Could it cause cancer

Health related question in topics Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Could it cause cancer”,you can compare them.

All indications are that HGH does not cause cancer, but if you already have cancer, HGH can actually speed up the cancer rate. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Could it cause cancer
Is it true that smoking weed can cause more cancer than smoking t…?
Smoking weed can cause cancer, but tobacco is still thought to be worse. ChaCha!
Does diet soda cause cancer?
There is nothing that specifically says that diet soda causes cancer but many diet colas have a sweetener called aspertain in it. Aspertain has been linked to certain cancers but it has not been proven conclusively that it does cause diseas…
What cause cancer?
definitely increase your chances of getting cancer. For instance, people who smoke or chew tobacco are more prone to mouth, throat and lung cancer. Country to popular opinion, beedi smoking is twice as dangerous as cigarettes. …

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Q: My dogs been limping and someone said cancer could cause it. What kind of cancer could cause a dog to limp?
A: A tumor could have formed on another organ & could be pressing on the spinal cord, causing limited motion.He could also be limping because he sprained his leg, it doesn’t always mean something like cancer.Get him checked out since you are concerned about it.
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Q: I am having it removed next week hopefully but i am just worried as the Doctor says it could come back…I just want to know how likely it is that it could be Cancerous.
A: if it were cancerous the doctor would have ran more testbreast cysts are not uncommon
could sharing an electric shaver with someone cause cancer?
Q: I heard sharing an electric shaver with someone else can be harmful, and I’m pretty sure I heard it could cause cancer, has anyone else heard anything about this?Thank you
A: people think everything causes cancerdeodorantusing another electric shaversodathe microwavethis is all stupid if it really did they would put a warning on the package threes not a warning so no it wont cause cancer whoever said that is gullible just like u.
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