How many people get cancer by alcohol

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Strong link betw alcohol & several cancers. Metabolizing alcohol produced acetaldehyde which may trigger DNA damage & cancer. [ Source: ]
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Does alcohol increase cancer risk even in people who aren’t big d…?
According to AICR’s landmark 2007 report on diet and cancer prevention, excess alcohol consumption increases risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, colon and breast and probably the liver as well. Alcohol’s effects on the body are…

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Can someone show me how many cancer related deaths can be 100% attributed to indoor tanning?
Q: I see so many positive results from indoor tanning, from personally being partial interest in a salon, that the negative press that we receive is unreal. Alcohol, tobacco, lifestyles-all still legal, and possibly deadly, but yet no one keeps harping on them. We know it, accept it, and make our own personal choices. I personally tan doctors, nurses, politicians, people referred by these same doctors to treat skin disorders, depression, etc etc, it just comes down to the same old game: money.Dermatologists can’t state the benefits, because their interests would be somewhat compromised if their clients didn’t need to visit them as often. Please someone give me the number of cancer related deaths directly attributed to indoor tanning, so that we may be able to compare it to, say, getting trampled by a herd of kittens, or dying from an exploding bowling factory whose balls knocked you down from the sky. FACTS-not guesses.
A: No cancer can be 100% attributed to one thing. We live in a World full of carcinogens. Anyone of them can cause cancer.Indoor tanning, tobacco use, abestos and, many other things have proven to be potent mutagens but, this does not gurantee cancer. However, these carcinogens increase the risk of cancer because every cancer is a specific set of genetic mutations. If you get the right combination, you get cancer. Therefore, to lower your risk, lower your exposure to carcinogens.You make a good point. People should educate themselves about the risks in anything and, live to their comfort level of risk. Not just with cancer but in all aspects in life (the way you drive, financial opportunities, career opportunities, etc.).
Marijuana vs. Alcohol what’s your opinion?
Q: Here is a question that i am curious to see how many people will give an honest answer. Which do you prefer to be legalized Marijuana or Alcohol? Below are just a few facts about both…. (I did look up the facts that are posted on both marijuana and Alcohol I did not just make up these facts myself) I will try and post 10 facts eachMarijuana: #1 If Pot were legalized the prison industry would be hurt. They would no longer jail Pot smokers. It could free up space for violent criminals. #2 Pot is a sexual stimulant. #3 Pot is 100% natural nothing about it has man made chemicals in it. #4 There has never been a car accident death due to a stoned driver, just some slow drivers and may be some lost drivers . #5 Pot is used for medical use in MANY situations. #6 it is a myth that marijuana is a gate way drug. #7 Pot will cause some short term memory loss. #8 Pot will give you the Munchies, It could cause you to gain weight. #9 Marijuana smokers show dysregulated growth of epithelial cells in their lung tissue, which could lead to cancer; however, a recent case-controlled study found no positive associations between marijuana use and lung, upper respiratory, or upper digestive tract cancers. Thus, the link between marijuana smoking and these cancers remains unsubstantiated at this time, but marijuana smokers have some of the same problems as cigarette smokers coughing, mucus, sore lungs, etc. #10 Marijuana make most people more relaxed. It relieves the clutter and tension after a hard days work or stress. It mellows you out and makes you more relaxed. It heightens the imagination and improves creativity. If you have a problem with anger, Pot is usually a good drug to reduce it, no one has ever died from smoking marijuana.Alcohol: #1 In VERY SMALL amounts, alcohol can help a person feel more relaxed or less anxious. #2 Alcohol actually blocks some of the messages trying to get to the brain. This alters a person’s perceptions, emotions, movement, vision, and hearing. #3 Depending on the person, intoxication can make someone very friendly and talkative or very aggressive and angry. #4 Reaction times are slowed dramatically — which is why people are told not to drink and drive. People who are intoxicated may think they’re moving properly when they’re not. They may act totally out of character. #5 When large amounts of alcohol are consumed in a short period of time, alcohol poisoning can result. Alcohol poisoning is exactly what it sounds like — the body has become poisoned by large amounts of alcohol. Violent vomiting is usually the first symptom of alcohol poisoning. Extreme sleepiness, unconsciousness, difficulty breathing, dangerously low blood sugar, seizures, and even death may result. #6 One half of all drowning deaths among teen guys are related to alcohol use. Use of alcohol greatly increases the chance that a teen will be involved in a car crash, homicide, or suicide. #7 Teen drinkers are more likely to get fat or have health problems, too. One study by the University of Washington found that people who regularly had five or more drinks in a row starting at age 13 were much more likely to be overweight or have high blood pressure by age 24 than their non drinking peers. People who continue drinking heavily well into adulthood risk damaging their organs, such as the liver, heart, and brain. #8 The strongest medical evidence exists for the link between moderate drinking and a reduced risk of heart disease. #9 Alcohol has been linked to liver disease, cancers, heart damage and strokes when consumed in larger amounts, and even small doses can lead to accidents, Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; this includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings. #10 Hangovers are another possible effect after large amounts of alcohol are consumed; a hangover consists of headache, nausea, thirst, dizziness, and fatigue.In my opinion i think it’s safer to smoke a joint than it is to drink a beer, the most dangerous thing about marijuana is getting caught with it. you can google all this info your self before you answer i do not smoke or drink and i do not condone any of the above this is just my opinion on the subject, & I am just curious as to what every ones opinion is on the subject. I am just a homemaker and not any form of government at all or anything like that. Also I looked every were for something good about drinking alcohol and found VERY limited info on it, so please don’t think this info posted is one sided for marijuana being good for you, I just found that using google as info finder it’s easier to find good things about using pot than using beer.
