Can you got cancer from smoking marijuana

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you got cancer from smoking marijuana”,you can compare them.

Marijuana, unlike tobacco and alcohol, does not appear to cause head, neck, or lung cancer. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you got cancer from smoking marijuana
There has never been a single case of marijuana causing lung cancer. In addition, a study done by a non-biased doctor (Dr. Donald Tashkin) has proven no cancer-marijuana link. As far as the testicular cancer bit goes. That is highly inconcl…
In a 2001 study, the causes of infertility in men seeking to conceive included: Vasectomy. In the study, 56% of men were seeking a reversal of this procedure. Thirty years ago, this was a factor in only 5% of men seeking help for fertility….
Marijuana, unlike tobacco and alcohol, does not appear to cause head, neck, or lung cancer. ChaCha!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

can you get cancer from smoking marijuana?
Q: i know that the tobacco in cigarettes cause cancer,but can you get cancer from smoking marijuana thatsnot mixed with tobacco?
A: Yes, because when you smoke the marijuana in a joint form the paper that you inhale has carcinogens in it, which causes cancer if smoked a lot. But then again the weed itself may cause cancer only because of they way it was cultivated. See, the people who grow weed put tthese chemicals in the weed making it more potent. People argue that this is making weed as addictive as tobacco.Hope that helps you.
can you get lung cancer or any kind of other cancer from smoking marijuana?
Q: from smoking weed like only once or twice a week?
A: Weed doesn’t have nearly as much tar and manufacturer-added chemicals as tobacco does, and so it’s link to lung cancer is much lower than with tobacco. However, anytime you pull smoke into your lungs you risk damage — it’s just not as bad as with tobacco.As far as reliable studies go, weed isn’t directly linked to any other cancers. There have been some studies that link it to some brain disorders, though those were usually with very high doses. One verified side effect is only in men — it can cause your breasts to enlarge and even produce milk…but again, at fairly high doses.
Smoking marijuana cannot cause cancer, that’s true but….?
Q: I’m sure most people don’t think that they can get cancer from smoking marijuana. If you use blunt wraps or join papers, you CAN get cancer from THAT, not from the actual marijuana though. Am I right or am I not?
A: Orion: You use a typical tactic of making marijuana sound more dangerous than it is. All plants have a large amount of chemicals in the make up, it’s what makes each plant unique.”Of the 421 chemicals in marijuana, only 61 are unique to marijuana. The chemicals are known as cannabinoids. One of them, delta-9 THC, produces the psychoactive effect and is the focus of most research. The other 360 chemicals in the marijuana plant are found throughout other natural substances.”Most certainly, tobacco might share some of the same properties (after all, a plant is still a plant), but that does not mean that marijuana is as dangerous as tobacco. Tobacco is much more dangerous and contains many different chemicals, to compare the two and claim they affect the body is simply ignorance.Tobacco kills over 450,000 people in the U.S. every year…there are absolutely no recorded deaths due to marijuana use. There ARE carcinogens found in marijuana smoke, however a protective effect has been witnessed by THC which seems to be why even smoking marijuana can’t cause cancer., (to the original question) there really is no proof that even using papers is going to cause cancer. However, smoking out of glass is considered the safest method of smoking. Metal pipes also have certain dangers.There are also other methods of ingestion that are becoming increasingly popular, especially when it comes to people who use marijuana medicinally, such as vaporizing, tinctures and edibles.
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