Does marijuana help stop cancer

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “Does marijuana help stop cancer”,you can compare them.

No, Marijuana does not stop cancer in any way, shape, or form, medicinal marijuana is used to help numb the body suffering from the effects of Cancer treatment. Thanks [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does marijuana help stop cancer
What If Marijuana Could Stop Cancer Or Elderberries the Flu Or Re…?
I recall one of your previous post on pot legalization. I loved it. I’ll give a very similar response. Dated a guy years ago that smoked pot religiously, he finished med school in two years and is now a nephrologist. My father died of lung …

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How do you try to stop your brother from smoking marijuana?
Q: OK ive been noticing alot of weightloss and then he sometimes has short-term memory loss problems. Today i just asked him if does and he admitted it. I asked him how it feels and he said it feels relaxing. I dont want him to get cancer or get addicted to it and drop out from high school please someone help me. And he started smoking this year (his senior year of high school) … does anyone have any past experiances with this?
A: All u can do is express how u feel about cause there’s not much that u can do about it. How weed affects people varies from person to person. I know everyday smokers that r very successful and I know people that do nothing but talk about weed. So it’s really more of his inner motivation then anything. Really though, if it’s just once in a while then don’t worry about it.
How will using tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana in my college years affect me down the line?
Q: I’m not a chronic tobacco user, but I smoke every once in a while. This past summer started the whole thing by smoking marijuana on a fairly regular basis. Sometimes I’d go two weeks without smoking, and sometimes I’d smoke it every day. It all depends. As an idiotic high schooler, I used a “happy can” to experiment with it- (a pop can with a hole cut out of the top that you sprinkle the weed on and light the hole, and inhale through the regular opening.) Looking back, it’s very stupid and I hope I haven’t done anything to permanently affect my health. The whole smoking thing started in May and I stopped marijuana in August. Since August, I’ve bought two packs of cigarettes and three packs of cigars, and dipped a can of chewing tobacco. Will this amount of tobacco and weed make me vulnerable to cancer now? I’m stopping right away. I also drink every weekend. I don’t do it til the point of passing out, but I average about a six pack every Friday night. Have I done something irreversible to myself? Thanks for the help.
A: Chill. No, nothings going to happen. Don’t pay attention to ^ that guy. Weed is not addictive. I know very few college age people that don’t drink every weekend. Welcome to the status quo.
what is the minimum age to be prescribed medical marijuana in Michigan?
Q: One of my friends has learned there is a very good chance she has breast cancer, i have done a lot research on marijuana and the effects of it for cancer patients, like it stopping the spread of the cancer and reducing the size of tumors. So i want to know the minimum age for it, In my opinion i think it would help her a lot with getting through it
A: Sorry about your friend. The link is the State website. Patients under age 18 must have the consent of their parent or guardian responsible for medical decisions. The parent or guardian must be the registered caregiver of the minor patient. Over 18 no consent needed – other than have a Dr. sign the form.
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