Can you tell me about Rick Moranis

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Rick Moranis was widowed in the early 1990s when his wife died of cancer. He has two children from that marriage…More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you tell me about Rick Moranis
What movie was rick moranis in 1986?
He actually appeared in three movies that were released in 1986, Club Paradise, Head Office and Litttle Shop of Horrors.
What character did rick moranis play in ghostbusters?
Louis tulley and is taken over by the terror dog and is then called the gatekeeper.
Is rick moranis dead?
Rick Moranis is on the short side, only 5’4″. He’s rumored to be in the new Ghostbusters movie (2012).

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Shows that don’t STAR Rick Moranis but have him in it?
Q: Ok, I’m actually looking for a movie. I’ll describe it for you. Oh, and I THINK that the title has the word ‘Summer’ in it…but I’m not sure.Things I can remember about it::This is about a summer camp that I think has many different parts to it. (It’s not something like “just” a Drama Camp or Computer Camp; nothing like that. Might be both? Others are more likely added to it.)Rick Mornais was a somewhat side character that is a (or in charge of?) science …umm, monitor? Anyway, that’s his part he deals with the ‘nerds’.There was a definite gay couple in this show. Even a small vague sex scene. Between a camp counselor and one of the quite teens. (I remember this being the first time I ever seen two men together, at all. Rather unforgettable!)Now there is another teen in this movie that is rather shy/sweet/etc. that falls in ‘summer puppy-love’ with (of course) an hot blond? bombshell. At the end of the movie she says something long this line: “You’re the type of guy I’d love to marry, but I’m just looking for a good time…” I’m sure she said something vulgarer in this sentence but I really can’t remember it.And now for the really odd balls of the show. There’s a kid that no one apparently likes that I think he believes he’s an alien…he does make some stuff fly at some point while standing on a stage? An the other oddity is a man with a full beard that is the ‘lunch lady/person’ who’s insane and listens is a talking can/hamburger (can’t remember which) and at the end of the show he humps a refrigerator…in which people then clap for him?Sounds odd right? I NEED to see this again it’s driving me insane with how much I’ve looked for this movie…I’m pretty sure that this is a fairly old movie. Someone PLEASE tell me you know the name of it!
A: The answer is (drumroll please):Wet Hot American Summerand it wasn’t Rick Moranis, it was David Hyde Pierce
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