Can you have pinky cancer

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You can get cancer in all parts of the body, this includes the pinkie. [ Source: ]
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Can you have pinky cancer
You can get cancer in all parts of the body, this includes the pinkie.

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Do you think I’ve got skin cancer?
Q: Hi there,In the last week… I have this small cluster of tiny almost blisters formed on my chin and I’m really worried about it. I thought it was a normal spot at first but it’s very raised, rough and doesn’t feel normal. I have a GP appointment first thing tomorrow but can’t sleep due to worrying that it’s skin cancer. I was looking online and it is identical to this picture below (NUMBER 20) but the colour is still my normal pinky/peachy tone. any doctors or nurses or anyone help me please?Thank you xx
A: Go get it checked, but I think you are JUST FINE personally. From what I have seen, one of the things that defines melanoma and basal cell carcinoma is pigmentation differences and or bleeding, crusty areas. I have seen my fair share, and I’ll wager you are fine. Cancer would likely have irregular edges (rather than a cluster of bumps) and be discolored. Tumors need to be fed by blood vessels and so likely wouldn’t remain flesh color. Futhermore, tumors don’t appear overnight generally. I think you are fine. It could just be an infection or reaction of some sort…or a cyst (benign).Even if it is something like basal cell carcinoma…which isnt likely AT ALL, if caught early, it is quite easy to cure.PS. Seek advice of a professional as you are doing, not yahoo answers and PLEASE do not diagnose yourself through google images.
breast cancer? need advice please?
Q: Hi,I’m 21 years old – i know that my issue may sound dramatic but I require some advice. I’ve had lumps in my breasts for the last 3 years and I have felt embarrassed to go to a doctor – until recently.I went to the doctor days ago to have them checked. She acknowledged that they are lumpy but said that it is quite normal for girls of my age as it is hormonal. I asked her whether, just to be sure, i was able to get a scan done. She said that it wasn’t needed and women over 45 normally have that done. She reccomended an ‘over the counter’ capsule if i experience any pain but said the lumps will be permanent. I know she’s a doctor but how does she know these lumps are not cancerous just by poking them with her fingers? Should I get a second opinion and insist on getting them checked by someone who specialises in the field? I have one that is firm and does not move under my left breast and one also around my arm pit area on my left breast.As you can tell I’m very concerned over my health because i’ve put this off for so long. It is said to be “rare” for women under 35 to have cancer however it is not out of the question. Anyone have advice for me? Please and Thank you 🙂 PinKy
A: Contrary to what your doctor told you, lumps in the breast are not normal. They may be typical of American women today, but 1 in 7 women now get breast cancer. The lumps most likely are not cancerous based on your age, but doctors do not understand breast cancer very well. They especially have NO clue about how nutrition and “root causes” that cause these cancers. They treat symptoms, not “root causes.”Less than 0.1% of all breast cancers occur in women under 30. 75% of breast cancer occurs in post menopausal women and the risk increases significantly with age. At 25 the risk is 1 in 19,600.Dr. Thomas Rau, who runs the Paracelsus Clinic (cancer clinic since 1958) in Switzerland recently checked the records of the last 150 breast cancer patients treated in his clinic. He found that 147 of them (98%) had one or more root canal teeth on the same meridian as the original breast cancer tumor. His clinic has a biological dentist section where all cancer patients, on reporting in, have their mouth cleaned up first — especially all root canal teeth removed. There are about 24 million root canals done in the U.S. alone every year. They were proven deadly disease agents in 1925 in a study by Dr. Weston Price and 60 prominent researchers. That study has been suppressed ever since by the ADA and the American Association of Endodontists (AAE). Read the book “Root Canal Cover-Up” by George Meinig, DDS, FACD for the full story. Dr. Meinig was an endodontist for 50 years. He helped found the AAE in 1943. His book is a mea culpa (apology) to the thousands of patients whose health he ruined doing root canal fillings. He discovered the Weston Price research only after he retired in 1993. His book was published first in 1994 and he has lectured widely since then trying to alert people to this danger to their health. According to researchers I have personally spoken to at the National Cancer Research Center, the lack of a balance of essential fatty acids is a big issue in regard to breast cancer. Most women in the U.S. have a poor balance of these fatty acids, making them vulnerable to getting cancer as they age.99% of ALL cancers are from infections in the body. That is why it takes, typically, about 8 to 10 years for a woman to develop breast cancer.good luck to you
Do I have breast cancer? please help?
Q: Im 16 years old, and I felt a small lump yesterday on the lower half of my right armpit to the bottom left (so its near to my right breast)Its probably about the size of a pinky nail, but its kind of round in shape, but not a perfect circle. when i run my finger down my armpit i can feel the bump, but its not a raised bump. Two days ago (the day before i felt the lump), my breasts were actually hurting, especially the sides of them. My nipples have been hurting/itching/peeling/chapped since probably september. Oh and when i press on the bump it hurts a little, and then actually my arm hurts to. Also, this isn’t the first time ive felt this bump. Ive felt it in the same spot more or less (on my right underarm) and its felt the same and its been the same size, i just think the past couple times they were a little raised, but not by much. I think the last time i felt it was around november or december. Im not sure about breast cancer in my family, i just know that both my grandpas had colon cancer and one also had lung cancer. Other than that im pretty healthy, im about 5’3 and weigh between 125-130 i probably need to exercise a little more but i eat all healthy and is this a sign of breast cancer or probably not?thank you very much
A: The chances of breast cancer at your age are very close to zero; breast cancer is almost unheard of in under 25s. Fewer than 0.1% of all those diagnosed are under 30 and only 5% are under 40.The American Cancer Society and other cancer organisations recommend that women begin breast self-examination at the age of 20.Most breast lumps and bumps aren’t cancerous, even in older women. And most cancerous breast lumps don’t hurt – the vast majority of people diagnosed with breast cancer have felt no pain or tenderness. The real clincher is that you feel the same pain in both breasts; developing cancer in both breasts would be very unlikely, bringing the chances that you have cancer even closer to zero. The same applies to the itching etc on your nipples.Your breasts are still growing and developing, and what you describe is almost certainly hormonal. Tenderness in the breasts is not uncommon, particularly when your period is due.If the lump is still there in a couple of weeks, see your doctor to put your mind at restThe other cancers in your family don’t increase your chances of breast cancer – or of any other cancer, in fact. Hereditary cancer is rare, and for there to be even a possibility of hereditary cancer in a family several members of the same side of the family would have had to have had the same type of cancer.Eating a healthy diet is always important, but it won’t protect you from cancer I’m afraid
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