Do cancer patients die

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Do cancer patients die”,you can compare them.

Yes, it is possible that cancer patients die. This is not true for all people and all cancers, but treatment does heal cancer. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do cancer patients die
Do cancer patients die
Yes, it is possible that cancer patients die. This is not true for all people and all cancers, but treatment does heal cancer.
Which cancer patients die in nursing homes?
In this study, cancer patients’ characteristics associated with death in nursing homes were explored. The study sample included 395 cancer patients who had participated in a trial of palliative care, 260 (66%) patients died in hospital, 80 …
Why do uninsured cancer patients die sooner?
These individuals tend to be diagnosed far later in their disease, so the cancer is more widespread, more difficult to treat, or incurable by the time it’s diagnosed. It’s the difference between a woman coming in for an annual mammogram and…

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A: No age limit
How do patients with lung cancer die?
Q: my aunt was given 3 months to live back in july. I called her yesterday and our phone conversations not what they use to be. I want to know and ask her so many questions is she scared, is she ok with this, has things been taken care of, how much pain is she in , i want her to know how much i love and will always love her. ect. I just came from seeing her since she is out of state, however i want to go back again. I just dont know if id be intruding on her family ect. She isn’t blood related just one of those special people in your life you just want to claim them as yours.Her b-day is comng and they say she may not make it. should i send a gift and card ahead of time. When is it ok to ask for some of her belongings clothes and stuff.?
A: When is it ok to ask for some of her belongings clothes and stuff.? << Never. Sheesh. Some people.
How do patients with bone cancer die?
A: On a VERY basic level, all cancers start and end the same way: healthy cells mutate into cancerous one, which then multiple till there are too many of them for your body to fight off. They then grown their own system to sustain and feed them, allowing further growth.By the time they kill a person, there are so many cancer cells, your white blood cells, which are infection fighters, are so few in number, they do not work any longer. A good mental image for you would be you being tackled by 15 guys playing ball. You are a white blood cell, they are the cancerous ones. Even if you fought off 4 guys, there would still be a pile left to keep you down.Your body’s white cell system is what drives your immune system. When your immune system is weak [as it is with cancer] the body cannot fight infection well. Even a little cold becomes a struggle. So when someone gets a much worse condition than a cold, they die.But let’s say for a moment a patient never got sick from a second source like a cold, etc. That person’s white cell count would drop to the point that the patient needs a blood transfusion — a replacement of your blood, with donated blood from a blood drive. If that didn’t help dramatically, the patient would get even more cancer cells and less white ones till the person’s body gives out and he dies
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