Can you have eye cancer

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Eye cancer is also called eye melanoma. Many patients with eye melanoma don’t have symptoms unless the cancer grows in certain parts of the eye or becomes more advanced. Symptoms of eye melanomas can include decreased ability to see and floaters. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you have eye cancer
Can this be eye cancer?
Eye cancer is only common for children below 3 years old. Yes, it could be a migraine.
Does lung cancer make your eye sight bad
Lung cancer that spreads to the brain can cause difficulties with vision,weakness on one side of the body, and/or seizures. ChaCha
What is eye cancer?
Eye cancer is having a tumor in your eye. Symptoms of eye cancer are blurred vision and spots in your eye. Sometimes the tumor can be even seen through the pupil.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is Breast cancer, and other kinds of cancer?
Q: I know this sounds silly, I am 13 and I have no clue how people are diagnosed and the dangers of it. Basically, can you tell me what it is? Also what is testicle cancer, eye cancer etc.
A: There are hundreds of different kinds of cancer.Generally it is where the DNA in a cell has become corrupted and that cell starts replicating abnormally in a way that is detrimental to the patient.If it isn’t stopped or at least slowed down it can cause the patient to die.The abnormally replicating cells can be removed by surgery or targeted and killed by chemotherapy or radiation therapy.Depending on the location and extent, treatments have varying degrees of success from total cure to death and everything in between.Breast cancer refers to a group of these abnormalities that can develop in breast tissue, testicular cancer develops in the testicle etc. These are their common names and they also have a more scientific name so treating Dr’s can get an exact diagnosis.EG: A common form of breast cancer is Ductal Carcinoma, but there are other forms. I had a less common form as I had Small Cell Carcinoma in my breast.
Can you survive eye cancer?
Q: What treatment do you get when you have eye cancer
A: It depends on what type of eye cancer it is. There are many ocular tumours. Some just need simple surgery for it to be removed (eg cancers that affect eye lids). Others can be more severe and may require the whole eye ball to be removed (eg retinoblastoma)If the cancer has spread then treatment such as chemo may be needed
Eye Cancer Questions. 10 Points Best Answer?
Q: I am researching Eye Cancer for a paper. I have search these questions but they are not coming up with anything. If you have any answers please post them. Website Links would be even better, I prefer them. NO WIKIPEDIA, because it is so unreliable.1) What are the risk factors of Eye Cancer?2) What things can teens do to cut their risk of eye cancer?3) What things can adults do to cut their risk of eye cancer?4) Are some more apt to have cancer based on sex, age, or race?5) What are some myths about eye cancer or it’s treatment?6) What are some statistics about eye cancer?7) What is unique about eye cancer?8) Is there anything special that can be done to prevent eye cancer?Please, I know there are a lot of questions but leave the number and your answer.
A: You might want to re-ask this in the Health category.The Yahoo Answers category is for questions like “how do I choose a best answer”.
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