How many years of smoking marijuana would it take to kill a man

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Smoking marijuana over a period of decades can cause death due to lung cancer, but there’s no set amount of time. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
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How many years of smoking marijuana would it take to kill a man?
Smoking marijuana over a period of decades can cause death due to lung cancer, but there’s no set amount of time. ChaCha!

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My marijuana paper. Let me know what you think? (not done)?
Q: Alcohol poisoning? Perfectly legal as long as your not driving. Killing yourself with cigarettes? Legal! One thing that is not legal as of today is Marijuana. Which have many benefits! Like Cigarettes and alcohol, they can do harm as well, just not as much harm as cigarette and alcohol. Yet we still have laws against marijuana. There are many studies that show that marijuana can actually be a great medicine and good for moderate personal use.First and foremost, from smoking alone, it is impossible for a person to overdose on THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the main psychoactive in marijuana. The reason it is impossible, is that a 160 pound man would have to smoke around two and one half ounces of marijuana with in the time span of 15 minutes. That would equal 900 joints! Another big myth about marijuana is that its addicting. Although this is not much of a myth, marijuana is not as addicitive as other intoxicants! Only 9% of marijuana smokers are dependent on the plant. Compared to the 23% of people who drink who are dependent on alcohol and 1/3 of people who have ever smoked a cigarette are dependent on the intoxicant! In 2002 only 1/3 of American wanted the decriminalization of marijuana (34%). Since then pro cannabis groups and sites such as have been teaching the benefits of marijuana, and now in 2009 about 72% of Americans call for the decriminalization of marijuana. If marijuana was decriminalized, it wouldn’t be as if you can smoke out in the streets, the decriminalization of marijuana would mean you would just get a fine rather than jail time.If marijuana was to be legalized and distributed by convenient stores and local markets, it would open up tens of thousands of new jobs for the public and with how hard it is to get a job in today’s economy that is very important. The legalization of marijuana would also lead to the government to save not millions, but billions of dollars. Tax payers spend annually between $7.5 and $10 billion on arresting and prosecuting individuals for marijuana related violations. Only 90% of these arrest were just for marijuana possession only! Another big thing about legalizing marijuana, is that if America distributes it to convenient stores and such, taxing marijuana would bring it a lot more money for government, and in today’s time with the U.S. being $11914005088493.48 in debt (as of 10/14/09 2:15 P.M.) taxation on marijuana would be a wise choice. The estimated population of the United States is 307,099,194 so each citizen’s share of this debt is $38,795.30. In recent studies it has been estimated that California would make around $1.4 billion if marijuana was to be taxed. Even tho California is one of the United States biggest states studies have shown that at least 30 of the 50 states would make around $1 billion a year on taxation and other states would make between $50 million to $1 billion. If you think about it 1 billion times 30 is $30 billion add the other twenty states, the united states could easily be making a $40 billion profit on the taxation of marijuana!I know its long but please take the time to read it im in 11th grade. Also no lectures about how wrong i am, or how weed is bad. I know there are probably spelling errors i havnt gone thru this is just a rough draftAnd everything i have is backed up by sources, Such as a few websites. Interviews via Email with governors, and News paper articles.thank you(:
A: I read it and I thought it was well done, except I believe there were too many ! marks in it which really contrasts with the nicely done formal tone created in the paper. I would say 4.5/5
Will weed ever be legalized?
