If a woman has vaginal discharge what can this mean

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A certain amount of vaginal discharge is normal. Other causes of vaginal discharge are: Bacterial Vaginosis, Cervical Cancer MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-a-woman-has-vaginal-discharge-what-can-this-mean ]
More Answers to “If a woman has vaginal discharge what can this mean
What does it mean when a woman has discharge from her vagina??
It’s perfectly normal. Your body creates it as a sanitary purpose. You’ll have it for the rest of your life.
What do it means when a woman have discharge from her vagina.?
Glands inside your vagina and cervix make small amounts of fluid. This fluid flows out of the vagina each day, carrying out old cells that have lined the vagina. This is your body’s way of keeping your vagina healthy and clean. The discharg…

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i have vaginal discharge and a foul odor…someone help!!?
Q: I have no idea what could be going wrong.I got off of my period approximately 7 days ago.I have vaginal discharge. Sometimes vaginal discharge with blood present. I also have an odor that I have never ever smelled before.Here is the kicker. I am a virgin. So I am pretty darn sure it wouldn’t be any STDs.Although, I have OCD and a phobia of HIV, even though I have not ever had sex and I do not use IV drugs and have been tested 7 times for HIV and all were negative results! (yay)I am wondering what bacterial vaginosis is.I have read that that can be a symptom in women with HIV. With that being said, I know that I am realistically not eligible to have HIV, although I am terrfied. I am scared to go to the dr. because what if she says that bacterial vaginosis is what I have?Does that mean that I have HIV although I have no real chance of contracting it I don’t think?Also, has anyone else had these problems before?Please help!Oh….btw…it doesn’t itch.But I have a serious problem with public restrooms so I always hold my pee for a LONG time.Like sometimes I hold it for liek 3 to 4 hours every day.Could this lead to infection?
A: Vaginitis develops from when your own natural bacteria over produce- that’s it!You will need to see the Dr. though as you probably need an antibiotic to clear it up.
How to treat extreme vaginal wetness during intercourse?? please read.?
Q: For about the past year, I have been experiencing extreme vaginal wetness during intercourse. I have been with the same partner for over 5 years. No changes. For about the past year, I have experienced EXTREME wetness during intercourse. I mean, it is so bad that I have to take breaks to go to the bathroom and use a towel to wipe it off. I know that sounds disgusting. Imagine what a turn off it is! My boyfriend is great about it, but it’s still embarrassing to me. I do not have an infection. It is the normal whitish discharge/secretion. No smell. No pain. It only occurs when I get turned on. It’s like the average person being turned on 100 times worse. It has beeng going on about a year. I am scheduling a doctors appointment, but I’m pretty sure there’s nothing the doctor can do. There wasn’t an event that brought it on that I can recall, yet it hasn’t been a problem until about a year ago.Has anyone had this issue?? PLEASE respond if you have any experience with this or any advice. p.s. I know a lot of women have a problem being lubricated enough, but imagine it being way too much. Please be respectful. I’m thankful I can get wet, but there is a point that too much is too much. Thank you!!
A: Nothing to worry about.
What are the FALSE pregnancy signs?? (NOT for TTC women)?
