Do guys carry cervical cancer

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No, however, men can get the sexually transmitted virus (HPV) which causes cervical cancer in women. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do guys carry cervical cancer
Do guys carry cervical cancer
No, however, men can get the sexually transmitted virus (HPV) which causes cervical cancer in women. ChaCha!
Can women give cervical cancer 2 guys?
Cervical cancer is malignant cancer of the cervix uteri or cervical area. It may present with vaginal bleeding but symptoms may be absent until the cancer is in its advanced stages. Treatment consists of surgery (including local excision) i…
Am # y did they invite the Rick guy what wants women to die of c…?
Not wanting your 13 y/o to get vaccinated for a sexually transmitted disease is not the same thing as wanting women to die of cervical cancer.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you get cervical cancer HPV Human papillomavirus?
Q: Ok, I have a question about the cervical cancer HPV Human papillomavirus. My question is, how do you get HPV?? I know that you get it for SEX, like a guy can carry the HPV virus, but nothing be affected be it. He can pass the virus from female to female and he doesn’t get sick. But the women can be affected with this virus. I heard of a girl who was 29 yrs old, and got HPV. She died from it 7 months later. This is my question people: The family meaning her two sisters, said that she did not get HPV from having SEX. The 2 sisters said that you don’t have to have SEX to get HPV. I thought that you can only get HPV from having sex. SOOOOO, how other way can you get “HPV”?????PLEASE ANSWER ONLY IF YOU KNOW THANKS EmilyRay
A: Cervical cancer and HPV are two different things and you can get one without the other.HPV can hurt males as well as females. You get HPV from sexual contact it does not have to be intercourse and it does not have to be male to female. No one knows what causes cancer.No one dies from HPV.
If I have developed a wart on my eyelid the morning after sexual contact have I contracted HPV?
Q: Basically, he came on my face, but not particularly on my eye that I recall. I wiped my face with a warm, wet washcloth but did not wash my whole face… unfortunately. When I woke the very next morning I could see and feel a lump on the outer edge of my upper eyelid, just barely above the lash line… where I had waterproof eyeliner, still on, over the bump. I was slightly concerned at first and felt it, but since it didn’t sting or itch I thought it was simply a sty (sp?) and due to leaving my makeup on overnight. It has been 5 days and it is very obviously a wart. I am very disturbed, because this could mean that I have HPV present anywhere else on/in my body due to contact. I have been sleeping with this guy for a very long time and never gotten a wart nor seen one on him. He could possibly be sleeping with other people. I’m wondering, No. 1: does the wart typically occur right after contact, so I can be sure it came from him? No. 2: does this mean that my body is now infected with HPV? No. 3: how do I get rid of it?I’m very worried about passing the virus to other areas of my face/body or to my child because I did not realize until just tonight that it was still there and that it was clearly a wart. Will it go away by putting Apple Cider Vinegar on it, like many people suggest?I am so worried that if my eye has been exposed and infected with the virus that my girl parts have been infected too. I’m concerned because men carry the type of HPV that causes cervical cancer, not genital warts. So, I guess another question is, does the strain of HPV that causes cancer also cause a wart if infected on another part of the body?Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this and answer.I figured it out on my own… well mostly.Here is the study I found that discusses the relationship between HPV 16 (the type that causes cervical cancer) and warts (also called “papillomas”) If you have no medical knowledge you will not be able to understand this article, but I will try to summarize the facts that pertain to me as I understand it. If a medical professional reads this and has other conclusions, please let me know.Pretty much it says that there is a definite link between warts in your eye or on your eyelid and presence of HPV 16. No other type has shown a link. Sadly, type 16 is the one that causes cervical cancer. This means that the guy who exposed me to the virus is infected with it himself and he became infected with it by another female who probably doesn’t know that she has it and may likely end up with cancer of her cervix. also means that I may have been exposed to HPV 16 in other areas of my body. What I don’t understand is, if the virus is carried on the skin and transferred through skin to skin contact then how does it end up inside the vagina on the cervix? This is a big deal because it means that HPV 16 can cause eye warts, versus genital warts like its cousins, HPV 6 & 11. What is so sad to me is that there is NO viable test to determine the presence of HPV and there is also NO treatment. I’ve read that most forms of HPV will clear your body on their own if you build your immune system and stay healthy, but if you are infected with HPV 16 then it may not clear your body before it causes you to develop cervical cancer. I’ve also read that men usually carry HPV 16 and almost never know they have it. It also does not cause any diseases in men. Wow. That’s what I get, huh? So, I will never know if I have HPV 16 unless I turn up an abnormal pap. Who would have thought? This is horrible.It also means that I may have been exposed to HPV 16 in other areas of my body. What I don’t understand is, if the virus is carried on the skin and transferred through skin to skin contact then how does it end up inside the vagina on the cervix? This is a big deal because it means that HPV 16 can cause eye warts, versus genital warts like its cousins, HPV 6 & 11. What is so sad to me is that there is NO viable test to determine the presence of HPV and there is also NO treatment. I’ve read that most forms of HPV will clear your body on their own if you build your immune system and stay healthy, but if you are infected with HPV 16 then it may not clear your body before it causes you to develop cervical cancer. I’ve also read that men usually carry HPV 16 and almost never know they have it. It also does not cause any diseases in men. Wow. That’s what I get, huh? So, I will never know if I have HPV 16 unless I turn up an abnormal pap. Who would have thought? This is horrible.
