Does smoking weed give u cancer

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A study published in the European Respiratory Journal concludes that smoking weed is more harmful than smoking cigarettes. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does smoking weed give u cancer
Does smoking weed give u cancer
A study published in the European Respiratory Journal concludes that smoking weed is more harmful than smoking cigarettes.

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Is smoking 1 joint of weed as bad as smoking 4 cigarettes?
Q: Okay so im hearing way to many things about what weed can do to you.. im hearing it will give you lung cancer if u smoke to much.. and it will make you dumb…. and it will kill you ,, && Also is that if you smoke 1 joint its as bad as smoking 4 cigarettes. … is that true? is any of this true??
A: Smoking anything really is not good for the body. Cigarettes are horrible. Pot isn’t good either but most people don’t smoke it all day long like they do cigarettes. It does sap your motivation over time and can lead to problems with anxiety and depression. In the beginning it seems like it inspires you and boosts your creative talents or whatever… but over time it can become too ingrained in your daily routine and that’s what’s stupid and sad. If you’re going to smoke it, keep it at a recreational once in a while level and not at a chronic daily smoker level and you’ll be happier in the end.
is smoking weed bad for you?
Q: is smoking pot bad for you? what can it do? can it give u cancer?
A: When taken orally THC has been shown to be neuroprotective and immuno stimulating. However smoking anything can weaken the immune system because it damages the lungs. If you are worried about cancer, I recommend using a water pipe, but make sure to empty and change the water every time you use it, this can be a hassle but you don’t want bacteria growing in the water. THC is not water soluble so you will get the same amount of THC, but you will only get a small fraction of the tar and carcinogens. As far as toxicity THC is one of the least toxic alkaloids on the planet, it is impossible to consume a lethal dose of marijuana by smoking it, however it could increase the risk of heart attack if you are already at serious risk. Marijuana is the drug of choice for people with damaged organs who can no longer metabolize opiates. There are people with severe organ damage who would die from taking a single tylenol, yet they can smoke marijuana all day with no negative side effects. The only real physical danger of marijuana is it is a potent appetite enhancer and overconsumption of food can aggrevate many medical conditions. Marijuana may effect memory, but this is not due to brain damage, it is due to the brain not labeling things as important while it is intoxicated on THC, the brain is more interested in the intoxication then storing memory.There has never been a documented fatality from marijuana or THC overdose.
is weed natural can u tell me?
Q: i was watching bob marley video and it made sense i wanna smoke weed cos its good for smoking cigaretes gives you cancer canabis cures it so i might smoke that what do u think i should do it or not and where can i get it from
A: if you smoke weed, you can end up with tar in your lungs. If you try brownies or use a vaporizer then you won’t, but wanting to try marijuana because you think that it will cure cancer (which it doesn’t) is really quite moronic.
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