How do you know if the HPV is cancer? Is there symptoms

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A doctor can do a Pap test to identify if you have a type of HPV that is capable of causing cervical cancer. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you know if the HPV is cancer? Is there symptoms
The symptoms are the same whether or not HPV is involved.
Is HPV the only way to get cervical cancer?
Yes, you must have high-risk HPV in your body to get cervical cancer. HPV itself is not cancer, but it can cause cell changes that turn into cancer.

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Females: Symptoms of HPV and how often does it come back?
Q: I went to the gyno awhile back and my first test came back with HPV, so then I had to go back again for another pap test, and everything came back okay. I have HPV but it goes away on it’s own but then comes back, how do you know if you have it again if the only symptom you had was itching, there isn’t anything visible. I mean how often does it keep coming back. If only they had that vaccine that they have now back when I was in my 20’s. I’ve already had cervical cancer once. I guess my best bet is just to get in to see the dr again…….This can get pricey if it keeps coming back again and again. I mean now that it’s the weekend, I’m going to just maybe think it’s a yeast infection and go get some cream for that, but if that doesn’t cure it, then I for sure need to go to the dr. Has any other females had it before, if so how often did it come back and what were your symptoms…….just have so many questions….
Anyone have HPV? Is there treatment for HPV in mouth and throat??!!?
Q: Someone please HELP me, I am so desperate! I have recently done a pap test, which came back positive for HPV. I have little warts in my vulva….and I also had oral sex….but I didnt know I was infected with the virus.I have a daughter …she’s one years old. My husband gave me the virus, and he didnt even know he was infected. I am soo SCARED….I feel like crying, and I cannot sleep. I am 23 years old..and I’m afraid of loosing my daughter…Im afraid of dieing.Recently I have been feeling alot of discomfort in my throat and on my tonsils, and i KNOW it is the virus. I am convinced that I have HPV in my mouth and throat. I have made alot of research on this, and the HPV can go away on its own by itself…BUT the problem here is that now Im infected in my throat and mouth. If warts develop how can I remove them? Is there any type of TREATMENTS for the throat?? Or will they keep growing and spreading?? 🙁 Please someone, shed some light into my life….I am seriously depressed. I want to fight this off, but now Im having these symptoms in my throat…..can it go away from the throat?? The more research I do, the more feraked out I get becaue it can SPREAD to the lungs….theerfore I can also get lung cancer!!!Sometimes I wish I were dead…I cannot take this anymore…..!!! I have another appointment to see what type of HPv strand I have…Someone please…….please……..give me some HOPE!!!And, yes, I will not perform oral sex with my husband anymore. I am frightened…..I am human I made some mistakes…please dont write any mean messeges.thank you
A: so! RELAX !:)genital warts appears only in genital area – that is why these genital warts are called genital warts – NOT oral warts! so genital warts will not spread in your mouth and throat !!! forget it!!! :)(if you were already infected with HPV virus strain that causes genital warts then that means that you can not be infected with this virus in your mouth and throat by giving oral sex!!! because virus was already in your body and can develop only genital warts in genital area!!! because you have that strain that causes only genital warts! )and you WILL NOT LOSE your daughter!!!!!!!!! HPV is not genetic!! stop thinking like that!and anyway HPV virus do not causes discomfort in throat and tonsils! it is definitely something else!! go to doctor if it still persist!and once you have HPV virus – it will stay in your body forever! there is no cure for that virus! the only way to fight virus is your own immune system!and warts will not spread in to your lungs !!!!! dont be silly! :)and you still can perform oral sex !!!! have normal sexual life!!so:1) you have HPV virus strain that causes genital warts! about 80% people during their life have and will have this virus! no one never had died from genital warts!!!2) warts will not appear in your lungs!!!!3) your baby will not die!!!!!4) just get rid of your genital warts and if your husband also has genital warts – he must get rid of warts , tooo!and remember – you can remove genital warts by surgery, freezing, laser, acid or cream but genital warts can reappear again and again because genital warts appears when your immune system is weak!HPV is the virus that causes genital warts. People