If you have cancer does weed help you cure it

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There is a lot of research currently being conducted, that would lead one to believe that weed may help cure certain cancers. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-you-have-cancer-does-weed-help-you-cure-it ]
More Answers to “If you have cancer does weed help you cure it
Can weed cure cancer?
smoking weed is bad but i heard it can cure some type of cancer (dont do drugs!)
Does weed cures cancer, Why would they have medicinal marijuana?
Medical Marijuana does not cure cancer. THC and other cannabinoids don’t do a thing to block or prevent tumor growth. Can help Cancer patients- Marijuana alleviates the vomiting, nausea and loss of appetite that is caused by chemotherapy &…

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Why do you not support legalizing marijuana?
Q: Marijuana is a gateway, to curing cancer and other disease. I am not going to say that it is a definate cure for all cancers but there is evidence that it causes autophagy in brain cancer cells, slowing growth and sometimes preventing further growth. Glaucoma is caused by excessive occular pressure, which is reduced by marijuana. It helps prevent seizures and helps many other health problems. Look it up. We are being efd in the a by our government. There are scientists that want to research marijuana, but the dea will not give them permits to get it. They do not want to find a cure for disease. They want to shoot 92 y.o. ladies on noknock searches, and plant bags of weed on them. They want to kill dogs and rip houses apart. Wait till they claim to have the wrong address and bust down your door. When your son gets shot for playing with his toy gun with the dea in the living room, we’ll see if this is important. We need to stand up people. Who doesn’t know someone who has or has had cancer? This affects all of us. the only way this plant could be legalized in the near future is if everyone made a stand, together, and just said no to the givernment’s outdated drug policy. smoke it in every house, in public places(AWAY from the kids) , grow it everywhere, and make it impossible to irradicate. Sounds crazy, but if everyone(literally) did it, the dea and the courts would be overrun. Would 95% of the American population be put in prison? Unlikely. people need to stand up for the sick and the dying and the wrongly imprisoned. That is what this country is all about. Why do you not support the free use of this natural plant?Simplegirl. shut your yapper. I never made you read this. U just follow me around. Leave me the F alone. But first Please look at the economy of mendicino county. It is about 60% marijuana. How would 14billion dollars help the economy? take the 6bil from marijuana irradication and 8bil from tax money and… well you probably can’t add, so its $14billion. Unless you have a prison, court, pharmaceutical or paper economy, Why would it destroy it? Weed money goes to Mexico and Afghanistan, but could stay right in the us.Animosta, I think maybe one out of every 6 police officers fit the profile of sociopath, and guess what happens when they think someone has weed? bust down the door. Rip everything apart. The men and women that do this should have a moral objection to this, but many of them get off on the pain of others. There are many things that are incrdibly dangerous, such as mushrooms, but the dea doesnt arrest you for having them in your yard. We will smoke at a rally.nokidsHonestly, I don’t feel comfortable smoking anything around cats let alone little kids. They shouldnt be exposed to alcohol either. If it were legal, Not everyone would smoke it, just as not everyone smokes cigarettes. Its this thing called free will. most of the people that want to smoke already do, and you probably don’t even notice. Some of the stoners actually wear suits instead of greatful dead shirts. I have smoked for years and still can’t pick the dopers out of a crowd 100% of the time. Please look into Portugal’s drug laws too. PeaceShannen, I am sorry to hear about your bf. I have two cousins that were addicted to heroine, and went in and out of jail. One only started heroine after his best friend killed himself. I think he would have found the h, no matter what he had smoked in the past. Personally, I don’t even want to take a tylenol for a headache. I am picky about what goes into my body. The money spent on weed should go into preventing heroine and meth from reaching our streets. Peace
A: First, if it’s legalized, it is going to be taxed so high that there will be an instant black market for it. Nobody will be getting any tax money from it, marijuana has more toxins than tobacco, and it causes hallucinations. Thus, it really has no benefits to the rest of society. Just those that want to use it.And before you flaunt Oaksterdam as a success story, if marijuana becomes legalized, how will anyone tell the difference between blackmarket and legal marijuana?
Cancer treatment and prevenitives?
