How much does tanning age your skin

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Tanning beds could lead to skin cancer or melanoma, and premature aging of the skin but 10’s of years. You can be 25 years old, but after going to the tanning bed 3 times a week, every week, you can look like a 35 year old woman. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much does tanning age your skin
Does tanning just once age skin significantly?
nope once a week wont either just use good moisterizier. even if you are under 30, use night/day cremes for wrinkles and such- this will help rebuild any damage that might be done
Do tanning beds really age your skin?
They age you terrible the results should be seen very soon after a person starts and get worse over the years,
One time changes your skins pigments even slightly despite not being able to see it. Every ones skin is different though, for some people it takes years to get that way and it can take a year of hardcore tanning to get that way for others. …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does tanning really ruin skin as much as it is said?
Q: How bad? Does it age your skin by a few years?Oh and by the way, I do not go tanning and never will. I am very white. 🙂 I am just asking.
A: Tanning will definitely age your skin, causing wrinkles and age spots. It can also cause skin cancer. I work with many elderly people, and it is amazing because some people that are in their 50’s look worse than others that are in their 70’s. Not that sun has everything to do with it, but it is definitely a factor.If you are worried about your skin, check out the article that I linked. You will see that #1 on the list to prevent wrinkles is “Avoid the sun”. It’s a very interesting article. It says that there was a study done with identical twins, and the twin that spent more time in the sun looked older than the twin that avoided the sun.
What is your opinion on TANNING?
Q: I used to be one of those tanning obsessed girls = TANOREXIC as my friends called me.. I thought being tanned made me more attractive, but I changed my ways. I went to a dermatologist to get this one freckle thing removed, and he said he couldnt b/c my skin was so dark, and if he moved the freckle, it’ll bleach the skin and make me look as if I have a big white round spot on my face. Im also really scared of getting skin cancer. It is really common in the US. Also, I’ve seen so many older women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s w/ GROSSSS skin. wrinkly, sunspots, age spots, leathery skin from tanning so much at young age (which they still do)Plus I think my natural glowing skin is more beautiful than my tanned skin. Im just curious how many of you out there still tan?
A: Tanning bed are a big, fat joke. They bring nothing but trouble, and you look like a giant carrot after you use them. The natural way of tanning (AKA: the SUN) is cool, as long as you don’t over-do it. Besides the benefits of Vitamin D, your tan looks way more natural, because it’s coming from a natural source. Tanning is for shallow, self-obsessed, insecure people who have nothing better to do with their pathetic, empty lives. (No offense. You’ve changed your ways. GOOD FOR YOU!)
Is Indoor tanning better than or just as bad as the sun?
Q: I know that no UV exposure is “good” for you. But if you really want a tan & the lotions dont work & the “spray on” tan doesn’t look right, is indoor tanning considered better than laying in the sun? Would it be consider any safer, as long as you dont go constantly? If you know of a web site, with any statistics on the effects of indoor tanning, please sent me the link. Like how much quicker does it age your skin? What are the chances that you may actually get skin cancer?
A: Indoor tanning is not better, but you can control it. At my salon (Desert Sun Tanning) they have a Super High Pressure bed that removes almost all of the bad UV rays (leaving less than 3%). I go in for 20 minutes a session, and I have never gotten burned, going every other day for 2 weeks. These beds are more expensive, but I want color without burning. They say you should “work up” to the Super High beds because you will get deeper color, but I always burn in the medium/conventional beds. Call or visit your local tanning salon and ask them about their beds. A lot of places offer a free tan to start with or even a free week of tanning.
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