Do you get skin cancer from pen ink

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There is no conclusive evidence that you can get skin cancer from pen ink. ChaCha for now! [ Source: ]
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Do you get skin cancer from pen ink
There is no conclusive evidence that you can get skin cancer from pen ink. ChaCha for now!
How does pen ink cause skin cancer?
i always heard that pen ink causes cancer but i do not think it has been clinically proven that this is true.

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Can I get skin cancer or anything else dangerous from writing on my hand?
Q: I drew something on my hand awhile ago with a pen and I never washed it off, completely. It has faded a bit when I shower but I re-trace it to make it darker. It’s been on my hand for several weeks or maybe even a month. By saying that I don’t mean it never faded off a little, I’m just saying for that length of time I never washed it off completely until it was gone.But today my friend said I’ll get ink poisoning from it and I’ll die in a few months from it. It didn’t really freak me out but it got me curious, is what I am doing bad?By the way, I regularly use pens, sometimes a sharpie/marker. Should I stop? Even though I don’t really see the harm and don’t want to, unless I might get some kind of cancer or disease.ALSO! Don’t give me crap like “Yeah you get skin cancer from writing on your hand with ink” because I already know that is absolutely false.
A: I agree. It is definantly not going to kill you if you write on you’re hand a few times. I have a sister who used to draw on everything, her clothes, her shoe’s, on herself, and even on paper. (shocker there :-P) but she never died or anything because she drew on herself, just don’t do it too often. And haha, I totally don’t get that crap about “you get skin cancer from ink or something” It in you in large amounts couldbe really bad though. I also am not one of those people who “Hates the sun” and thinks I need a whole bunch of sun will kill me and give me cancer and crap. Call me crazy! 😛 Hope it helps! And by the way, no. You don’t need to stop using pens because they will kill you. Feel free to write away! 😀 (please use paper instead of skin for regular notes and such. ) lol Writting on yourself could only irritate you’re skin.. Not kill you
if you write on your hands with gel pen, does it reduce your risk of getting ink poisoning?
Q: just want to know. also, can you get skin cancer from writing on yourself?
A: lol. i dont think it matters. the possibilities of this happening are very low. dont worry about getting ink poisoning. =) i write on my hands with any pen that is near. all the time. and im fine.
do you know anyone who has had worst luck with pets? do tell…?
Q: i have had 6 pets in my adult life…30 years old, got started at 1: Poops~n~Bites : died of cancer at age 6 (after surgeries, cryogenics, chemo). She crapped on the carpet every day of her life UNTIL one month before she died. And although a lover she would bite you when she felt she was done being petted. We euthanized her, but probably waited too long because it was really hard to 2: Trixie (followed 6 months later) died at age 6 also, from a heart attack from the vacuum-no joke!!cat 3: Ninja (four years later) died AGAIN at age 6 from kidney failure (after lots of visits, home IV fluids, change if diet). it came on strong and from the time the symptoms were present we only had about 2 weeks with her. we had gotten her levels back to a good level from a few days stay at the vet ($$$) but she was in a LOT of pain a few days later and we put her down.Cat 4 : Guadalupe “Lupe” 4 years old ALIVE!! However, Lupe was diagnosed with a heart murmur at age one: 1 or 2 on a scale 1-6, 6 being worst. a cardiogram showed half her heart was solid hard from heart disease at age 2, and also was rated 4-5 on scale. without meds she was given 6mos to live at age 2. we give her 2 pills a day and seems like she is great although we know her time is limited. we know a day will come that she will exhibit signs of suffocation (cardiac arrest) and we will immediately bring her in to be put down. they said it’s very painful (CA). also, they want us to give her cardiograms every 6 mos but they are $400+ and WE ARE BROKE. the only one in the house with health insurance is the DOG. DOG 1: willis!!! the million dollar dog (insured!) status: ALIVE AND EXPENSIVE!!! (and i love him with allllllll of my heart, soul and credit cards)YEAR ONE:*multiple bladder infections*lots of diarehea (changed diet)*multiple eye infections*massive loss of hair (related to allergies)*severe allergies (food and insects)*puppy strangles disease*benign hystiocytoma #1*extreme infection from absess from removal of 1st hystiocytoma. the vet wasn’t able to test it. he thought it may be a tumor & i tried to be pro-active, since it looked like Poops~N~Bites’ mass cell growths and i was told boxers are tumor factories. the result was a few days after surgery we ended up taking him to the vet 4x in 24hrs (was seen at reg. vet 2x & er vet 2x, both places by multiple vets). the last time we brought him in (to ER less than 2hrs after reg. vet visit) they told us he probably wouldn’t make it (infection had spread all over his body-he was FILLED w/ fluid and pus). they did an aggressive surgery and put lots of drainage tubes in and removed tons of gangreen skin. they weren’t able to tell me if he was going to make it for 2 days!! he wasn’t able to exercise or play for one month after that, but recovered.YEAR TWO*pneumonia*got “the flu” or ate poison outside again (we live in the city)*hystiocytoma #2 (left untouched since first was benign and it went away eventually)*flu (or ate poison outside)*ate a half of a CD, as well as dvd cases, hair brushes and mutliple ink pens….*LOTS AND LOTS of yeast infections in ears and between toes resulting in many, many expensive shampoos, medicated pads, ear cleaners, epsom salt baths (5m 2x a day). did i mention my husband and i both work 1-2 FT jobs each and were in school FT??? (we had doggie day care and opposite schedules so he wasn’t neglected and we also walked him at the minimum 2hrs a day)*funky stinky penis infection (mild, but disgusting)YEAR THREE*benign hystiocytoma (2 of them… one got gruesome, both went away)*ate chocolate, raisins & a btl. of neosporin. *Bloat *Tumor (grade 2-1) we had removed.DOG 2 : Shakey Jakea one year old boxer we rescued 4 months ago. i found him on craigslist and adopted him because he was in a really tiny crate and he was 7months old. the owner told me he was in there 12-13 hrs a DAY!!! because of work and commute. it broke my heart, esp knowing how much exercise and socialization these dogs need. she promised me he was up to date on shots, totally healthy and mostly house broken. turns out, she lied. i brought him to the vet 12 hrs later…he had ear mites, worms, skin infections, broken tail in 2 parts and was malnourished. he didn’t respond to our voices (i thought he was deaf-no just ignored). he bit us (not maliciously just playing, but OUCH) and was totally crazy. it took 2 months to house train him. he’s still hyper but all of his health stuff got cleared up with shots, meds, bandages and love!!!he had one $300 flu-like experience but besides that is seemingly healthy. he was fine after he got rehydrated.about my boxer eating choc/raisins/neosporin/cds/pens/etc PLEASE DO NOT JUDGE ME!!!!!! all times were extreme accidents (or in part from them climbing on the counters that we thought they couldn’t reach). my husband cut off part of his thumb at work and left the neosporin on the table
A: I know how you feel we have been through so many dogs and cats i can’t keep track of them all we have moved around a lot and some have gotten sick and chewers and everything, hubby about ready to give up on having pets, we have chaweenie right now, she is a chewer and has gotten sick twice because of it, has eaten my kids clothes underwear from all members of the family. So we have been through the same thing some of them had worse problems then we could afford. My Hubby is the same way.
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