Does chlamydia cause cancer

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Chlamydia may aid in the development of Cervical cancer. However, it takes time in many cases to accumulate to cancer. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does chlamydia cause cancer
Does chlamydia cause cancer
Chlamydia may aid in the development of Cervical cancer. However, it takes time in many cases to accumulate to cancer. ChaCha!
Does chlamydia cause cervical cancer?
Currently there is no clear evidence that chlamydia causes cervical cancer. Research is still ongoing.
Can untreated chlamydia (10+years) cause cancer in males??
Your boyfriend needs to get to the doctor and ask a professional. Surely this isn’t good, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t repairable. You need to be very careful for it is contagious and having it that long it could be in his throat as well,…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

can untreated chlamydia (10+years) cause cancer in males?
Q: a friend of mine recently found out he had chlamydia for the past 10 years and didnt know it. he has severe pain in testes, lumps in testes, says when he ejaculates it relieves pressure, and has aches in his lower abdomen. What do u think? best answers get 10 points
A: Your boyfriend needs to get to the doctor and ask a professional. Surely this isn’t good, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t repairable. You need to be very careful for it is contagious and having it that long it could be in his throat as well, which is bad news for you. Good luck
can chlamydia cause abnormal cells in a pap smear test?
Q: I have been having abdominal pain, cervical inflamation and pain, irregular bleeding and, lower back pain which can be symptoms of cervical cancer or chlamydia. I had a pap test done and it came back with abnormal cells. Im only 23 years old so i dont think i have cancer so i am hoping it is chlamydia since it is treatable.
A: Cervical cancer is also very treatable depending on the stage it is caught. I guess it would be helpful to know exactly what the PAP results were. Usually if one were having these types of symptoms and they were related to cervical cancer then your pap would come back saying more then just “abnormal cells”.Did it say anything about the following:Epithelial cell abnormalitySquamous intraepithelial lesionDysplasiaAccording to my knowledge these things would be listed on your pap if you have cervical cancer or even if you were beginning to develop cervical cancer. However, I know very little and I would assume there are things that could occur that would possibly make a pap not pick all of that up… it is just a screening tool. Best wishes!
After reading this is 1 in 4 so scary?
Q: “The teens were tested for four infections: human papillomavirus, or HPV, which can cause cervical cancer and affected 18 percent of girls studied; chlamydia, which affected 4 percent; trichomoniasis, 2.5 percent; and genital herpes, 2 percent.”BUT the CDC says in their website: “Most people with HPV do not develop symptoms or health problems.” AND “In 90% of cases, the body’s immune system clears the HPV infection naturally within two years.” So… 18% of those “1 of 4″ girls have a virus that normally doesn’t cause problems and clears on its own.”At least 50% of sexually active men and women acquire genital HPV infection at some point in their lives.” So maybe these girls aren’t out of the norm after all. Half of us WILL get it. That only leaves… 8.5% of these girls with the other 3 stds.Is it so scary now? I don’t think so.
A: HPV is not so scary as long as you get regular pap smears to make sure your not doing anything abnormal down there. And there are so many types just like you said, that don’t have any symptoms. And not all HPV are STD’s. I wonder if those are configured in their little studies. Who knows…
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