Is being cold healthy for you

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An Ottawa researcher has found that a little shivering boosts levels of a cholesterol-lowering and cancer-fighting protein. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is being cold healthy for you
Is being cold healthy for you
An Ottawa researcher has found that a little shivering boosts levels of a cholesterol-lowering and cancer-fighting protein.
Does being sick with the cold or flu affect the production/health…?
Having a cold or flu can have a negative effect on your sperm count. In some cases men with a heavy dose of the flu have very few sperm in the ejaculate. There is also evidence that having flu can affect the DNA of the sperm. Any illness th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Good COLD, healthy summer treats?
Q: So yeah…Apparently, due to my nephew’s birthday party, my own family doesn’t have enough money to pay for air conditioning. -_-;What are some delicious cold, healthy summer treats?We have a blender by the way, specifically for us making smoothies/milkshakes. xDWe also have a food processor. ** shrugs ** We know how to use the stove. We’re 15, by the way. (…twins.)We just want something healthier than us wasting all of the Sierra Mist we have in one day ’cause it’s so hot.(We DO drink water, if you care.)
A: – Juice popsicles- Watermelon drink (add crushed ice in blender)- Buy some icecream or learn how to make it on your own. Hope i helped!
How true is cold shower healthy and its good for blood circulation?
Q: I used to have a cold shower everyday (15-20 C°)and I`ve been asking my Doctor and my friends if it`s healthy and they agree of it as long as your body resist on it but most people can`t do that.I feel good after my cold shower rather than warm or else I feel I had a headache or light-fever.For me I can only make a cold shower that the best. I hope you can answer this question.Thank you.
A: It is supposed to be good for your circulation and is very invigorating. I tend to do this more in the summer when it is very hot and I don’t like a really hot shower.But it takes a bit of getting used to. I do it gradually, turning the water colder by increments.
What are some HEALTHY cold lunches to pack for school?
Q: Please be SPECIFIC! And no tuna, mayo, bananas, etc as this will have to sit for a few hours. Thank you!
A: You won’t have a fridge to put it in?? Crackers (whole wheat) and non fat cheese.Cottage cheese with fruitCereal (healthy, like Kashi or something) you can eat it plain if you can’t keep themilk cold… Fruit does not need to be refigerated so you can eat bananas….
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