can be infected with HPV and never show any symptoms. Others will develop genital warts. These warts can stay the same size, grow, or go away on their own. It largely depends on the infected person’s immune system. A healthy immune system means your body may be able to suppress the virus and not show symptoms.Even after the warts go away, the person will always remain infected with HPV. That person can spread the virus even without showing you must build up your immune system because your body can get rid of genital warts by itself if your immune system will be strong! so eat more healthy food, more vitamins and more sport activities! (No smoking, no beer/ale, no booze, no drugs, no junk food, no fast food garbage, no sugary sweet soda’s. Get on a good, balanced, healthy diet including plenty of boiled or steamed vegetables. Drink P L E N T Y O F W A T E R , fruit juices & fat free milk. Snack on lots of RAW fruit & veggies. Get up one hour early every morning & take a BRISK 30 minute walk – then – do the same thing again in the evening after dinner. Make sure you eat a good, balanced breakfast daily. You get your energy for the day from your breakfast meal. Get 8 hours sleep each night. Flip your mattress over so it will level out to give you a good night’s rest. Slack off too much coffee & tea)also you must use herbal treatment!in that case Wartrol is a good (probably the best) product that gets rid of genital warts comparatively fast and makes you feel more confident knowing that they wont reappear again! It works by stimulating your immune system to fight the HPV virus that causes the warts. of course it is better if you use full course (5 months – if I remember correctly).It worked and still works for me!I do not know if any pharmacies carry Wartrol but I do know that you should purchase it directly from the manufacturer and read more about the product here luck!Working in women’s health + personal experience
Condoms FAIL, so why lie and say they make adultery safe?
Q: The Facts About CondomsSome say condoms make sex “safe.” But how well do condoms work? Can you still get a sexually transmitted infection (STI)? Can you still get pregnant? You bet!If you are worried about STIs, condoms just reduce your risk; they don’t eliminate it. And about 1 of every 5 teen couples using condoms for birth control get pregnant within a year.[1] So even if you use a condom every time you have sex, you’re still at risk for STIs and pregnancy. The STI EpidemicEvery year, 1 in 4 young people under 25 gets an STI.[2] There are at least 25 different STIs. Many of these have no cure. Untreated STIs can cause long-term pain, some cancers and even death. Consider the facts:Chlamydia and GonorrheaIf you use condoms every time you have vaginal sex, you can cut your chance of getting chlamydia or gonorrhea in half. [3,4] Chlamydia and gonorrhea infections are common in teens. But you probably won’t know if you’re infected because most people with these infections have no symptoms. Even if you have no symptoms, you can still spread these infections. If left untreated, both chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause long-term pain and problems getting pregnant when you want to.[5]Genital HerpesIf you use condoms every time you have vaginal sex, you can cut your chance of getting genital herpes in half.[6,7] Genital herpes infects 1 in 6 teens and adults.[8] Once you’re infected, you have it for life. If you don’t stay on medication, sores can keep coming back. Even if you have no symptoms, you can still spread the infection to others. HPV (Human Papillomavirus)If you use condoms every time you have vaginal sex, you may be able to cut your chance of getting HPV in half.[9-12] HPV is a very common STI in the US. About half of all sexually active college-age females get HPV.[13] Most people with HPV have no symptoms. HPV can cause genital warts or cancer of the cervix, penis or anus.[14] HIV/AIDSIf you use condoms every time you have vaginal sex, you can cut your chance of getting HIV by 85%.[10,15] That might sound pretty good, but that still leaves you at risk for infection. HIV/AIDS has killed nearly half a million Americans—and the number is growing.[16] Why take a chance with that sick feeling of being infected with a degrading diease? Really think thats normal?? http://www.afa.nethttp://www.pointofview.nethttp://www.exodus-international.org
A: Thanks for the advice, if people read this and actually cared about their sexual activity, then we would not have so many unwanted pregnancies, and soooooo many questions about “am I pregnant”, or “I think I am pregnant”, or “help me, I do not know what to do”.I hope people take your information seriously.and really read this, if they do, then we would have no more questions.Thanks for the information.
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