Does hookah give you gas

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No, but it can give you lung cancer faster than cigarettes. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
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Does hookah give you gas
No, but it can give you lung cancer faster than cigarettes. Thanks for using ChaCha!

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I have no idea what is happening? yes its long?
Q: I’m 21 and my gf(ex) is 18. We have a beautiful 8 month old baby girl who we both love beyond belief.We got along great for the most part, even literally finishing each others sentences. She always told me how much she loved me and that she would never leave me, she promised I would never have to feel heartbreak again. About 2 months ago she got over 50 grand in inheritance from her great-grandma and paid off all my credit cards and bought us a nice car to share, paid off rent for the rest of the year, bought tons of things for the house and let me take a month off work to spend time with our daughter. I thought we were gonna be a perfect young family… The only problem is my ADD. It progressively got worse after the baby was born, I didnt pay attention to anything she would say and it annoys her. I also have a VERY short temper and the smallest things send me into a fit of rage. The whole time I yell and freak out my brain is screaming to shut up but the next thing that comes out of my mouth is just as mean and hurtful as the last. This started happening more and more and I was procrastinating getting help.Last week we got into a small argument because I caught her lying and everything blew up. We had never talked about breaking up before but now we did talk about it. We got advice from family and decided that I needed to change my temper and she would stay with me. I immediately made sure i got health coverage and I’m planning to call a doctor the day the coverage starts.Last night on halloween we went to a party and she completely ignored me. I tried my best not to look like a tag along since they were all her friends but she didnt include me in anything. I ended up sitting on the couch for an hour before I got angry and left. Her friend chased me and told me how she was telling him how much she loves me and she doesnt want us to break up. He said he would go inside to get her to talk to me. She never came out. The next day she told me “i told you no one was gonna ruin my halloween, not even you”. I needed gas money to go get the baby the next morning so I went to meet her and told her everything, how I feel like she doesnt care anymore and even though she said she’s not giving up on me I feel like she already has without even giving me the chance to get the help I need. She told me she’s been bugged for months and hasnt loved me for 2-3 months but didnt know how to tell me. She says she needs time by herself, but we have a baby! So now I’m at home watching our baby and she has been partying every night with her friends, most of whom are guys. Now I try not to be a jealous guy but when she’s ditching our family to go smoke hookah and drink beer with 4 dudes i get a little mad. I wanna know why, if she hasnt loved me for months, would she pay off my debt and ask me to get her a ring because she wants everyone to know she’s taken? How can she go from saying I will always love you and we’re never gonna be apart, to saying I don’t feel it anymore and havent for months, and I dont want to give you the chance to change because you either wont or if you do our relationship will be too awkward. Basically she’s leaving me, after showing her love and saying it non stop for the whole 2 years we’ve been together (actions speak louder than words?), she’s giving me no chance to change, and is keeping everything in our apartment, including all furniture and tv, computer, and even the car, leaving me no way to get to/from work or to pick up the baby. What is happening here??? We were supposed to get married very soon, did she just get cold feet? Did my outbursts drive her away? If so why did she still pay off all my debt and ask for a ring? Everyone i talked to said that she told them she loved me and when I asked her about this she said she was lying to them and the truth is that she doesnt and doesnt think she ever will again. I’m more heartbroken than I’ve ever been and everytime I look at the baby it doubles. How could this have happened and how do I turn it around??? I need this family in my life, I’m afraid bad things may happen if I lose them. Please help, thank you so much to everyone that actually read this whole thing.She insists she didnt cheat and says that she just wants to be alone… I dont think she cheated because we work at almost the same times and at the same job so I dont see how she could be that sneaky….
A: Hm, I’m not totally sure what’s going on. I have a few ideas.Either she’s too young for such a big commitment, maybe she wants to enjoy her teen years a bit more and feels like having a baby and a husband will stop her from doing this and so she’s trying to figure out a way to still be able to have fun and perhaps to her that means being single.She cheated on you and feels bad so she’s treating you badly and being mean to you because she feels guilty. People do this all the time, as weird as it sounds.Or she really did get too frustrated with your anger problem and got cold feet and thinks maybe she doesn’t want to marry you.I bet it’s one of the three. Give her space but tell her that you want to make things work because you have a child and you love her.
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