How do people die from AIDS

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People who have AIDS usually die from being unable to fight off an illness because their immune system isn’t strong enough. Some get forms of lymphoma or other cancers, pneumonia, tuberculosis and meningitis. 3 million die each year from AIDS. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do people die from AIDS
How do people die from aids?
People cannot actually die from the AIDS virus itself. What HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) and AIDS actually do is slow down your immune system and make a person infected more likely to contract other ailments or sicknesses. Once the HIV …
How are aids deadly?
AIDS Complications. When a person is infected with HIV, the virus slowly begins to destroy that person’s immune system. How fast this occurs differs in each individual. Treatment with HAART can help slow and even halt the destruction of the…
Is it More Ethical to Die of AIDS Than Use Condoms?
The condom is the best prevention to that currently sexually active people to combat the transmission of AIDS and other STDs. It is true that the current latex may fail and that we must handle with care (not tearing them with nails, use a w…

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how do people die from aids?
Q: today my friends uncle die at home i dont know why… he wasnt old or anything he might have had aids.. he puked or something… how do people die from aids? before they die like the symptoms
A: Well, the Immune system is suppressed to the point your body is left vulnerable to Infections/viruses/diseases.. it is my understanding that those that die from aids die from the secondary illnesses. It’s just that the immune system is too weak to fight bacteria/viruses off.
How long does it take for people to die from aids?
Q: me ex lass was up mine earlier on and she said there were a few people who i know who are HIV possitive and there only 17 to 22 i use to go with one of lasses years ago and shes only just turned 20 now i think
A: I’m guessing by the way you talk you live in the UK,go and get tested- i really think you need to.
How many people have died from influenza( the flu) over the years compared to AIDS?
Q: After reading about the epidemic down Mexico way, I got to thinking that the flu must have killed far more people than AIDS ever did, and I don’t mean just because it has been around longer. So does anyone know the aproximate number of people who have dies from the flu over the years versus the number of people who have died from HIV/ AIDS? And also how many prople currently die each year from each virus?Thanks.
A: HIV/AIDS kills millions of people (~5m) every year, and the number is increasing. It is usually a far more significant health issue than influenza which rarely causes deaths when it is endemic. Pandemic influenza is different because it spreads rapidly and has a higher mortality rate, so it can kill many people in a short period of time before the outbreak burns out. The 1918 pandemic alone probably killed more people (20-100m) than have ever died of HIV/AIDS (~25m), and it did this in months rather than years.
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