A: are u sure its not a sty!?…x go to doctors!
Am confused, and actually coming to this site shows how anxious i am. i need some advice.. r my girl n i over?
Q: Hopefully i don’t get carried away here and write too much.. but here is what’s going on with me…about 5 months ago i met this girl.. we both graduated high school and met during the summer. from day 1 we kicked it.. things went so great we started going out became bf and about 2 months time we both felt were ready to let it be known that we loved each other. the road was a lil rough at times.. she once lied to me saying she was going to sleep and in reality went to a party.. i caught her in her lie.. but i forgave her.. am not one to hold a grudge.. from there on our relationship grew stronger.. one day i go to work and while i was at work she went to the park with some guy who she told me she was ignoring cause he was an ass.. see she didn’t even tell me about them going to the park or what not.. i found out cause she left her phone in my car.. and i saw the messages.. on one which the guy even said *oh it was fun wrestling*.. that really hurt me.. may be am overreacting but wouldn’t everyone agree wrestling is not something you go and do while you have a significant other. whatever..i spoke to her about it.. she said sorry.. recently she found out she has an hpv and a high risk of developing cervical she has been changing a bit and pushing everyone away. i been her back bone and steady shoulder since day 1. i was there for her while she was healthy, while she was sick. she’d come to me before even going to her parents.well just recently she told me she needed some space.. she said we were still together bf and gf.. that she loved me so damn much i am best guy she ever been with.. yet we have not spoken for 3 days.. woulda been 7 but i was able to catch her at her house for a minute to see how she was doing and how was everything.. she even called me baby…this whole no contact thing is slowly ripping me.. i dont know if i am making to much of it or please help me here.. what should i do..:(jemm, i respect your answer.but to my defense on you saying i did wrong on looking through her’re right.. i did do wrong..but i had a gut feeling.. and i sure am glad i followed my gut feeling..
A: Hey Bud 🙂 I actually just created an account and saw your message. Wow tough break huh?! Sounds like a rough situation…with lots of complications. Don’t you wish it could be like the movies sometimes? You know with basic problems and simple easy solutions?? Let me tell you bro…I think you, me, and every other swinging d#ck out there wishes it was. The fact of the matter is that life isn’t the way any movie lays it out to be. I can’t tell you what to do because it’s up to you to make that decision. However, I can tell you this….from the sound of your situation I don’t doubt you have feelings for this girl. The question you seriously need to ask yourself is….is it worth it? Is it worth the headaches? Is it worth the stress? Is it worth waiting by the phone while instead I could be out with my boys (or other girls hehe)? Hey man I’ve been down this road before and yeah I called it the same thing at the time…love. Let be the first to say It aint love man. It’s everything else but. Trust me bro. Any girl that does the laundry list of things you typed above is not in love. What she is…well she’s too Ch#cken Sh$t to break up with you. Now once again I can’t tell you what to do…but I can tell you that if I was you I would call, leave a message, and say check ya later. You seem like a good guy bro…don’t waste your time with a girl who doesn’t appreciate it. Plus your young man… just open your eyes and start enjoying life. Don’t lock yourself down…not yet anyway. There is a whole world out there for you…YES YOU…my friend…to enjoy. I’m not going to give you any personal experience answers unless you ask. Too many people toot their own f#cking horns when no one wants to listen. Anyway buddy good luck and maybe I’ll here from ya.
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