How about within the next 10 years

Health related question in topics U.S. Government .We found some answers as below for this question “How about within the next 10 years”,you can compare them.

Not likely legalize within the next 10 years, unless it plays a vital role in medicine that could heal cancer or something. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How about within the next 10 years
How about within the next 10 years
Not likely legalize within the next 10 years, unless it plays a vital role in medicine that could heal cancer or something.
Why China Will Pass America and Lead the World Within the Next 10…?
As America Declines in Influence and Economic Power, China is Seeing an Historic Rise in Its Influence and Economic Power According to many economists, China will pass the US economically within the next ten years. The US will also see its …
Will we see a peaceful reunion of North and South Korea within th…?
I don’t see it happening but I sure hope it does. The North Koreans hopefully aren’t that fully brainwashed to realize that their standard of living is wretched compared to the South for over 50 years now. Perhaps Capitalism cannot be as ev…

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How do you feel about the world coming to an end within the next 10 to 15 years?
A: I’m against it.
Do you think there will be a major terroist attack in the U.S. within the next 10 years?
Q: And I am talking about a major attack in the form of several weapons of a biological or nuclear nature unleashed in several majorly populated cities. The death toll could conceivably reach into the tens of millions, and consequently would seriously disrupt the social and economic activity whithin the country.Do you think: 1) This is even possible from a logistical standpoint? Are there weapons which exist that are readily accessible for use by ‘ordinary’ individuals? How would such weapons be delivered to unleash the maximum amount of devastation?2) Is this action neccessary? I mean this from a geo-political and philosophical standpoint? Is it neccessary for the world to proceed through the difficult times ahead without the arguably negative influence the U.S. exerts globally from a cultural, economic, social, and political standpoint?
A: yea after george bush leaves office in January 2009 and a democrat is elected
what graphics do you expect us to have on video game systems and pcs within the next 10 or so years?
Q: just a question i was thinking about one day in a boring algibra class. also how will we play it? with gloves that simulate the movement on the screen. or with buttons and joysticks like we do now?
A: I think it can’t even be predicted, think about what graphics were like ten years ago from now.Compare the graphics on a ps3 to the graphics on some of the early ps1 games.And if you want a real trip compare the graphics of the early ps1 games to the graphics from ten years before that! The next ten years are going to have some incredible things that will make top of the line graphics right now seem slow, boring, and lifeless 😀
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