How does someone get leukemia

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How does someone get leukemia”,you can compare them.

Unfortunately, one can not predict leukemia and there is no rhyme or reason. Like most cancers,it just appears without explanation [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does someone get leukemia
How does someone get leukemia?
In general, cancer occurs when cells divide without a check or a control. This uncontrolled division leads to faulty cells that do not perform the proper tasks – as in leukemia, or it produces a tumour as in most other cancers. In AML Leu…
How can someone get a second opinion for leukemia?
Here are ways to find someone for a second opinion.
What will happen if someone with leukemia gets the chicken pox??
I can’t speak to every case, but I know that with my boyfriend’s son his white cell count was extremely low when he was diagnosed with leukemia. Even though he was declared officially in remission a couple weeks ago, his white cell count ha…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How does someone get leukemia?!?
Q: im just curious, what things can i do so i dont get leukemia and what is the worst thing that i could do to get it? im scared cuz my cousin has been recently diagnosed with leukemia, and she’s my age.
A: In general, cancer occurs when cells divide without a check or a control. This uncontrolled division leads to faulty cells that do not perform the proper tasks – as in leukemia, or it produces a tumour as in most other cancers. In AML Leukemia, the cells that produce white blood cells are cancerous and produce a great number of nonfunctional WBCs.It isn’t known exactly what causes leukemia but there are several ideas about what exactly causes the uncontrolled division of these cells. Risk factors include exposure to high amounts of radiation, previous rounds of chemotherapy, high exposure to benzene, smoking, some genetic problems such as Downs Syndrome, and sometimes faulty genes inherited.
Anyone who has/had/or knows someone with leukemia, please help =( !?
Q: I had a blood test done, and the oncologist said there is about a 50/50 chance that I have leukemia, specifically myelogenous leukemia. How can I take the emotional load right now? I’m 16 and on an exchange program in Japan, and my family lives on the east coast in the Usa. And I still have several months left.I can’t leave now. I worked so hard to get accepted. Thanks for your help.
A: Well first i am so sorry! I know what it was like when i found out i had leaukemia. Keep your head high! Dont give up yet! First you said you had more months in Japan. Dont give up yet! First you need to (if you havent already) tell ur family. Second the doctor said 50/50 chance so dont do anything rational until it is a definite answer. Third you need to just keep your mind of it. Assuming that you have friends over in japan talk to them and keep your mind of it.Best of luck and you are in my prayers. If you need to talk email me at [email protected]. Please email me any time.
My Grandma (85) was just diagnosed with leukemia yesterday, what happens next?
Q: She is meeting with the doctor on a few days, but I was wondering what do they usually do when an 85 year old gets leukemia? She has had no other health issues. Any personal experiences? How long does someone typically live with leukemia?Thanks for the support
A: That depends on what stage the cancer has taken. According to that, further treatment steps will be taken, there’s nothing you can do without the doctor’s statement.
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