about diet pop is that it tastes awful. Isn’t the point of pop to have something that tastes good that you can drink?
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