Is ball cancer real

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Absolutely. Men who develop lumps, swelling, or pain in the groin or scrotal area may be worried they have testicular cancer. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is ball cancer real
Is ball cancer real
Absolutely. Men who develop lumps, swelling, or pain in the groin or scrotal area may be worried they have testicular cancer.

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HELP! Could I have testicular cancer?
Q: (I already posted this question, but it’s pretty important, I need answers!)Ok, so I decided the other day: “Hey I heard we are supposed to examin our balls for cancer.” No loss 😀 so I tried it, and felt something >:| It was some kind of lump, the size of a grain of rice or something. It’s been like 2-3 days and it is still there.It isn’t really on the ball, but it seems like it’s on one of the things attached to it (the left one). It is painless. I looked up this cancer, and so far I don’t have any of the other symptoms, though you only need one to be at risk. I also found a question pretty much like this, and the answer was that it is a probably something harmless but you should get it checked by a doctor.So the reasonable response would be to see a doctor. But since when am I reasonable? I am only 15 so I would have to tell my mom, which I would really rather not.IF YOU HAVE READ ALL THIS, the real question is, when is the time that it is really necessary to see a doctor? I know if you catch it early, there are supposed to be effective procedures that don’t cause too many side effects. So I’m looking for a time between when it is most likely not something harmless and when it will be too late to get the best treatment.I thought I should wait a week or so, and if it’s still there go to a doctor. Also, if I see a doctor, how will they check? That makes me nervous.That was a long question, thanks for reading.
A: If you look at the answers given in this forum more than half will say to see your doctor, as if the person asking the question didn’t already know this and many of the people have no idea what they are talking about. I don’t understand why people do this, but they do.What you are asking for is a timeframe so that you know when you are forced to tell your mom, but it’s not bad enough for you to be really sick or have a chance of dieing. The problem is medicine doesn’t work that way. It isn’t that exact, but I will try to give you answers as close as I can to what you want. The good news is I doubt very much you have anything to worry about. How many guys do you know? How many of them have had testicular cancer? If your answer is 2 or more I would be very surprised. This is a fairly rare cancer. It only accounts for 1% of cancers that occur in men. That is about 8,000 new cases each year in the entire country. The vast majority of them occur in men from 20-40 years old. I think what you are feeling is the spermatic cord. It’s not like I have my very own pair to help me describe it. I could go and check it out on my boyfriend who is asleep right now, but if I told him I was feeling him up to answer your question I don’t think he would be real happy about it. Any lump that would be a concern for cancer will be on the testicle and it will be hard. It is very often accompanied with painless swelling usually noticed more after a bath or shower. Most men with testicular cancer do not have to try hard to find something. It’s one of those things where you know something isn’t right.If you went to a doctor he (nearly all urologists are men) would have to feel your testicles himself. If he thought it was unusual then you would need an ultrasound. You should also know this disease is highly treatable even in the later stages. I would not suggest anyone wait until it gets to that point however. The only sign I can tell you that will let you know you should get to a doctor ASAP is if the lump starts growing. That is the longest you should wait to tell your mom, but I doubt it will happen.There, I answered everything. It may not be exactly what you want to hear, but it should be enough for you to decide what you want to do.
Cancer boyfriend is mad at me?
Q: Two nights ago I screwed up real bad with my cancer boyfriend. He packed up his stuff and left. He called today to let me know he left his half of rent at the house. I haven’t bother him cause I know he need his space. What can I do to keep the ball rolling.And let him know how sincerely sorry I ammy boyfriend’s zodiac sign is “cancer”Do I leave him alone to think things through or should I be loving and apologetic.
A: I assume you’re referring to his zodiac sign in which case I will tell you that you should definitely go to him and coax him out of his shell. Get him talking—he needs reassurance that you care first. Crabs are very sensitive!
Can anyone cheer me up.. the vet told me my dog might have cancer.?
Q: We will find out Monday… he is really sick and throwing up anything he eats or drinks. He has been to the vets three times in the last month. He has been sick for about 4 weeks now and the vet says his glands are the size of small golf balls. The vet says he might have limpnod cancer? He is on two different types of medication and he got a needle of prednisone today too.He is 12 and a real sweetheart, a gem among gems.See pic. I will be so sad if it is cancer. We love him big time.
A: My heart goes out to you. I lost a four year dachshund due to back problems and he was my baby! I know what it is like to lose a dog that you love. I thought that I would never get over it. I truly griefed over him and missed him so much. So,if your beautiful dog does have cancer…you will do what is best for him as you have done all of his life. Think about how he has lived and what a joy he is to your family. No matter what just know that you gave him the best years and you will have to cling to the wonderful years that you have had with him if he should have to leave this world. Know that he has had a great life. I hope that your little guy does not have cancer please know that I will keep you & him in my prayers. This is the part that is supposed to cheer you up. God is good and cares about how you are feeling. No matter what and he loves you and he will take care of your dog because he loves you! Trust him to help you handle whatever comes your way. All the best …
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