Does smoking marijuana cause cancer or death

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does smoking marijuana cause cancer or death”,you can compare them.

A heavy, marijuana user who had smoked more than 22,000 joints had no greater risk than infrequent marijuana users or nonusers.Cha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does smoking marijuana cause cancer or death
Does smoking marijuana cause cancer or death
A heavy, marijuana user who had smoked more than 22,000 joints had no greater risk than infrequent marijuana users or nonusers.Cha
Is it possible to die from lung cancer caused by smoking marijuan…?
Mixed with tobacco definitely yes. You can get lung cancer if you have never smoked at all. More likely if any irritant is inhaled into your lungs.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is wrong with marijuana?
Q: I have been smoking marijuana for well over 6 months now, and I don’t notice any problems arising. I would say that the number of times I smoke it in a week varies between 1-7. I have researched facts on marijuana almost everyday and looked for non-biased information and have found that marijuana: Kills cells as much as ANYTHING that gets into your bloodstream whether it be pot, alcohol, even aspirin. Does not cause cancer and there has never been any reported cases of cancer due to marijuana smoking (Bob Marley died from cancer from tobacco smoking) My sperm count definitely hasn’t lowered. My heart rate has never felt any faster and if so probably by about 10 beats per minute so my metabolism speeds up and breaks down the thc.I’ve even noticed benefits from smoking it, my asthma doesn’t affect me at all, I rarely get headaches anymore (I used to have chronic headaches that would lead to vomiting and passing out by the end of the day.), and I am a much more tolerant and calm person. My grade point average is a 3.6 and before I started smoking marijuana I had a 1.8. I feel more active and inclined to get things done. My friends believe that I am ruining my life and they say that I am going to become stupid, lazy, or dead. My former friends, friends parents, and teachers all look down on me like I’m a fucking demon because I use a drug that is safer than beer and less addictive than soda. They think I am lying when I say that the average deaths from marijuana per year is 0. In health class students are taught that marijuana is more potent than it was in the 60s and 70s (my dad begs to differ) and it is probably going to be laced with something everytime you buy it (never happened to me). Also they are taught that it is a stimulate like amphetamines or opiates that get into your bloodstream and release dompamine causing euphoria and severely damaging the brain. That is all 100% bullshit. What is wrong with marijuana that makes everyone think that I am a bad person? Is there really nothing wrong or immoral about using it and people beleive there is because of reefer madness, or am I a devil’s advocate?
A: i have been smoking for 3 years nothing bad has ever happened to me except like 4 time getting caught by cops but these just took the left over that i had and left i also have asthma it better then cigarettes marijuana just happens to kill some brain cells i don’t think it should even be considered as a drug its pure hemp . people think that its bad because they have never tried it and think its like crack or something . the only drug i would ever do is weed and i have done shrooms a couple of times — have you ever heard of anyone over-dousing on marijuana he might look dead but hes just sleepy the side effects are SLEEPY HAPPY HUNGRY watch this video its Pretty funny
Are you for or against the recreational or medicinal use of marijuana?
Q: First of all im am completly for the legalization of cannabis in everyway shape and form. Dont let the propaganda Bull**** get into your head. Marijuana DOES NOT lead people to other drugs, especially if it was legalMarijuana IS NOT addicting, its been proven its no less addicting then a chocolate barMarijuana DOES NOT cause long term side effects like cigarret use, none of the carcinogens in cannabis smoke are linked to cancer at allAlcohol and cigarettes, both legal, cause thousands of deaths every year…marijuana: 0It is nearly impossible to overdose on cannabis, you would need as little as a Garbage bag full Marijuana does not turn people to crime, most marijuana users with a criminal record have it for smoking marijuana nothing else..Finally, marijuana causes passivism and opens your mind to more creative and free flowing ideas “When the power of love, over comes the love of power, the world will know peace” -Jimi Hendrix
A: I could rant forever on why I think (and know) cannabis should be legal. But I’d rather just say… yes. Legalize it, don’t criticize it. Anyone who thinks marijuana should be illegal, is only someone who has either been uneducated (only seen anti-pot ads), knows that it really should be legal but wants it to remain illegal for their own benefit (think alcohol, tobacco, paper industries, etc.), or is simply just stubborn/afraid to admit they were wrong (i.e. some politicians and DEA agents, former and present).
Do you prefer smoking weed(marijuana) or cigarettes?
Q: Weed may be illegal, but does not harm you in anyways.Helps you chillax and makes you more clam and a better person.There has been no confirmed death that a person has died from weed.Hospitals use weed to calm the patients down from the pain..cigarettes causes cancer, thousands and thousands have died from smoking cigarettes. it stinks like a skunk and makes you wrinkly.It should be the other way around… weed should be legal while cigarettes should be illegal.what do you prefer? and what do you think.
A: Weed. It should be legal. Tobacco causes cancer for a fact. Marijuana just shrinks the brain but after you stop using it goes back to normal. Cigarettes have no effect on me except headaches and grouchiness. Weed makes me happy, hilarious, hungry, and sleepy. 🙂
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