Q: This is not a question.. but I posted this to “help” women who may be undergoing extreme pregnancy scare right now. I have been there.. and it sucks to find articles or forums that “does not make you feel better at all”.BASED ON EXPERIENCE… these were my EARLY “PREGNANCY” SYMPTOMS1. My boobs were UNUSUALLY bigger and FIRMER/FULLER at 3 days past ovulation. They were tingly sore when I was about to sleep in the evening of that day.2. 2 days after that, I had a HUGE BLOB of WHITE, thick vaginal discharge in my undies. I swear that when I touched it to “study” it.. it was super creamy.. there was no wet feeling on my fingers.. they were super intact and really not usual for me.3. The week after.. the WHITE CERVICAL MUCUS were just “flowing” you know.. I mean not really flowing like your period but I noticed that I had a lot of them and they were “wetter”. They were stretchy.. as in I can stretch them up to 2 inches! But once they’ve been stretched its like they start to become tacky. it has no odor.. it’s white.. milky.. cloudy.. 4. At 9 days past ovulation, I took both a blood test.. and a urine test (both negative).. Also during this day.. I woke up WITH SORE BOOBS.. BACK PAINS.. DIZZINESS THAT LASTED THE WHOLE DAY! And I was warm.. I didnt have fever.. but the feeling like ur warm because of a flu.. my eyes were warm.. and sting a bit. I felt this for about three consecutive days. When I ask people to touch me.. they said i was fine.. but i really felt warm inside.5. ALSO AT 9dpo, MY LINEA NIGRA WAS SHOWING!!! I really have a linea nigra even if i havent been pregnant before.. they show when my period’s up. but it was just too early to be showing in its darkest color you know.. i totally freaked.6. at 11 days past ovulation.. I had a urine test.. negative.. it was also during this day that I started seeing BLUE VEINS on my breasts. They’re not that dark but yeah I CAN TRACE THEM!Not only that! I also had running blue veins on my thighs and arms. I never noticed them to be as dark..7. at 2 days before my period (13-14 dpo).. I felt that “all other preg symptoms just came”. I woke up at 4am feeling sharp pains in my cervix area.. I had mild cramps the night before.. as if my period was about to start.. I could totally swear that i was pregnant.8. 1 day before period..(15dpo) I resisted taking a test.. because i didnt want it to give me false negative / false hope… but I was 95% convinced that it’s gonna turn up positive..RED VEINS (small, thin but very visible) WERE UP AT MY SHOULDERS!! And when i search for them in my thighs i start to find them and i always thought.. “was this here before?” and i freak out each time i “discover” them.. 9. DAY OF PERIOD. when i woke up in the morning.. i really felt pregnant.. bloated.. linea nigra check. big firm boobs check, blue chest veins check, red shoulder and thigh veins check.. dizziness check. i refused to take a test and wait one more day for more accuracy..So..I stayed in bed until past 1pm. Then I decided to eat “brunch”.. then saw a movie on dvd.. i was still feeling scared.. so i went to a room in my house and just started to cry.. which was a very very good cry for me.. (this wasnt the first cry i had because of this. I cried when I first saw my chest veins.. I cried when I saw my linea.. I cried in every symptom. LOL)after the tears were wiped.. I went to the bathroom to pee.. and there i saw a fresh drop of redness..my period is here.. as in I actually have my period! I couldnt believe it (or i could.. because up until the end.. i was clinging to the 5% of not being preg)———————————————————————————————So what am I trying to say?I dunno. Just that our minds.. and bodies.. really have their way of tricking us. when we suspect we’re pregnant.. we should HONESTLY JUST WAIT until the very end to TEST if we really are.. I wasted THE WHOLE MONTH trying to convince myself that i was pregnant.. thinking about how my mom would kil me.. etc etc..it’s a total waste..I am not actually underaged.. but I just know that I was not ready. Oh cmon.. you’ve been there.——————————————————————————————BUT THERE WAS A GOOD THING THAT CAME OUT OF THIS WHOLE THING.You see when you are in a situation that has the potential of CHANGING YOUR LIFE FOREVER.. (like having a baby) you will actually find time to evaluate your capabilities as a person. When I thought I was pregnant.. I knew I was not yet ready.. emotionally.. financially. BUT I thought.. that having a baby can actually change me. you know.. as a person. I started to think of the different strategies I would do, should I be blessed with a baby. I WAS WILLING TO GIVE UP EVERYTHING JUST FOR MY BABY. despite all the hurt.I started to imagine how my baby would look like.. I wanted a sweet boy.. 🙂 Amidst the fear.. I actua
A: Like you just found out – the most common cause of just about all the very early pregnancy symptoms is stress. Worrying about whether this time you are pregnant is pretty darn stressful, regardless of whether you are desperate to be pregnant or desperate not to be pregnant :)Most women have ZERO early pregnancy symptoms. The most common first pregnancy symptom is a missed period. The most common second pregnancy symptom is morning sickness, from about 6-8 weeks onwards. The majority of women have no other early symptoms at all.
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