Q: Background: Marijuana has been illegal since what, the 70’s? It was legal for a short time since but it “didn’t work” so they illegalized it again. Countless man hours and police money is spent on it and even people with M cards and diseases are treated like criminals sometimes. Plenty more.Plan: US Federal Gov’t should begin the long, gradual process toward marijuana legalization.Advantage 1: Police/crime-Less money wasted.-Less man hours wasted on it, more for things like robberies and murders that actually affect people.-Suffering people with M cards get to use their prescribed medicine in peace.—Look at Denver, CO. Not totally legal but mostly reduced to something like a fine. Only 21 and over can have it legally (just like alcohol) and only up to a ounce (more and they’re charged with dealing).Ad 2: Tax money/warnings about health risks-Start legalizing it, marijuana products companies will form, say there’s a weed pack like cigs, tax the heck out of it if you want (money for desperate gov’t), put giant health risk labels on if you want. (If people don’t mind damaging their brains, it should be their right as Americans to do so). Nobody has to use it if they don’t want to. Make people smoke only 25 feet or more from buildings if you want.Ad 3: Stuff is more fun, food tastes better, fingers look like little people-Not for me but there would be a lot of grateful SnusAd 4: Drug rights-Let poor, treated like an African-American by police weed rejoin his unhealthy but loved by millions BFFs, alcohol and tobacco.-Alcohol is really a type of liquid poison, cigarettes are loaded with additives and contain things like ammonia and tar (delicious, delicious tar if you ask me). Are those really that much healthier than marijuana. Rhetorical question, hellz no!Now the disadvantagesDisad 1: Afraid of change-Just like Cuba Embargo, which will be lifted pretty soon.Disad 2: Health risks-Yeah, but are cigarettes illegal? No, you can get them everywhereDisad 3: Spike in use after legalization-True but only temporary. Like when you take a toy away from a baby and it suddenly really wants it. People want what they can’t have, natural human trait. Would be like this: up, plateau, then down + moreDisad 4: Gateway drug-True, it can be, but here’s what you do to solve that: when you’re greatly lowering restrictions on marijuana, greatly tighten restrictions on harder drugs. When people see how much easier it is to get marijuana and how much harder it is to get hard drugs, hard drug use will go down. Seriously, those drugs are horrible for you. Good whatchamacallit for damage from ecstacy is that it takes ice cream scoops out of your brain. Heroin is worst, meth is prob 2nd worst, but it’s all bad with hardcore drugs. Watch any documentary about an addict to see why.Conclusion: Told both sides. Check facts, look at other countries, use common sense and you’ll see that it’s the obvious move.Oh wait, almost forgot . . . Ad 5: The Deaths-Alcohol: many drunk driving deaths. It’s the leading cause of death for teens in all states (DC, not a state, has a different leading cause. Gun violence, I think). Not just drunk driving deaths, alcohol poisoning deaths and deaths from drunk people killing someone too.-Tobacco and cigarettes: many deaths (isn’t it 60,000 deaths a year just in the US?) from smoking-related diseases like lung cancer. Chewing tobacco causes cancer too, but mostly mouth cancer. If you’re a smoker, you might have to get your voice box removed and replaced with a robotic one. Great for a robot costume to scare trick-or-treaters with! Doesn’t just kill smokers, also kills non-smokers who inhale the secondhand smoke on a regular basis (secondhand smoke is more harmful cuz it’s not filtered). Perfect gift for your spouse who sits nearby when you smoke in the living room, an early death!-All these health dangers and you can buy all of the above at pretty much any store that sells food and drinks.-Marijuana: Pretty much no high driving deaths because high drivers are calm and cautious while drunk drivers are more reckless and aggressive. Can’t overdose from smoking weed. You can have to go to the hospital from eating too much weed in food, but I don’t think you can die from it (or it’s just very unlikely).Secondhand weed smoke can damage non-smokers who inhale it, but that’s why you would just make a “no weed smoking in buildings or within 25 feet of them” rule too.High people don’t kill people cuz they are too busy looking at their hands and eating Doritos.Ok, now I’m done . . . smoke weed every day.Edit: is popping tons of pills and alcohol the drug of choice for the winners then? Hypocrite.Nope. I can’t smoke weed anymore but I have fond memories of it. I think alc, weed, and tobacky are all ok in moderation. The problem is that so many people these days don’t have enough self control to do em in moderation. Only bad drugs IMO are ones like meth, heroin, and cocaine that kill people and ruin lives.
A: well it is being decriminalized in many states, and I think more states will continue to decriminalize it. Legalization is a long ways away, but I think eventually it will be legal nationwide.
What is the truth about drugs?