Q: I asked this Q and am wondering why it gets no response’s, or I can’t find it. There asking for cancer donations at the local McDonald’s, all bar’s or anyone that can get your dollar. KUDOS to all, however.. Trillions upon trillions have been collected for this very important cause. Im asking if anyone thinks along with millions of others that our Gov. has Always had a cure. Conspiracy theory’s vary, Some say our Gov. created cancer and wont give the cure due to the huge amount of dollars coming in. When all this went crazy and we noticed everyone was getting cancer , some said it was processed foods we started eating, then there’s the every popular theory that aliens are using our bodies as pettier dish’s to help with there own disease they are trying to cure. All funny granted. Or paranoid as they say. We all know we vote for our Gov. and they would never do anything to harm us, and would never lie to us. lol Now if you would just watch History channel once in awhile you’ll see where I get my answers. The latest one asked is why is marijuana STILL in what they call (schedule 1 )catigory. (level 1 means: harmful, addictive, NO medisinal value) there’s the key – (No medisinal value) Point of order is now they use marijuana to help cure glockomma, and varies types of cancer, PLUS help relieve cancer pain.It would seem that IF pot was legal in the first place, it may be a PREVENITIVE! if people was smoking they may NOT get cancer in the first place. My mother and uncles died from cancer. It’s common knowedge that there offspring will have it. Therefore we’re left to wonder WHY do we have to be dieing before they will allow a cure?When pot was put in the level 1 catigory (decades ago) we as people didnt know that much about it. Then they flooded our brain with negitive campaign adds telling us how it will kill us and drive us insain.Anyone remember Reffer madness lol. Our Gov. has fought pot so strondly in the 80’s they started spraying pariqute poison on pot feilds. People would smoke it and start coughing up blood then die. So it was so onvious they stopped spraying. Now they give urinalises test looking for these people smoking. IF you smoke you don’t get a job. If you are working they fire you. Not much different than pariqute they are weeding out people who smoke weed. What if the hypitetical story or movie the stand happened. Everybody dies exsept a handfull of people. Or the more recent movie (the happining) released at vidio store this week. WHAT IF the only ones left alive or unharmed was pot smokers. What if cancer invaided everyone and everyone was dieing of cancer exsept pot smokers. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/petition10172008 Take marijuana out of the dangerous schedule 1 catigory.Q: why isnt cancer EVER talked about in debates. all thats discused is how to live by THERE rules or laws or comunities. They discuss abortion… why not cancer?
A: I agree there are tons and tons of conspiracy theories regarding the government and what they know and don’t know. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire, I always say. OF COURSE there’s lots out there they hide from us or don’t tell us for whatever their reasons…but you know as well as I, there’s just no way to take on the government, we’re guaranteed to lose. Make pot legal?? Yeah, why not, its fun every now and then! ; )
“Marijuana is harmfull” bigest myth and government lie!?
Q: Do you think weed is harmful?Do you smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, eat at McDonalds?If so, do some research.Here are some facts:- Marijuana doesn’t release toxins to kill brain cells(like alcohol) and it doesn’t ware them out like most other drugs do?- It doesn’t get you addicted for hung over, like most other things do.- It doesn’t cause cancer, in fact studies show that it may kill Cancer cells. Also someone in my city cured cancer using the oil.- No one has ever OD’d or died from it. Over 2,000 people die from cafeine every year yet no one dies from pot.- It doesn’t ruin your life or make you a float head, most people get used to it to where they don’t even notice that thier high.- It focuses you more, in some schools it’s encouraged to toke up before you go to class to help ADD and ADHD.Why are we afraid of it?- We’re not educated about this drug.- We listen to the government tooooo much.- We grew up thinking it’s worse than crack etc.
A: For everyone here making up lies, please stop. There is NO proof that marijuana has caused lung cancer or any kind of cancer, in fact recent studies over the past few years have shown that marijuana may help prevent cancer cell growth.And as far as comparing it to cigarettes. First of all, cigarettes typically have a filter whereas marijuana does not.Also, studies have shown that the carcinogens in marijuana smoke are not nearly as damaging as those found in cigarette smoke.Also, there are other ways of ingesting marijuana that neutralizes that risk. There is eating it in foods, drinking it in a tea or using a vaporizer.Familyhonors:Have you thought about the fact that the reason many people start with marijuana is because it’s cheaper and more readily available?If marijuana didn’t exist you really think there would be less people doing harder drugs? If marijuana is a gateway drug why have I not tried any harder drugs, along with the large amount of people I know who are the exact same.And as far as the ADD/ADHD argument goes, you are completely wrong. As far as addiction, there is NO physical addiction. It’s psychologically addicting. Just as the internet can be, and food can be, and many other things in this world that can be addicting because of habit and/or personal enjoyment.Many of you people will disregard my answer for the simple fact that I am pro-marijuana. I don’t care if you end up being as passionate about it as I am, but why do you have to try and disrespect the people who do use it? What do you gain in that battle? Nothing.
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