Anti-pot legalization people please read?
Q: Can you please tell me why you are against legalization? Some of you might say the typical “Pot’s bad for you” line, but here’s proof otherwise:…and if you don’t trust statistics and you believe that Marijuana has 3 times as many carcinogens as tobacco like Above the Influence, D.A.R.E., etc., commercials tell you, think of this: Most potheads on average smoke about 1 joint a week, whereas some tobacco smokers smoke several packs a day. Even in this case, tobacco would still be worse for you because those who smoke it smoke it alot more often. And noone can argue that nicotine is not more addicting than marijuana. Also, there are other ways to consume pot other than through smoking that don’t impose the risk of lung cancer, such as eating (although this produces smaller effects), and using a vaporizer, which removes alot of the harmful chemicals that are normally found in the smoke.From the above, I have already established that pot is not as bad for you as tobacco, yet it is illegal. Why? This is because Congress doesn’t make laws in concern of your well-being. If they did, both tobacco and alcohol would be illegal. The main reason pot is still illegal today is because it was illegalized along time ago due to foolish reasons and Congress has simply ignored the issue and focused on other things.Some of you may argue that it would be devastating to have people smoking pot while driving. So why don’t we just illegalize it while driving, like we do alcohol, and also make it illegal to smoke in public places? Some of you might say that whether or not pot is legal doesn’t and will not affect you, so why should you care? The truth is, your taxpayer is money is going towards arrests and jailtime for potheads every year, so it is indeed affecting you, if not directly. Some might say that the social costs of marijuana would outweight the benefits from tax revenue saved because after all, tax revenue from alcohol only covers 10% of its social costs. The truth is, marijuana would come with much lower social costs if we were to only legalize it for use in one’s home. First of all, alcohol is served in many public places such as bars, baseball games, etc., and many people drive under the influence only because they have no other way of getting home. If we were to only legalize marijuana for home use, we wouldn’t have nearly as much of this problem. Also, a fraction of alcohol’s social costs includes arresting drunk husbands that beat their wives, domestic violence, etc., and we wouldn’t have this problem with pot, which does not cause people to become violent.Besides, thousands of people smoke pot already anyways, so who has the law stopped? It doesn’t serve as a deterrant to keep people from smoking, it just punishes them after they do it, and how does that help anyone?Please don’t paint me as a liberal. I am independent and don’t follow political labels. And I’m not ranting, I just want to change people’s minds by proving them wrong. What do you have to say to this?Unka Dano, I have a pothead friend who is an electrical engineer.It’s all about personal responsibility. Look at what alcohol has done to some people. And yet there are some very successful people that drink in moderation.dwndubois, the effects of pot can last for up to six hours. It’s not possible to smoke very many joints a week without finding a job and getting money to pay for it in the first place.People are going to use it whether or not its legal wyomugs, it’s not just as simple as “allow” or “don’t allow”.dwndubois, I doubt you would know as you already seem uneducated on the issue. You’re under the impression that if it suddenly became legal, people everywhere would start smoking it and anarchy would occur. People already smoke it. We would just spend less money prosecuting innocent people and the innocent people wouldn’t go paranoid worrying about the cops showing up.n b, why do you want the government telling everyone what to do?Also n b, the fact that car crashes result from marijuana use even when it’s illegal is proof that the law doesn’t serve as a deterrant to this so-called “crime”. And why should you be forced to breathe second-hand smoke if we only legalize it for use in one’s home?C-K again, you must’ve been high when making that observation, because pot is EXPENSIVE and you have to find time to eat, sleep and get a job to pay for all that sh*t…and besides, that wasn’t the only point in my argument that pot should be legal.
A: I agree with you on all points except one.The social cost of legalized marijuana? I would call it the social benefit of legalized marijuana. By allowing lawful companies to distribute the drug, you are cutting into the ability of organized criminals to operate. That means less street gangs; that means less crime. People smoking marijuana aren’t going to get up and commit crime (when was the last time you heard of someone getting high and beating their wife?) People distributing the drug -are- more likely to commit crime, such as to secure turf or eliminate competitors. If people can buy marijuana at a drug store or tobacco shop or gas station, that deprives gangs of income, thus helps discourage said gangs from forming and then committing acts of violence.Luckily, the United States appears to be looking objectively at George H.W Bush’s so called war on drugs, and realizing that prohibition causes more problems than it solves. For that reason, I wouldn’t call legalization a social cost, more like a social blessing, especially for the most vulnerable segments of our society: the poor, who are the ones that suffer under such laws as destitute youths prey on one another due to the glorification of gang culture.And I think your comparison to Alcohol is noteworthy. We deal with alcohol abuse without government, such as through community based reform platforms like Alcoholics Anonymous. And to be frank, I’d rather be around a bunch of people who are high rather than a bunch of people who are drunk. Don’t have to worry about one of them getting pissed off and starting a fight and then vomiting on himself.
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