Does drinking water cause cancer

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does drinking water cause cancer”,you can compare them.

No, there is no scientific information that drinking water causes cancer. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does drinking water cause cancer
Does drinking water cause cancer
No, there is no scientific information that drinking water causes cancer. ChaCha!
Does Drinking Cold Water Cause Cancer?
Everyday it seems like a new study says X causes cancer, making it difficult to separate fact from fiction! This email is just one of many that claim certain things cause cancer, like certain and . Thankfully this is an email hoax, just lik…
Can poluted drinking water cause CANCER?
The use of chlorine was implicated in an increase of bladder cancer. In order to treat water to make it safe has introduced another danger, but it is a trade off as water born diseases can kill thousands. In fact in our country a couple of …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does drinking out of plastic water bottles cause cancer?
A: Yes, breast cancer. The chemical called dioxin is released when the water bottle is frozen or exposed to heat(like leaving the water bottle in the car on a hot day). Plastic containers do this too. Especially when leftovers are kept in a plastic container, the container shouldn’t be microwaved.Link:
Does drinking water from a plastic bottle that was left in the car overnight cause breast cancer?
Q: Toxins from the plastic bottle leak into the water if it is left in a warm place overnight. These toxins are known to cause breast cancer.
A: No, it’s an urban myth/legend, originating from a hoax email that was widely circulated last year.These links give the facts behind these rumours/hoaxes about plastic water bottles and breast cancer. Sheryl Crow is supposed to have claimed on Oprah that this is what caused her breast cancer, As you’ll see, Oprah Winfrey’s company, Harpo, denies that Sheryl Crow ever made those remarks
Does Desani water really cause cancer????????????
Q: i drink dasani water and iv’e heard it causes cancer, where could i find out?
A: ciggarettes cause cancer not water, so no your gonna be ok playboy
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