Q: Before I entered high school my grand father told me about the druggies In high school and that i should stay away from them. He told me if i were to get involved in drugs that it would ruin my life. He said i would be living on the streets. He also said i would be stealing purses, robbing banks,and killing people for drugs and then used michael Jackson and Elvis Presley as an example of how famous they were and look how they ended up. A police cop also came in my class one day and told me about drugs that marijuana is addictive and how they were these people in college who got up in the morning and smoked. after lunch they would smoke,after there classes were done they would smoke and after dinner they would smoke for the rest of the night. He told me how a guy got addicted to heroin though smoking laced weed. But I have asked so many people online about marijuana that they all said the cops and my grandfather are lying to me. Here i had so much trust in them and thought they were telling me the truth and then i get answers like this from a guy. Why would you believe the police, who have no choice but to spread government propaganda and why would you believe your grandfather who was brought up in a time when government propaganda was rife?Why even ask the question? Those I just mentioned have little experience with the drug, whilst lots of people with extensive experience are telling you it’s fine.Well I am another one of those, believe me, it is fine. Everything bad you hear about it,an un motivational syndrome, ruined future, it’s all lies and deceit designed to demonise Cannabis. It is scare tactics in the hope that people will decide not to take the risk…I read here people saying smoked weed all through high school and college and grew unsuccessfully But yet i seen some potheads who smoked as teen and now they live in a cheap old crappy house and just sit on their *** all day doing drugs and have their parents pay for their house and are too lazy to go to work nut yet i seen adults who do alright for themselves. I use to think teenagers were the ones at risk who could ruin their futures more likely then the adults would cause they were younger. I used to believe it but i find it amazing every time ia sk a question about pot here there are always someone answering saying they live successful life and smoked since 14 and now 37 and earn 98,000 dollars a year who are happily married and i even got answers such as this. weed is not bad and it will not effect my brain he said it has no negative effects of it and then he under his sources he puts I’ve smoked weed almost everyday for Years, and i’m studying to be a research chemist, which involves looking at the effects of substances such as weed.Is he lying to me about him studying to be a research ChemistIf he smoked everyday for years and now studying the effects of marijuana would he think it is bad cause I thought it had negative effects in it. Should I believe what ever the pot heads tell me online cause i feel like I want to try it because i feel like my grandfather and the police are lying to me about bull shitting me and the potheads all say it is stupid bull **** what my family others tell me about drugs. enough about marijuana though onto other drugs. i have asked questions about other drugs like speed,inhalants,acid,shrooms. They tell me Ecstasy is not addictive and people say acid and shrooms would temporarily make my life awesome but i seen peoples live ruined from pcp,and seen a guy go to jail because a cop saw him tripping off of shrooms and seen kids die from inhalants. The police man also told me there is not one single person he has ever met saying drugs were the best decision they have ever made. I can add a lot more description to this about other drugs but I will stop it here and when you answer me this answer these small questions for me too.1. How can I tell if someone can be lying to me online about drugs and etc. 2. Do potheads and druggies lie about weed and other drugs online to convince others that it is an okay thing to do whther it is true or not. 3. I am a 16 year old kid would if i got involved in drugs becaus I have friends who just recently started smoking weed and said they would do other drugs too. 4. Lastly who should i believe my family,and the police or you guys on yahoo answers. No offense to anyone here but i also felt i have been bull shited here before. it is just you see this site is full of peoples perspective and opinions on drugs and they are not like the police who seen and had experience with those kind of substances if they are telling me the truth. But seriosuly guys who can i really trust and most importantly should i believe what i think is right it is just i dont want to make the wrong choice i know it is my choice wheher to do this stuff or not i just really need to know who to believe. Please help.I mean they could be lying just to get points for answering you know i always consiBy the way even if they are lying to me online how would you know this my dad says they are not lying because he thinks it is a stupid thign to do to go online and lie like that but yet people are stupid. Please read my full description despite how long it is.
A: 1. its hard to tell online if someone is lying to you. try going to forums like grasscity etc. and you can get lots of different opinions. 2. I don’t know any “druggies” who lie about that stuff. I smoke and have never lied about marijuana. i’ve never had any bad experiences with it either and havent found anything really harmful about it. except for the occasional blackout if you get the right stuff.3. marijuana is known as a gateway drug, but idk its different than other drugs, a lot safer because its natural, better than chemically made drugs like e or acid. even shrooms are better than chemical made drugs because they are natural, but you have to be in the right mind set to do them or you may experience a bad trip.4. its your choice who you believe, but parents always try and scare their kids into not smoking because i mean, it is against the law. but its really not that bad, and a lot safer than cigarettes. i’d say just try it and if you are worried do it with a friend who’s done it before. you dont always get high the first time though. i’m not lying about my answers because i actually want to help and most people probably wouldnt even read this whole thing to be honest. its also hard to get addicted to pot. i’ve done it a lot but don’t feel a need to do it all the time, but it does help if you’re in pain. and it doesnt necessarily dumb you down, ive been accepted to the two nsg. programs ive applied to for college and my grades are average, like 80’s. im pretty sure a cop cant bust you unless you have drugs or illegal drug paraphernalia on you, like hypo dermic needles. bongs and pipes would be okay, only if you used them for tobacco though if you were caught haha.
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