How should I drink my tea if its too hot

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Tea that’s too hot has actually been linked to higher rates of esophagus cancer — not to mention increased risk of burns! (I spilled tea on my leg once while driving and got a bad second-degree burn.) If your tea’s too hot, let it sit for a few minutes to cool down. You can also add an ice cube or two to the cup. ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How should I drink my tea if its too hot
How should I drink my tea if its too hot
Tea that’s too hot has actually been linked to higher rates of esophagus cancer — not to mention increased risk of burns! (I spilled tea on my leg once while driving and got a bad second-degree burn.) If your tea’s too hot, let it sit for …
When ur tea or coffee is too hot, do u drink it pouring it in a s…?
Yes, I had to when in hurry but normally not.

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A: Answer it truthfully. Tell them you use it only for hot flavored drinks but not for plain drinking water. Your ego may be bruised, but chances are they will appreciate your willingness to adapt and your honesty. You’ll earn points, not walk away with egg on your face. =)
anyone here a survivor of tramadol withdrawls?
Q: Hi guys n gals,just wondering if anyone on here has been through tramadol withdrawls.Heres the back story, i injured my spine in 2002 and decided to steer clear from all kinds of pain meds for as long as possible, which i did untill recently, the pain got too bad for me to be able to handle without medication.So i took some nurofen plus or panadiene fort but because the ibuprofen in the nurofen can cause ulcers i spoke to my gp about some long term pain meds, who suggested tramadol.He claimed it is non addictive and pretty easy on the stomach as well, he did caution me that tramadol use can lead to anxiety and or depression which at the time i took little notice of, that was untill my first panic attack one morning before work.I completely broke down, vomiting, nausea, headache, palpatations, and this feeling of absolute hopelessness coupled with panic and fear.Little did i know at the time it was because i was having withdrawl symptoms from the tramadol, which i didnt even know was possible. i had the day off work and carried on as best i could taking my tramadol at my usual time (8am) before work, then it happend again and again and again sometimes days in between even weeks.It wasnt untill a few days ago i realised it was the tramadol that was causing the panic attacks and nausea and the rest of my symptoms, i spoke to a different GP who said to stop taking the tramadol first to wean down then she said oh its only 200mg (2morning 2 night) you should be fine if you stop taking it now. so i took her advice, she also gave me some Zoloft because of the anxiety and panic attacks, because she did not seem to think the two (tramadol and anxiety disorders were related) It has been 6 days now since i last took the tramadol the first 5 days were absolute hell vomiting, nausea, and a feeling which i can only describe as severe panic/anxiousness/ things being just wrong!I am on day 6 things are not much better i havent eaten in 6 days i am shaky still getting weird sensations in my head and neck, like hot pins and needles, crying uncontrolably at times, restless legs, breathing difficulties (only in certain positions could be injury related though) sweats, nausea and general feeling that all is unwell.I was just wondering how many other people out there have had tramadol withdrawls and what was thier experiences, and the length of time it lasted, I have been to a forum that said it can last up to 14 days. would love to hear your experiences and or tips/tricks to minimising the effects, i have been taking vitamins and drinking lots of water and green tea, with some effect but 6 day in and i am not sure i can take it much more, allthough i said that on the first 5 too, I would love to hear from someone who survived this ordeal.RegardsMichael
A: I am currently taking Tramadol 200mg daily. Several months ago I decided to do a random experiment. I decided to stop taking Tramadol for a few days. After 12 hours I started to feel very uncomfortable. I was sweating and slightly nauseous. After 24 hours I felt like I was starting a full opiate withdrawal. Mind you the doctors say it is not addictive since its non-narcotic but it is a synthetic opiate or opioid so whats the real difference. Anyhow, after 30 hours I gave in and took one and everything was fine. The warm Tramadol blanket was placed back on me and I went back to normal. Your doctor should have put you on a low dose of Effexor which is Tramadols closest chemical cousin but Effexor does not tap any opiate receptors like Tramadol. I withdrew from Percocet and Vicodin in 1998-1999 and it was much easier then the effects of Tramadol. I have an easier time with Tramadol because I take it along with a benzodiazepine Klonopin. My mother and brother were both prescribed Tramadol for different reasons and they hated it. They got anxious and nauseous right away. I personally love it but maybe because I mix it with Klonopin per doctors orders but who knows. I hate to tell you this but the tapering process is supposed to be 6 weeks. Abrupt Tramadol withdrawal or going “cold-turkey” can last 6 weeks also. It is an opioid an a SNRI so it is a double whammy. Tea wont help. The only option is to talk to a doctor about the hell and they can help you to taper properly into a comfortable medium. I still think Effexor temporarily is the best bet but ask your GP and get his or her opinion. Don’t give up. You can fight this thing.
How do I save my energy to work on weekends after a tough week at school?
Q: School’s getting harder and more demanding. I put a lot of effort into my work and am mentally more motivated to get the best results this year but throughout and mostly by the end of the week I’m very worn out and I pretty much crash Friday afternoon. And during the weekend I’m still tired and rarely get the energy to study as hard as I want to or finish all my homework and reading like I should. I keep falling asleep, napping in the middle of the day. Could it be my diet?I don’t get the healthiest breakfast. Its usually a quick bagel and a coffee or tea to get me going.I often snack on carb loaded sugary food, especially when I come home from school. I have been lacking in the healthy foods choice department lately actually. I have taken up coffee recently too, and I hardly drank it before if ever. But the brand I buy just tastes like a hot chocolate, so does it really have that much caffiene?How should I change my diet?Any cheap, quick and healthy breakfast suggestions for me?How do I stop feeling burnt out by the weekend? I need those two precious days to get on top of school.Thanks for your help.
A: Ok, sugars can give you an energy boost but make you crash hard later on ~ those are found in soft drinks and probably even in the breakfast you are eating. Coffee ~ I LOVE it but it’s so terrible for you especially if you are doing what you are doing with work and school. You drink coffee through the day, it takes half a day for 6 oz to leave your system ~ even ‘caffeine free’ coffee takes a while because it’s not truly caffeine free. I am going to tell you something you don’t want to hear…you should probably ‘fast’ for about 2 weeks and slowly eliminate certain things from your diet. By fasting I mean more of a detox to get your body alert again. 1. stop drinking coffee for 2 weeks straight. 2. eat healthy foods such as fruits, veggies, light chicken or turkey etc. foods that are not refined (this means no fast food unless it’s a salad or something like that) and no sugary foods. You may find that just by eliminating sugars, your body perks up in 2 weeks. If you are serious about wanting your energy back, then you need to take some drastic steps to improve your diet. Exercise at last 30 min. daily if you can to give you added energy. I really hope this helps, I have been where you are at and it’s not fun at all when you are mentally wiped out!
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