How many people are diagnosed with cancer each day

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It is said that there are about 118 people diagnosed every day with cancer. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many people are diagnosed with cancer each day
How many people are diagnosed with cancer each day?
Thousands and thousands, all different kinds of cancers.
Does it seem like many people are getting diagnosed with cancer t…?
Yes. It is alarming. It’s not only in people. It’s in our pets too. Hum. What’s changed over the last 20 years? Yes we have better technology to screen for Cancer but what else? I think it’s higher higher levels of pollutants. Hell thos…
How many people have been diagnose with cancer?
Following link is an interesting site that gives world wide statistical information at any given time, including cancer. Have fun!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how many people are diagnosed with cancer each day?
A: Thousands and thousands, all different kinds of cancers.
is it true, alcohal is a cancer cause for women?
Q: Ladies, a glass of wine a day may increase your chances of developing cancer.According to Cancer Research UK, a drink a day causes 7,000 cancer cases – primarily breast cancer – in the United Kingdom each year.The risk increases with consumption, the information pulled on a million women implies. Overall, alcohol causes 13% of breast, liver, rectum, mouth and throat cancers. They guess that 5,000 breast cancer cases in the UK can be accredited to alcohol consumption.The study reviewed women who had a low to moderate intake of alcohol: three drinks a day or less. In the seven-year study, available in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, a quarter reported consuming no alcohol.About 70,000 of the women diagnosed with cancer had a pattern connected to alcohol consumption. Having one drink a day can increase the chance of contracting cancer by 6% in women.Lead author Dr Naomi Allen from the University of Oxford, says that “the findings of this report show quite strongly that even low levels of drinking that were regarded to be safe do increase cancer risk.””About 5% of all cancers in the UK are due to drinking something in the order of one alcoholic drink a day.”She noted that there is bewilderment about the amount that people should drink. Red wine is supposedly good for the heart.”It is up to individual people to make their own decision. All of us to some extent have to weigh up the risks and take some responsibility for our health,” said Allen.A Department of Health spokesman said: “We keep our guidance on sensible drinking under review. We currently advise on a lower risk drinking limit and that drinking above this level could be harmful.””There is no completely safe level of drinking but this lower level reflects the known risks including breast cancer, which is partly why there is a lower drinking limit for women,” they added.”We look forward to examining this research in more detail.”Dr Sarah Cant of Breakthrough Breast Cancer said: “We already know that drinking alcohol can increase your risk of breast cancer.””This study suggests that for women over 50 even drinking moderate amounts of any type of alcohol can have many health consequences, including a greater chance of developing breast cancer. Around 80% of breast cancer cases are diagnosed in women aged over 50, so limiting how much you drink is one step you can take to try to reduce your risk of developing the disease,” Cant said.—On the Net:
A: Well obviously, since theres an article about it.
How can I deal with all the bad things that are happening to friends?
Q: I know of so many people that have cancer right now. A good friend of mine here on Q&A’s has cancer and has decided against treatment, the mother in law of another friend of mine just got diagnosed with brain cancer and has 10 days to live, another friend’s mom has uterine cancer, and another friend lost both of his parents within 16 hours of each other. How do I keep my chin up when there’s so much to worry about? How should I deal with all of this sickness and death?? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.
A: I don’t know much, but i know one thing – there is a God up there that allows bad things to happen to good people. don’t know why… as a test of faith or something like it…. I recently heard something that might be appropriate for everyone suffering from some illness. they say “laugh and everyone will laugh with you. cry and you’ll cry alone”. my suggestion is never let them feel like they’re alone. as for you, keep God in mind when you see troubled people.
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