Is it bad if a dog has a tumor

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Maybe. It may mean they likely have a cancer if they are mast cell tumors-the most common tumors in dogs. They can be treated. [ Source: ]
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Is it bad if a dog has a tumor
Maybe. It may mean they likely have a cancer if they are mast cell tumors-the most common tumors in dogs. They can be treated.

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questions about dog tumors?
Q: how much does it usually cost to have a dog tumor removed? and how can u tell the difference between a fatty tumor and a bad tumor? i found a lump on my dogs chest and i wanna know what it is and if it needs to be removed and how severe it is. has anyone else had this issue before? please answer with as much detail as you possibly can. thanx
A: A few months ago, I found a lump on my Shepherd Mix’s chest and I freaked out. When we got to the vet, he told me that it’s a fatty tumor, and that it shouldn’t make any problems, but to keep an eye on it and if it got bigger then he’d operate. So far it hasn’t grown. I’ve never felt one on another dog, but hers is soft and squishy.Take your dog to the vet and see what he/she says.
my dog, a chihuahua shitzu mix (very tiny dog!), has bad diarrhea and a pink fleshy hemmroid looking thing. ??
Q: i haven’t noticed him scratching or dragging his butt or having any discomfort at any time but i had runny stool and i had to wash him and thats when i noticed that his rectum was all irritated and he has a hemmroid looking thing protruding from his rectum. i read online that if its hemmroids i can treat them as a human would treat them with cream but i also read that it could be tumors or signs of a more serious disorder. i just want to know if i need to take him in right away or if i can try to treat myself and monitor him for improvement. i would also like to compare to some pictures if possible for my own piece of mind. please help!! he’s obviously a male and has just been recently nuetered, about 1 month ago, so maybe that plays into this problem. he also is on a steady solid food diet and does not recieve table scraps very often.
A: You need to get your dog to a vet now or at least first thing in the morning. Little dogs get something called prolapsed rectum or protruding rectum. It happens when a dog strains to much to go to the bathroom with either constipation or usually diarrhea and all or part of the rectum basically turns inside out and protrudes out in a fleshy pink tumor looking thing. It is very serious and needs to be shrunk and replaced. It swells the longer it is on the outside of the body and becomes more difficult to push back in it also dries up and can be damaged if it dries up too much. ER Vets use glucose or cold sugar water to shrink them then push the rectum back inside. Pour cold sugary water over it and this will shrink it somewhat until you can get it to a vet I would keep a cold wet wad of paper towels or cloth over it as much as possible until then. I am pretty sure dogs don’t get hemmoriods, I’ve never seen a case, just prolapsed rectums. Good luck
Is table food bad for dogs?
Q: My dog has a tumor on her stomach, don’t worry we got it checked out by the vet and to make a long story short it will be removed in a few days, i just want to ask, if a dog eats table food almost everyday can the dog develop tumors? My mom thinks table food is harmless for dogs but i honestly think this caused my dogs stomach tumor. Maybe they can’t digest the (our) food… or maybe not, my vet said nothing about it, i was just wondering if you guys knew anything.
A: Without going into detail, I will just say that some table food if fine, some is not so fine, and some can be deadly is large quantities. Either way, table food did not cause your dog’s tumor.I wish her luck during and after the operation. I’m sure everything will go well. Just rest assured that feeding her table food could not have caused her tumor. It wasn’t anything you or anyone in your family did. Things like this just happen.
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