How does aspartame cause cancer

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According to the FDA Aspartame is a safe, general purpose sweetener that does not cause Cancer. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does aspartame cause cancer
How does aspartame cause cancer
According to the FDA Aspartame is a safe, general purpose sweetener that does not cause Cancer. ChaCha!
Does aspartame cause cancer?
Aspartame is a low-calorie artificial sweetener that is about 200 times sweeter than sugar. Current evidence does not show any link between aspartame use and increased cancer risk. People with the genetic disorder known as phenylketonuria s…
Does aspartame really cause cancer?
I guess it depends on individual, just like some people who smoke their whole life and yet they don’t get cancer. There are also people who drink diet sodas (loaded with aspartame) and used loads of artificial sweeteners (made of aspartame)…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does aspartame cause cancer?
Q: I guzzle a lot of diet drinks with aspartame as the sweetener. I’ve heard numerous people talk about how aspartame is bad for you and causes cancer, brain tumors, and other horrible diseases. What do you think?
A: Scientist performed experiments on lab rats that showed an increase risk of getting leukemia and lymphoma. So I would cut your intake of diet drinks, because its been proven that 3 or more diet drinks a day can increase your risk of cancer.
Is there any actual scientific proof that aspartame can cause cancer?
Q: yes. what is the proof? and how does it cause cancer?im only 17 years old and I always drink diet soda. But then I heard it causes cancer so I haven’t had any for a week and don’t plan on having any for the rest of my life.
A: There has been testing on aspartame to determine its safety. It’s completely safe.
does aspartame really cause cancer?
Q: if so…. how much do you need to eat to get cancer?
A: I guess it depends on individual, just like some people who smoke their whole life and yet they don’t get cancer. There are also people who drink diet sodas (loaded with aspartame) and used loads of artificial sweeteners (made of aspartame), yet they don’t get cancer.I’m a nose cancer survivor, been thru chemo and radiotherapy. Prior to being diagnosed, I was eating a very popular lozenges (F’s F) as sweets daily for a period of almost close to 3 years. The least amount I ate was a pack in 3 days and the most was 2 packs in a day. And one ingredient used in this was aspartame.There are some evidence that aspartame causes certain types of cancer in lab test with animals and according to my experience with my diet of aspartame, it might or might not be true that it causes cancer in humans.Just type in 3 words (aspartame links cancer) on any search engine, you’ll get both positive and negative articles, lab test results and websites. Judge for yourself if aspartame’s really safe for consumption. (Anyway, too much of anything does have a slight side effect on the body. Take everything in your diet in moderation.)p/s: I’ve steered clear of aspartame since I was diagnosed…
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