How old do you have to be to get heart burn

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There is no age limit for anyone to get heart burn. Chronic heartburn, especially if it isn’t treated properly, has been linked to esophageal cancer.Heartburn is considered to be chronic if it occurs 2 or more times per week.ChaCha On! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How old do you have to be to get heart burn
How old were you the first time you got heartburn??
Hi i know it is so painful and antacid tablets are best avoided as they cause constipation making you strain on the loo so making the heartburn a lot worse,the biggest cause for this is stress as it makes the stomach produce more acid,so wh…
Can a 14 year old get heartburn?
yes you can but at your age it could be an indication of a Hiatus Hernia. This a common complaint. Basically it is allowing the stomach acid to rise above the Hiatus thus causing the discomfort. See a doctor. It is not a lifethreatening con…

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Q: IM 18 years old i keep thinking im gonna have a heart attack my name is Ben old ive been checked over 100 times for Heart problems including EKG ECG Echo and Nuclear.. Nothing found.. why do i get sharp pains in my chest area upper left side where i think the heart is at it hurts sometimes sometimes its just bothersome ive been taking Prisolec OTC it has helped somewhat and for Heart burn I THINK i hope its just hearrt burn i gargle with a little bit of Bakin Soda and Warm water Mixed Tell its dissosolved it does help.. But how can i permnintley get rid of my chest pains.. they are bothersome and cause my to have panic attack which in turn make me want to call EMS services.. which i have.. i am running out of time on my insurance and if i have to call EMS again they will charge over 500 dollars and i will have to pay for that i am scared that it could still be my heart or bad cause of GERD if so.. why am i getting these chest pains and why am i suffering these chest pains i am tired of them and i wan’t them to go away Permaninity i am eating less acid foods and no Fatty foods for months but i continue to have *what i hope is heart burn and not Heart problems I’ve been checked a trillion times and they have always found nothing wrong with my heart.. they say its healthy and the functions on it are healthy to.. so i don’t know what to do.. The chest pains continue and My Chest hurts but does somewhat get better after taking a half teaspoon of baking soda in combination of Prilosec im 18 years old They haven’t found a problem with my heart nor do i have high blood pressure and low cholesterol they have done a complete blood count CBC and have found every level to be normal.. so i don’t know what it is its bothersome and causes me to have chronic anxiety … and panic attacks 18 and im worried that im going to have one soon and im also exercising…these chest pains sometimes go to my arm… and hurt there but ONLY in the arm not in the chest at the same time this has been happening for about 5 months now and i am sick of it if these chest pains do not stop i think i am going to go insane i just want to live a normal happy Un Chest pain side Life if you guys can explain About heart burn or GERD symptoms please be as specific as possible.. I know about heart problem symptoms and i do not have them.. Thank my lord..I am Scared of these chest pains i can’t seem to get rid of em no madder what i take or do… does this sound Very Serious?
A: What Causes Heart Burn?Heart burn is caused by a faulty muscle in the stomach. There is a “flap” at the top of the stomach that stops food from traveling back up into the esophagus. Sometimes the flap doesn’t work properly and stomach acid escapes from the stomach. When the acid escapes, heart burn occurs. Factors that contribute to heart burn: pregnancy, smoking, eating large meals, being overweight, and wearing tight clothing around the waist.
Leg pain, abnormable EKG, Paulpulations in heart. 22 yr old female…help?
Q: Two ER vists, first one said I had an atretmia due to caffine. The second my EKG said at the top “sinus tachycardia, right atrial enlargement, non specific t wave abnormality, abnormal ECG” the first vist was due to a sharp burning pain in my chest. Xrays showed normal and blood work was fine. Second time was due to fluttering that lasted 5 min with a rapid heart rate. This was 4 days ago. The ER vists where two weeks apart. They suggested a birth defect or PSVT. I see a heart doc thurday, but I am worried, now I am getting a musle pain in my left calf…. i always have gotten it on and off for like a year, but now I am afraid it has to do with my heart. Any ideas what I could have…how it will be treted…what kind of tests i should expect? I am so scared Im going to just die or something. Im only 22!!!!! Some words of wisdom and comfort would greatly help me. Thank you!!!
A: Hey, try not to stress too much. I wouldn’t really listen to anyone here who tries to tell you what you got – that’s what doctor’s are for. You are a 22-year-old female who I assume is healthy because you mentioned no other conditions – I wouldn’t worry because that won’t change anything. I would wait and see what the doc says thursday. I’m sure that everything will work out in the end. I work on a psychiatric unit, I even administer EKGs, so if you want to email me and talk maybe I can help reduce your anxiety.
im 16 and im pregnant by a 28 year old, how do i tell my mom?
Q: so im 16 years old, ill turn 17 next month. my boyfriend is 28, and i might pregnant. how do i tell my parents???????well im pretty sure im pregnant, i fill sick off and on. and my boobs they are killing me, they just wont stop hurting. and iv been having these cramps sort of, there not period cramps ethier. theres a hugh difference. and im always tired. and i have heart burn for some reason, i never get heartburn for anything. and i missed my period this month. so do you think im pregnant?and if i am is it legal for a 16 to be with a 28 year old,or should i wait till im 17 to tell everyone?and how do i tell my parents that?i live in GA.and we have talked about it,me and my boyfriend.we decided that we would keep it, if i am!!!
A: woah, stupid of you. that is not legal, and he could be arresting for getting you pregnant under age, its called rape. so you better figure out how to tell your parents.then call mtv and get on the show “16 and Pregnant”
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