How did Vera Ellen die

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Vera-Ellen died on August 30, 1981 from cancer. Keep on ChaCha’ing! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How did Vera Ellen die
When did Vera-Ellen die?
Vera-Ellen died on on August 30, 1981
Where did Vera Ellen die?
Vera Ellen died in Los Angeles, California, USA
Who is Vera Ellen and what did she die of?
“She was an American actress and dancer.” Vera-Ellen (February 16, 1921 – August 30, 1981) was an American actress and dancer, principally celebrated for her filmed dance partnerships with Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly and Donald O’Con…

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White Christmas.What is the difference between saying someone has anorexia or has anorexia nervosa?
Q: Every year when “White Christmas” plays or is played somewhere, I have to hear people comment on the late beautiful, talented actress-dancer Vera-Ellen who died of cancer at age 60 and was never diagnosed or treated for anorexia nervosa. Yet people seem to love to recount how the studio had to cover her neck because she was “suffering” from anorexia and her bones showed. This is biased media information–Did Fred Astaire look good in low cut shirts? No, they were skinny! So what. This poor women was made into a poster child for anorexia and people do not seem to know the difference between anorexia and anorexia nervosa. She was never diagnosed. Do you know the difference between anorexia and anorexia nervosa? How common is the actual eating disorder?Clue: No, they are not at all the same.M.M. Spears you are a trooper for answering this question twice. You will get 10 pts. on one of them. Thanks.
A: Anorexia is an abbreviated way of saying anorexia nervosa. They are the same. It’s like saying a person has Down’s, as opposed to saying they have Down’s Syndrome.The definition of anorexia, according to Merriam-Webster:Anorexia Nervosa; loss of appetite especially when prolonged.The definition of anorexia nervosa, according to M-W: : a serious disorder in eating behavior primarily of young women in their teens and early twenties that is characterized especially by a pathological fear of weight gain leading to faulty eating patterns, malnutrition, and usually excessive weight loss.
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